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Other Calculators / Re: Turn on the light on the Nspire
« on: January 01, 2011, 06:41:45 am »
Cool! Could you change the keys, however, so that they are 1 2 3 or something like that, so it is easier to type than RGY. (Or even make it respond to both sets)

Yeah, good idea.
Will be easier to type while not looking at the keyboard.

News / Re: Ndless 1.3, 1.4 & updates on nspire_emu
« on: December 31, 2010, 05:59:27 pm »
Oh, they're on TI-BANK too? I should maybe put links to the download pages in the post above. Probably after dinner if I don't forget.

Ndless 1.3 ->
Ndless 1.4 ->

Other Calculators / Re: Let's overclock Nspire to x2 or x4
« on: December 31, 2010, 12:24:23 pm »
So why are we getting the problem now? Bwang's raycaster already OCed the nspire, and nothing odd happened.

The problem is with the OS.
Bwang's raycaster was cancelling the overclock when returning to the OS.

Other Calculators / Re: Turn on the light on the Nspire
« on: December 30, 2010, 01:18:10 pm »
Just made a big (french) news about Norse and the Nspire LED.

You may reuse all images and videos if you ever mention Norse in a news.

Other Calculators / Re: Turn on the light on the Nspire
« on: December 30, 2010, 06:55:42 am »
Nice. Unfortunately I couldn't decode it since I am not great at that type of stuff (puzzles, riddles, rhythm stuff, etc) x.x.

You don't have to "think" to decode: just launch Norse, select the decoder in  the menu, and type the colors you see.

Other Calculators / Re: Turn on the light on the Nspire
« on: December 29, 2010, 04:03:48 pm »
Norse has been queued on .

Can you give me any reference about the that would have to be soldered on TI-Nspire CAS ClickPads (white & grey) ?

The LED doesn't have 2 contacts but 3 contacts, as is it something like a double-LED: it can be turned on either in green, either in red.
Turning on both colors is giving a yellow color.

Other Calculators / Re: Let's overclock Nspire to x2 or x4
« on: December 29, 2010, 11:14:32 am »
At 300 MHz, GBA emulation would be no sweat.  This is awesome.

If you want to overclock further and still being able to read the screen without catching a headache, we should fine some way to fix the OS idle loop problem.

The problem is not specific to the 1.7 OS.
I've just tried with non-CAS OSes 1.3 and 2.0.1 -> same problem with any base frequency different than 180MHz.

Definately, the screen seems to be one of the most annoying things on the TI-Nspire...

By the way, Nover has just been queued on
But you'll still be able to download it there:

Other Calculators / Re: Let's overclock Nspire to x2 or x4
« on: December 28, 2010, 10:54:08 pm »
Thank you calc84maniac for all your comprehensive & interesting advices.
You've been mentionned in the readme.

Nover: the 1st TI-Nspire overclocking program!
Make your 1.1-2.0 OS as fast as the 2.1 OS, and even faster if you dare! :P

Have fun.
Please report any problem/error.

Other Calculators / Re: Let's overclock Nspire to x2 or x4
« on: December 28, 2010, 10:33:35 pm »
Thank you apcalc! :)

Just found a very strange thing with the screen oscillations problem.

It's becoming much worse when:
- the calculator is connected to a computer through USB
- a mini USB A plug is plugged into the calculator, even if the cable is not connected to anything else.

The screen is still oscillating (doesn't seem to be faster or slower), but is totally unreadable.
You cannot see the text oscillating...
It's not blank either... it's as if it was oscillating garbage...

Anyway, I hope all users are going to be happy with the "x2" official overclocking, and that advanced users will find a way beyond, without oscillations...
I have not tried all base frequencies values yet.
You might find a magic value...

Other Calculators / Re: Let's overclock Nspire to x2 or x4
« on: December 28, 2010, 09:48:34 pm »
English readme is completed.

I'm translating into french now.

