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Messages - critor

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Other Calculators / Re: My new useless Nspire
« on: February 16, 2011, 01:29:23 pm »
I've managed to get a 2nd similar TI-Nspire CAS prototype.

Boot1: 1.1.9170
Boot2: 1.1.9170
Diags: none
(which seems very different from the previous prototype)

OS: 1.2.2344

It was hard because of frequent time-outs (with both TI-Nspire Computer Link and TiLP softwares), but I've managed to dump the OS.

I could successfully flash it on my previous OSless prototype.

I need to dump the boot1/boot2 now...

Other Calculators / Re: My new useless Nspire
« on: February 15, 2011, 12:46:50 pm »
It's not a CAS+. Look closely at the photos in the previous posts.

It can fully communicate with commercial TI-Nspire.

Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Re: TI-30xs II programming
« on: February 13, 2011, 04:53:40 pm »
The TI-80 is not fully dumped yet (let's say 97%), but the missing bytes are very hard to get.
Anyway, it is using a 16-bits proprietary cpu from Toshiba (T6M53A).
I thought you dumped the 8000-FFFF but were missing 0000-3FFF, so that's 32kB out of 48kB or 67%. How did you get another 30%?

You're right. There is a trick that makes the TI-80 print chars representing the ROM content, starting from 0x0000.

Just try:
* create a program performing an INPUT
* launch it
* on the input prompt, type [ . ] (or anything triggering  an error)
* when shown the error menu, type [ On ]
* enjoy ^^

I'm getting the system messages that were missing in the previous dump.

Why are 3% still missing?
Some bytes values aren't printing a character...
Severall bytes values are printing the same character...

And 3% of 12Kb, is still too much to be processed by hand... :(

(Randy did all the job of converting/typing readable bytes by hand, using that trick)

Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Re: TI-30xs II programming
« on: February 13, 2011, 03:48:37 pm »
I dont think it is possible to program on this calc.
Reason 1: No [prgm] key
Reason 2: No [alpha] key
Reason 3: No catalog
Reason 4: MathPrint (XD)

Hence he wants to hardware hack it......
Programming is always impossible when there's MathPrint :P


What is MathPrint?

PrettyPrint made by TI.

Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Re: TI-30xs II programming
« on: February 13, 2011, 03:42:41 pm »
I dont think it is possible to program on this calc.
Reason 1: No [prgm] key
Reason 2: No [alpha] key
Reason 3: No catalog
Reason 4: MathPrint (XD)

Hence he wants to hardware hack it......
Programming is always impossible when there's MathPrint :P


Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Re: TI-30xs II programming
« on: February 13, 2011, 01:50:46 pm »
Those calcs seem very limited. They probably have only th ebare minimum to support mathprint.

With 128Kb of ROM (like the TI-82 or TI-85), with a 4-bits CPU (like the HP-48), and with a dot-matrix LCD like all graphic calculators, I don't think those calcs are limited.

They have a very interesting hardware.
The CPU has 64 registers.
You've got 4Kb of DataRAM, 1Kb of WorkRAM and 2Kb of DisplayRAM.

The RAM might be small, but just think to what has been achieved with the TI-81...

nDoom / Re: nDOOM - Work in progress
« on: February 12, 2011, 10:17:19 pm »
In the last post page 9 I click the attachment and it says it wasn't found could you re-upload it?

Get it from TI-Bank:

(I do confirm it's the latest upload - just rename the file)

Ndless / Re: Ndless 2.0 for TI-Nspire Clickpad/Touchpad
« on: February 10, 2011, 01:27:34 pm »
OS 2.1 on my calc (I can revert back to 2.0 and 1.7 if I really have to via nleash)
Nleash is not required to downgrade from to 1.7.2741 or :)
It's however necessary to use Nleash for reverting from to 1.1.*-1.6.*.

In fact, Nleash is required to downgrade to 1.7.2741 if you have a TouchPad keypad.
If the TouchPad keypad is detected, OSes 2.x set the minimal OS version to 2.0.

But anyway, someone having only a TouchPad keypad should not downgrade to 1.7...

