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Messages - critor

Pages: 1 ... 81 82 [83] 84 85 ... 137
News / Re: Warning about OS 3.0.1 destroying calcs
« on: May 06, 2011, 01:54:03 pm »
TI-France has finally officially mentionned the 3.0 bricking bug on FaceBook:

Here is a 2nd tutorial I've made in order to repair TI-Nspire calculators bricked by the 3.0.1 OS. (french)

The required hardware is the same, but the actions are not in the same order and a little different too.

Any standard audio plug is the same as the Casio plugs.

The problem is that you have to be very carefull when plugging it, or you'll get contact issues.

For example, the calculator does temporary freeze (cursor and keys) if it's not plugged correctly.

No, I can't see anything other than the black part being a bit thicker, but I don't understand how that would affect anything...

Maybe you should try.

Can't you just see ? . . .

Unlike Casio, TI doesn't use the standard "audio" plug.

News / Re: New Nspire OS 2.1.1
« on: May 03, 2011, 08:24:15 am »
Goplat is almost at 200 posts!  And it might contain the public keys, but nothing ever released will ever contain the private keys.

But this file is absent from every other Nspire OS, including the CAS 2.1.1 OS and the 3.0.1 OSes.

It's a windows program which has nothing to do with the Nspire hardware...

So it seems to have been included by mistake in the basic 2.1.1 OS. And thinking that it might contain the private keys is not stupid.

News / Re: Warning about OS 3.0.1 destroying calcs
« on: May 02, 2011, 06:09:20 pm »
For information, there's been a semi-official attack against TNOC by some T3 teacher on the official french TI forum.

The T3 teacher was referring to TNOC as a modified TI OS (which means he didn't check the source: the OS, which means the TI-Nspire.img file inside the pkzip archive, is unaltered during the process), and was stating that using TNOC would void your warranty, although the generated TNC/TNO file is 100% made of unaltered TI code.

Isn't it the duty of a teacher to take care of his students first?...
Because, it seems that for this T3 teacher, it's better for students to not use TNOC and install the full 3.0.1 OS, with the risk of bricking your calculator... I hardly understand the logic behind this...

He's the same teacher who stated we were responsible for bricked TI-Nspire by using modified OSes...

News / Re: New Nspire OS 2.1.1
« on: May 02, 2011, 05:51:06 pm »
Not tested, but I'm sure there is no Lua support in the 2.1.1 OS.

Everything I've tested/checked up to now is similar to the 2.1.0 OS.

Moreover, both OS sizes are allmost identic. The difference is inferior to 35 kilobytes...

News / Re: New Nspire OS 2.1.1
« on: May 02, 2011, 03:31:01 pm »
 ;D lol :hyper:

News / Re: New Nspire OS 2.1.1
« on: May 02, 2011, 02:32:21 pm »
According to my tests it *could* work.

It doesn't work for now, as the code is checking the version string, and is rebooting if it's not a supported version.
Currently, only 2 OSes are supported by Nleash: 2.1.0 and I forgot the other one... probably either 2.0.0, either 1.7.

News / Re: New Nspire OS 2.1.1
« on: May 02, 2011, 01:02:41 pm »
Wtf... a totally useless OS...

They just added some things in the PTT menu in order to be compliant with some more exams.

Don't they have more important things to work on currently?...

News / New Nspire OS 2.1.1
« on: May 02, 2011, 11:25:34 am »
TI has just released the new 2.1.1 Nspire OS.

It's very similar to the 2.1.0 OS, but Ndless isn't compatible yet (although it seems it could be ported to that OS).

It includes the 1.4 boot2 and so is no more protected that the 2.1.0 OS.
It also means that unlike the 3.0.1 OS, installing it should not brick your calculator this time.

The 3.0 boot2 does reject the 2.1.1 OS. So you can't be saved (downgrade from the buggy/faulty/dangerous/evil 3.0 OS) by installing the 2.1.1 OS.

Well quite an uninteresting OS.

I really can't understand why TI felt the urge to release that now...

All tests/infos and links on TI-Bank:

Other Calculators / [Howto] Downgrading TI-Nspire 3.0, the hard-way
« on: May 01, 2011, 09:28:56 pm »
I've been asked for information several times here.

So if you've installed the 3.0 Nspire OS with the 3.0 Boot2, here's my step by step how-to in order to remove the 3.0 Boot2 using a TTL<->USB adapter and then downgrade your OS. (in french)

You've got lots of photos, schematics, logs, captures and links.

Feel free to report any error.

If someone wants to translate/adapt in english, just ask me for the editable file through PM.

News / Re: OS 3.0.1 removed from TI website
« on: April 30, 2011, 11:51:16 am »
Yes, the 3.0 softwares files are still there but not linked from anywhere on TI's site.
The 3.0 OS files have really been removed though.

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