Should release on TI-Bank before you go to bed :p

Code: [Select]
| Nover 1.0 |
by X. Andréani

1) Introduction:

Nover is a program to downclock / overclock your TI-Nspire.
In theory, it can make it 4 times faster.
But you'll only be able to make it 2 times faster without any problems.

TI has overclocked the Nspire and made it 2 times faster with the 2.1 OS.
But unlike OS 2.1:
* Nover doesn't reduce dramatically your available free space (only 10Kb for Nover,
13-15Mb for the 2.1 OS -> free space is decreased by 1.5Mb when upgrading 2.0 -> 2.1).
* Nover doesn't install a downgrade protection
* Nover lets you use the overclock from OS 2.1 on previous OSes.

If you allready have OS 2.1, you can try to overclock more,
but you should only try if you are familiar with ocerclocking.

2) Hardware required:

Any TI-Nspire calculator.

3) OS required:

Any OS supported by a Ndless 1.7 compatible kernel.

As of this date:
- 1.3.2438 (non-CAS) [Ndless 1.3]
- 1.3.2437 (CAS) [Ndless 1.3]
- 1.4.11653 (non-CAS) [Ndless 1.4]
- 1.4.11643 (CAS) [Ndless 1.4]
- 1.7.2741 (CAS & non-CAS) [Ndless 1.7 & Ndless 2.0]
- (CAS & non-CAS) [Ndless 2.0]

4) Software required:

Nover has been built for the Ndless 1.7 kernel.
You need Ndless 1.7, or a Ndless 1.7 compatible kernel.

As of this date, you'll need:
- Ndless 1.3 for OSes 1.3.2438  & 1.3.2437
- Ndless 1.4 for OSes 1.4.11653 & 1.4.11643
- Ndless 1.7 for OS   1.7.2741
- Ndless 2.0 for OSes 1.7.2741  & (still in development)

5) Usage & keys:

   a) If you're not familiar with overclocking:

Press the [*] [Enter] to set the config from OS 2.1 (2 times faster).
Press the [/] [Enter] to go back to the original config from OSes 1.1-2.0.

   b) If you are familiar with overclocking:

Nover lets you play with 3 parameters:

* Base frequency: 27MHz or 114MHz-300MHz (by steps of 6)
  default is 180MHz in all OSes

* Base/CPU ratio: x2-x254 (by steps of 2)
  default is x2 in all OSes (x0 can be set but seems to be the ame as x2)

* CPU/AHB ratio: x1-x8
  default was x6 in OSes 1.x & 2.0, and is now x1 in OS 2.1

Press [1], [2] or [3] to choose the parameter to modify.
Press [+] or [-] to increase or decrease it.
Press [Enter] to set your changes.

Base/CPU ratio can be set to x0, but it seems to be exactly the same as x2.
So this parameter cannot be improved.

Base frequency seems to be causing problems with the LCD refreshing,
when set to any value different than 180MHz.
The screen is quickly oscillating horizontally, and less often vertically.
It only happens after exiting Nover.
Running any "long" calculation or any Ndless program is temporarilly
stopping the oscillations.
So the problem seems to come from the OS idle loop, and might be hard to fix...

What a pity! 300MHz makes your calculator 4 times faster... :(

6) In case of difficulty:

Your screen is oscillating or filled with garbage?

Restart Nover (if possible & necessary).
Then set one of the 2 official configurations:
- Press [*] [Enter] (x2 config used in OS 2.1)
- Press[/] [Enter] (x1 original config used in OSes 1.1-2.0)

If you cannot make this work, remove a battery for some seconds.
The Nspire should restart normally.

7) Problems/bugs:

* Screen oscillations when base frequency is different than 180MHz (see 5.b)
Problem seems to be related to the OS.