I have the non CAS nSpire touch with non cas touch and clickpads. OS 1.7 does work on a non CAS touch, but Ndless1.7 won't work with the touchpad model of the nspire even with a clickpad in it

Ndless 1.7 does work very well on the basic Nspire TouchPad with the ClickPad keypad.
I've made comprehensive tests and published news about this.

What do you mean by "does not work" ?
I'm sorry but you must have done something wrong.

I may have needed to take more drastic measures (calc format) to remove ndless 1.1 before upgrading to OS & ndless 1.7. I am currently not at a pc, slowly posting from a mobile phone. My non-CAS nspire touch can only charge my phone ;) I can't give ndless/OS 1.7 another go atm. I will be able to continue on a computer in around 1/2 hour when I can attempt ndless 1.7 and/or try 2.0
When I installed ndless 1.7 it got done loading, displayed random pixels in a few horizontal lines about 10-20 pixels wide each, then only seemed to be done... ran the demo and it said 'not compatible with demo.tns'. I deleted everything related to ndless from my calc and tried again. Same results.

Something went bad with Ndless installation.

Some hints which come to my mind:

- unplug the USB cable before launching "ndless_installer"

- put "ndless_installer" and "ndless_resources" in a folder whose name only includes alphabetical or numerical characters (no dot for example)

- the "demo" files for Ndless 1.7 and Ndless 1.1 are different... running the demo from Ndless 1.1 under Ndless 1.7 won't work

Hope it helps.

I have the non CAS nSpire touch with non cas touch and clickpads. OS 1.7 does work on a non CAS touch, but Ndless1.7 won't work with the touchpad model of the nspire even with a clickpad in it

Ndless 1.7 does work very well on the basic Nspire TouchPad with the ClickPad keypad.
I've made comprehensive tests and published news about this.

What do you mean by "does not work" ?
I'm sorry but you must have done something wrong.

Ndless / Re: Ndless 2.0 for TI-Nspire Clickpad/Touchpad
« on: February 10, 2011, 07:27:51 am »
I haven't touched a single line of code since then, but I'm keeping track of your bug reports and suggestions, hopefully I'll try to integrate them soon.

What have you decided about the arrow and number keys?

I think mapping arrow keys to number keys at the Ndless level (which has been introduced in the last builds if I've understood well) is a bad idea.

I can understand this "hack" has been introduced to make old Ndless 1.7 games work without modifying the source...
But let's look at the future and not at the past: there are many reasons a program would like to test for number keys (numerical input, menu choice...).

I think it's up to the program itself to test for number keys and to decide to handle them either as numbers either as arrows.

TI-Nspire / Re: nTris - Tetris for nSpire -
« on: February 10, 2011, 07:18:14 am »
Could you also test for arrow keys?

Using number keys is unpleasant on ClickPad keypads, because you have the higher alphabetical keys between them.

If you have a TI-Nspire CAS TouchPad, you should get Ndless for the OS 1.3/1.4, which will work.

If you have a basic TI-Nspire TouchPad, you can make OS 1.7 work with a clickpad keypad.

If you have a TI-Nspire CAS TouchPad, you need Ndless 1.3/1.4 with the OS 1.3/1.4.
You can get the OS 1.4 from TI-Bank:

If you have a basic TI-Nspire TouchPad, you need a clickpad keypad to make OS 1.7 work.

Other Calculators / Re: My new useless Nspire
« on: February 09, 2011, 03:44:56 pm »
Well... except bricking the calculator, I cannot do anything without a 1.1 developer OS.
(1.0 OSes are using different TNC formats and usb protocols...)

Good news! TI-France warned about potential prototypes on Ebay on their Facebook page. They recommend to not buy them (although unfortunately sometimes you can't get any proof that it's not one). They also state they cannot be upgraded. At least they did something good, for once, I guess. :P

A week after TI-Bank! :P
And TI-Bank's infos about how to identify a prototype are more accurate, including pictures too (the "prototype not for sale" label which TI-France mentions sometimes comes on a sticker... you just have to remove it :P ... and we got the proof not all prototypes were labelled as "CAS+"...)

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