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Messages - critor

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Other Calculators / Re: mViewer - Nspire BMP viewer
« on: December 12, 2010, 10:37:28 pm »
I went to google and searched for "locat."  It was a jpeg, so I used Paint.NET to convert it to a .bmp.

I've found the difference.
The data size is supposed to be stored at offset 0x22h.

On my GIMP file this is ok.
On your file, the size is set to 0.

But it's not a problem beacause your BMP is not compressed: data size can be calculated easly.

I'm recompiling...

Other Calculators / Re: mViewer - Nspire BMP viewer
« on: December 12, 2010, 10:27:51 pm »
Bad display.  I got the sample one to work, though.
I also threw a large resolution one on it to no avail.  (Reboot)

Thank you SirCmpwn for testing so quickly.

I've downloaded your attached file.
The display is bad.
I've tried to open the file with TheGIMP and just saved it again without changing anything.

The file size is exactly the same.
A hexadecimal editor is showing a little difference in the header.
(the image data is identic)

And the GIMP file is displayed properly.

I'm going to check that.
(could have been worse than some bytes in the header)

Did you download the file?
Did you generate it yourself? In this case, what software did you use?

Thank you very much!

Other Calculators / Re: mViewer - Nspire BMP viewer
« on: December 12, 2010, 10:15:41 pm »
First one I tried doesn't work.

Does the included example work?
(if not, there is some problem)

What did you get?
* bad display?
* error message?
* reboot?

I have generated more than a dozen different BMP formats  with Paint and The GIMP.
I had no problem with them.

Other Calculators / Re: mViewer - Nspire BMP viewer
« on: December 12, 2010, 10:08:39 pm »
It's online.

Please, if you manage to find/generate a BMP file which is not displayed correctly, please send it to me without altering it (converting to GIF/JPEG to host the file online would be totally useless...).
Thank you very much.

Other Calculators / Re: mViewer - Nspire BMP viewer
« on: December 12, 2010, 09:57:42 pm »
No d/l link.

Wait a minute. I'm currently uploading the archive.

Other Calculators / mViewer - Nspire BMP viewer
« on: December 12, 2010, 09:53:27 pm »
mViewer is my BMP viewer for Ndless 1.7.

The code is based on the demo b JayTe that was published on TI-Bank for Goplat's emulator allmost a year ago.
It also includes some come from Levak (zoom).

Of course nothing very impressing... you allready have such a tool in another topic.

But if I tell you that:

* you can browse the whole filesystem (you can put the reader and the bitmaps in different folders)

* you can scroll while viewing the image (yes, you're not limited to the screen dimensions any more)

* you can zoom in/out on the image (keys: * / )

* you can set the constrat while viewing the image (keys: + -)

* you can open any BMP file:
- included support for 1/2/4/8/16/24/32 bits images
- included support of RGB/RGBA/RGBAX encoding (yes, 'Alpha' is supported - 'X' is ignored)
- included support for BITFIELD mode (specified RGBAX)
- included support for raw or RLE-compressed data

What do you say ?

Other Calculators / Re: TI-83+ overclocking
« on: December 10, 2010, 12:57:17 pm »
If I were you I would be careful with this.

The topic is not about if it is "good" or "bad" to overclock.

I think it's much worse to have those outdated informations about TI-83+ overclocking on the web.
Anybody trying to use them to overclock a TI-83+ manufactured since 2002, is certainly going to kill its calculator.

We should provide the best overclocking informations to the readers, so that they can decide on their own, and then perform the overclock if they want to but in the safest way.

Hiding or not updating informations is just what TI is doing to forbid us to do some things...

Thanks you for reading.

Edit: did you notice it was a fake TIcalc news ? . . .

Other Calculators / TI-83+ overclocking
« on: December 10, 2010, 12:33:33 pm »
Many pages about the TI-83+ overclocking mention to replace the C11 capacitor.