8) Overclocking or not overclocking:

Although I've made by best, overclocking can be a dangerous thing as it makes
the hardware work in a non official way.
There is a possibility than some parameters values (or repetitive uses of those):
* do erase some of your data permanently
* do make your calculator unstable permanently
* do shorten your calculator life
* do damage the screen permanently
* do damage your calculator permanently
* and many other frightening permanent things

The fact that TI is using overclocking in the 2.1 OS should prove the (2x)
overclocking option is safe, but we can never be sure.

Overclocking your calculator with other parameters values than the one of the 2.1 OS
may cancel your warranty (if TI has a way to check this).

I am not responsible for what you are doing and if your calculator is damaged permanently.
Be sure to know what you are doing, or to ask for help/advices on TI calculator forums.

9) Licence:

GPLv2. Source code is included.
You may modify the source code according to the included licence.

10) Release history:

28.12.2010: 1.0 - initial public release

11) Thanks to:
The TI-Bank community for their encouragements. ( )
The Omnimaga community for their encouragements.  ( )
ExtendeD for Ndless 1.7/2.0.
Bsl for Ndless 1.3/1.4.
Calc84maniac for his analysis of the oscillating screen problem.

12) Contact:

Xavier Andréani
[email protected]

Other Calculators / Re: Let's overclock Nspire to x2 or x4
« on: December 28, 2010, 08:22:56 pm »
Default Base/CPU ratio is set to 2 and it seems it cannot be decreased.

So the CPU working frequency is half of the base frequency.

For exemple, your Nspire cpu is currently running at 90MHz, because your base frequency is 180MHz.

Other Calculators / Let's overclock Nspire to x2 or x4
« on: December 28, 2010, 07:48:22 pm »
Nover is an overclocking Ndless program for the TI-Nspire.

The overclock persists after turning the calculator on/off.
It is cancelled by a reset.

If you know what you are doing, there shouldn't be any problem.
TI has overclocked the Nspire with the 2.1 OS: calculations are around 2 times faster.

Nover lets you play with 3 parameters:
* Base frequency: 27MHz or 114MHz-300MHz (by steps of 6) - default is 180MHz in all OSes
* Base/CPU ratio: x2-x254 (by steps of 2) - default is x2 in all OSes (x0 can be set but seems to be the ame as x2)
* CPU/AHB ratio: x1-x8 - default was x6 in OSes 1.x & 2.0, and is now x1 in OS 2.1

Base/CPU ratio cannot be improved (but you can make your calculator 127 times slower if you want :p ).

Setting CPU/AHB ratio to x1 made my calculator around 2 times faster with time-consuming mathematical sequences calculations.

Base frequency is a problem.
I could increase it to 300MHz (with the original Base/CPU=2 and CPU/AHB=6, which means 150MHz for the CPU) without crashing the calculator.

But there is a problem with the screen which is quickly oscillating horizontally, and less often vertically.
(seems to be similar with some Ndless 2.0 bugs)

The screen is readable, so I could make the test: calculator is around 4 times faster!!!!!
Would be great if we could stabilize the display.

Strangely, the screens stops oscillating when you launch an Ndless program, and resumes oscillating when you quit it.

So the good news, is that it doesn't seem to be hardware problem.
It seems to be a problem either with Ndless, either with the OS.

In fact, any base frequency different than 180MHz  is causing the problem (even 186MHz and even frequencies lower than 180MHz).

Maybe that 180MHz frequency is used somewhere hard-coded by the OS...
Maybe there is a screen refresh rate that should be changed somewhere...

Going to release the program with the sources.
You'll have full control of the 3 parameters, and also shortcuts to set the 2.1 OS overclock, or to set the original overclock. (which should work even if the screen is unreadable)

If it doesn't work: just remove the batteries to force a reset.

The program is  in a releasable state.
I'm working on the ReadMe. (saying that it's not my fault if anything happen... just use the official 2.1 overclock, and nothing bad should happen)

Nover is only 10Kb large. OS 2.1 reduces your available space by more than 1Mb.
The choice seems simple to me! :P

Other Calculators / Re: Turn on the light on the Nspire
« on: December 28, 2010, 02:34:28 pm »
Here's the message decoding for the example above.

You just need some training for the decoding, in order to be able to type the R/G/Y/space keys while looking at the other calculator and not at your own keypad.
(it's possible: just as you are using a qwerty keybord without having to look at it)

Once this training is done, you can fully chat in Norse and exchange complex messages.

Norse 1.0, the 1st Nspire wireless chatting program:

Other Calculators / Re: Turn on the light on the Nspire
« on: December 27, 2010, 08:59:51 pm »
Norse has just been released.

French & english readme files are included.
Source code is included too.

Have fun.
Please report any unlisted problem/error.

I'm returning to mViewer development.

Just train yourself decoding this to test, if you don't have a remote Nspire:

(a little faster than the true hardware, sorry about that... although it's a good training :p )

Other Calculators / Re: Turn on the light on the Nspire
« on: December 27, 2010, 06:35:00 pm »
Test with Ndless 2.0 on OS 2.0.1:
The LED can still be unlocked by entering & exiting PTT.

Here's the english readme.
Going to work on the french readme now.

Feel free to tell me about any problem/error.

| Norse 1.0 |
by X. Andréani (link not active yet)

1) Introduction:
A program to send and receive messages using the TI-Nspire LED.
Just type your message and it will be encoded into reg/green/yellow light signals.
The recipient just has to type the colors he/she sees and the message is decoded.

2) Hardware required:

* TI-Nspire (blue)
* TI-Nspire TouchPad (black & white)
* TI-Nspire CAS TouchPad (black)

The TI-Nspire CAS (grey) does not have the LED.
The program will run but nothing will be turned on.
Although, the TI-Nspire CAS has the LED circuit.
Just the LED is missing: you just have to solder one.

3) OS required:

Any OS supported by a Ndless 1.7 compatible kernel.

As of this date:
- 1.3.2438    (non-CAS)   [Ndless 1.3]
- 1.3.2437   (CAS)      [Ndless 1.3]
- 1.4.11653   (non-CAS)   [Ndless 1.4]
- 1.4.11643   (CAS)      [Ndless 1.4]
- 1.7.2741    (CAS & non-CAS)   [Ndless 1.7 & Ndless 2.0]
-    (CAS & non-CAS)   [Ndless 2.0]

4) Software required:

Norse has been built for the Ndless 1.7 kernel.
You need Ndless 1.7, or a Ndless 1.7 compatible kernel.

As of this date, you'll need:
- Ndless 1.3 for OSes 1.3.2438  & 1.3.2437
- Ndless 1.4 for OSes 1.4.11653 & 1.4.11643
- Ndless 1.7 for OS   1.7.2741
- Ndless 2.0 for OSes 1.7.2741  & (still in development)

5) Security:

In TI's Press-to-Test documentation, you can read:
<<The flashing LED is hardware-secure
and cannot be impacted by coded software>>

Seems the 2nd part of this sentence is a lie.
(TI's documentations have never been very
realiable for technical informations)

But the 1st part is partially true.
I don't know if it is hardware though, but there is
some kind of security on OSes 1.4 and newer.

On OSes 1.4 and newer, the LED is locked:
the writing to its memory I/O port is ignored.
So whatever you do with the program,
the LED state will remained unchanged.

On OSes 1.1 & 1.3, the LED is unlocked.
The program should work on the 1st try without any problem.
I assume the LED is unlocked in all OSes 1.1-1.3.

6) LED unlocking for OSes 1.4 and newer:

On OSes 1.4 and newer it is possible to temporarily unlock the LED.

You just have to enable and disable Press-to-Test mode.
After disabling Press-to-Test mode,
the LED will be unlocked... untill the next reboot.

To enable PTT:
- turn off your calculator
- hold [Esc] and [Home] while turning the calculator on.
- a dialog box should be triggered: just validate with [Enter]
The calculator is now rebooting in PTT mode.