But what is rarely stated, is that it is only for very old TI-83+ with the "TI-83(F)" or "9TA837MB-30B" PCB.
The ASIC used is the TI REF 9815455.
Known hardware revisions: A, D.
Date: 1999-2001.

But since then, the TI-83+ PCB has completly changed.

There are:

* The "TI-83(A)", "9TA83ASMB-31G" or "TG0837CRMB-2422" PCB.
The ASIC used is the Inventec 6SI837
Hardware revisions: C, D, E.
Date: 2002-2004.

The ASIC and hardware revisions are unknown.
Date: 2007.

* The "TG73-83MB-2430" or "TG73-83MB-2432" PCB.
The ASIC used is the TI-REF TI-738X (220C080FG102)
Hardware revisions: K, L
Date: 2007-2008

Does anybody know if the capacitor was ever found for the recent TI-83+ PCB ?
It's quite hard to find the informations on Google... Most of the returned URL are about the basic TI-83 overclocking...

This information could be usefull for the TI-73, and too, as they are sharing the same ASIC.

Other Calculators / Re: Let's draw on the TI-Nspire!
« on: December 06, 2010, 08:19:47 pm »
Look at the TI-Nspire on this picture from TI english FB page:

Don't you find it strange that the TI-Nspire screens are very similar with the one above?
(with the menu and tabs being displayed on top of the image... and we're on the graph screen too as the equations are displayed below the image...)

If they just "mapped" an image, why would they need to add the graphic view equations?

Could it be that TI has allready developped a tool based on a similar method, but of course is going to keep it for its own screenshot-uses and will never release it?...

Other Calculators / Re: Let's draw on the TI-Nspire!
« on: December 06, 2010, 08:10:25 pm »
ooh! does it do animated gif's? ;D if so I'd put starcraft.swf on there (converted ofc)  >:D

The current method doesn't allow animation. It might be possible to add animation support without Ndless through cursors, but this is going to be very complicated.

Anyway, GIF files (even with a single plane) aren't supported yet to my knowledge.
Only BMP, JPEG, and PNG files for now (PNG support is in development).

By the way, I've just posted the TI-Bank news:

Other Calculators / Re: Let's draw on the TI-Nspire!
« on: December 06, 2010, 07:29:33 pm »
Wow this is great!

I'm going to post a news about it in some minutes on TI-Bank.
You may post a news too if you think this tool deserves it.
You may even use my photo if you want.

Other Calculators / Re: Let's draw on the TI-Nspire!
« on: December 06, 2010, 07:07:58 pm »
Awesome image Critor! :D

@Graphmastur it might be due to the camera or lightning.

You're right DJ.

Excale from the TI-Bank team has developped an online tool. It takes an image file and generates a valid TNS document with the image printed on the graph view (through statistics).

The image is automatically scaled to 319x213 and converted to B&W by the online tool (but you'll get the best results if you do it yourself of course).

For now, the 1st time you open the TNS, you'll have to set the window. But once saved, it won't be necessary any more.

And of course, you may add new tabs to the Nspire document. So now you can have images in Nspire documents.

Have fun:

And feel free to tell us what can be improved! :)

Other Calculators / Let's draw on the TI-Nspire!
« on: December 06, 2010, 06:56:51 pm »
Drawing on the TI-Nspire screen without using Ndless...
And if it was possible?...

What do you think of this:

Ndless / Re: Ndless 1.7 for TI-Nspire
« on: December 06, 2010, 08:09:48 am »
You could still do things like overclock the processor too high or use bluescale too long.

Through accessing the filesystem ? . . .

Ndless / Re: Ndless 1.7 for TI-Nspire
« on: December 05, 2010, 03:53:04 pm »
I see, thanks for the info. I assume there are things we must NOT modify, though, that could harm the calculator permanently if we do, right?

Probably not permanently, as the boot2 is not accessible through the file system.
So in the worst case, you'll still have the maintenance menu.

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