To disable PTT, you'll need one of the following:
* another TI-Nspire
* a computer
Just connect your calculator and choose the "Exit Press-to-Test"
option in the Tools menu ([Ctrl] [Home] with a ClickPad keypad).
The calculator is now rebooting in standard mode.
And the LED will remain unlocked after the reboot.

Note: This "bug" has only been tested only on OSes 1.4, 1.7 and 2.0.1.
I assume it is working with all OSes 1.4-2.1.
Now that it is public, TI may fix it in the next OS releases.

7) Main menu

"Messages editor":
Lets you type a complete message and then send it,
and resend it if necessary.
The sending progress is shown on screen.

Each character you're typing is sent immediatly.
Usefull for short answers to yes/no questions or MCQ.

"Messages decoder":
Just type the colors seen on the remote calculator
and the message will appear on screen.

"Codes table"
Display the current encoding/decoding table with
all supported characters.

"Test LED"
Lets you test if the LED is locked.
Lets you test the 3 LED colors: red, green, yellow.

8) Norse code:

The current version uses Norse code 1.0.

A character is coded by 1-3 color signals.

For each color signal, the DEL is turned on for 300ms.
Between color signals for the same character, the LED is turned off for 100ms.
Between words, the LED is turned off for 1000ms.

Character   |   Color signals
space      |   aucun
-      |   YGY
.      |   YYR
0      |   GGG
1      |   GGY
2      |   GYR
3      |   GYG
4      |   GYY
5      |   YRR
6      |   YRG
7      |   YRY
8      |   YGR
9      |   YGG
A      |   Y
B      |   RGY
C      |   YY
D      |   YG
E      |   R
F      |   RGG
G      |   RYR
H      |   RYG
I      |   RR
J      |   RYY
K      |   GY
L      |   RRG
M      |   RY
N      |   YR
O      |   RRR
P      |   RGR
Q      |   GR
R      |   G
S      |   RG
T      |   GG
U      |   RRY
V      |   GGR
W      |   GRR
X      |   GRG
Y      |   GRY
Z      |   YYG

9) Cheating or not cheating:

Norse has not been designed to cheat by exchanging informations during exams.
Remember cheating during exams is illegal.

Norse has been designed:

- to prove that it is possible to exchange complex
messages wirelessly with the Nspire LED

- to interest young people with encoding/decoding messages,
which is a very interesting branch of the mathematics

- to prove that TI's documentation is lying

- to prove that TI is very stupid
(the LED they added especially for the exams "could" be used to cheat during those same exams...)

- to help teachers designing new kind of activities for their students:
in typewriter mode, the LED can be used to quickly answer Yes/No questions or MCQs.

* it is very hard to find OSes 1.3 and older online
* the latest TI 2.x OSes are forbidding downgrades to the oldest 1.x OSes
* according to TI, there is no way for you to exit PTT mode during
an exam as you shouldn't be able to connect your calculator to another
calculator or a computer during an exam.

10) Licence:

GPLv2. Source code is included.
You may modify the source code according to the included
licence, but I'm just asking one more thing:

- If you do change something with the encoder/decoder, please keep
decoding compatibility with messages encoded with this version.
- If you do not keep this compatibility, please do not pretend to
use "Norse" code any more.

11) Known problems/bugs:

* Random reboots while (or after) using the program
when the LED is locked. It may not be a bug in the program...
It might be a Ndless 1.7 bug, or another protection from TI.

12) Release history:

27.12.2010:   1.0 - initial public release

13) Thanks to:
The TI-Bank community for their encouragements.    ( )
The Omnimaga community for their encouragements and tests.  ( )
ExtendeD for Ndless 1.7/2.0.
Bsl for Ndless 1.3/1.4.

14) Contact:

Xavier Andréani
[email protected]

Pages: 1 ... 112 113 [114] 115 116 ... 137