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Messages - Munchor

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TI Z80 / Re: Dual Falldown by yunhua98
« on: December 08, 2010, 12:00:51 pm »
Nice game! Is there a list of shortcut keys of WabbitEmu?

Also, losing the game everytime isn't fun for me, it's cool to lose the game when we're not expecting it and in very "wow, not expecting this" situations. :D That's just my brain thinking.

Web Programming and Design / Re: Simple Server Needed
« on: December 08, 2010, 11:58:34 am »
That last code works on my own server, which runs on PHP 4.3.0
Unless your host as safemode enabled, which blocks external connections.
Consider looking for another host? (I believe works fine)

I am using 000webhost with PHP allowed (I have PHP stuff in my website), maybe an outdated version. Need to check that

Art / Re: 64xXX Humanoid Sprite
« on: December 08, 2010, 11:56:23 am »
I still use them from time to time when I post a large image that ends up too large in PNG format but looks terrible in GIF format. For pixel art it's not recommended, though, because of the lossy compression.
Yeah, that picture is almost like 52353462 levels of gray now... :P

Yes, .jpg addes images 999999*10^9 grayscale levels

KnightOS / Re: KnightOS
« on: December 08, 2010, 11:55:41 am »
There's something else I wonder about when it comes to noob-friendliness - how simple will it be to find/access the calculation mode? One thing that made the TI-OS good for those who are completely new to calcs was that the homescreen shows up immediately after starting, making the basic math (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and such) very simple to use.

I think we already talked about an option that allows the math mode as homescreen :)

However, that is an important matter, girls in my class hate the NSpire because of that:

"How can I make a calculus? Omg, it doesn't work what am I gonna do!!! nooo!!! David!! Please help!!"

News / Re: Omnimaga helps quadratic solver development
« on: December 08, 2010, 11:23:20 am »
Hah, yeah.
What would also be awesome if instead of giving the result, the program sometimes rickrolls you instead.

A simple random function could do that. Oh my god, let's do it.

News / Re: Omnimaga helps quadratic solver development
« on: December 08, 2010, 11:06:47 am »
Oh!  User input could be the tunnel game!  To set the first number (a) I would need in the first section to fly around trying to collect the exact number of coins (so if a = 5, I would need to collect exactly 5 coins). To set b, I could do triangles, and c could be squares...  And a black circle will subtract everything by negative two...

Hum, I'd like it to be:

After each level you input one number, after the big final race you get a result. That result may be true or false, so to check if it is true or false you need to do a super hard level again.

After the super hard level it only tells you true or false, so if it is false, you need to do it all again until it is true.

It would be fun if the result was true but it always said it was false

Gaming Discussion / Re: Scriblenauts
« on: December 08, 2010, 11:05:03 am »
Well, for the objects, you could have a set of about 8 characteristics or so, like...

Flammable?  0 means no, 1 means I set other things on fire, 2 means explosive, 3-15 is on fire combined with how long it has before it dies.
Scary?  0 scares nothing, 1 scares animals, 2 scares humans, 3 scares humans and animals
Attack? 0 means it cannot harm, 1 though 15 describes how powerful it is...
Harm? 0 means it'll die almost instantly, 1-15 describes how long it'll last, and 15 is immortal (unless they explode, or something)
Magnetic? 0 means repel everything, 1 repels metal, 2, nothing, 3 attracts metal, 4 attracts everything...

Then when every object is referenced, just run them through each other.
Coding unique objects, like time machines and such would be tricky, but not too much, I think.

That's a good way of turning things round (that's what programming is about, afterall).

The platformer part would be relatively easy for someone with Gaming Physics knowledge.

Well, the way we mention it, it looks really easy, but I still think not. However, I now see a way of doing it.

News / Re: Omnimaga helps quadratic solver development
« on: December 08, 2010, 10:49:10 am »
Hmm... I should make a quadratic solver in Axe that get more accurate when you mash the buttons while it's crunching the numbers...
I should also try incorporating a tunnel game somehow too...

What about a game tunnel that's also a quadratic solver?

Gaming Discussion / Re: Scriblenauts
« on: December 08, 2010, 10:48:42 am »
It's hard, espacially for newbies, but not impossible.
There will be more limited number of objects, though.
The most important thing by importing this game is making an effiecient and flexible object system.

I also love this game. :)
Do you think about porting it to TI? Then good luck.

No, I don't think to port it, maybe one day, but the chances that I ever try are tremendously limited.

Michael_Lee, a dictionary would be easy, setting a sprite to a word (time-consuming, but easy), the relations between objects would be hard, I think.

Gaming Discussion / Re: Scriblenauts
« on: December 08, 2010, 10:41:10 am »
After owning and playing both Scribblenauts and Super Scribblenauts, I can probably say that any port of Scribblenauts would take up a huge bank of memory just for the dictionary.  If one were to remove a bunch of usually unused words, and simplified the interaction between objects so that all objects could be described by a small set of characteristics, it might just be barely possible.  Maybe.

And you're not a newbie  :)

First of all, thanks.

Secondly, another ScriblleNauts player? yay

Finally, yeah the dictionary would have to be huge, but let's say even if it were to be 100words it would be hard.

Gaming Discussion / Scriblenauts
« on: December 08, 2010, 10:32:11 am »
Hello, one of the best games I've ever played is ScribbleNauts:

Yes, you can rickroll people in this game.

So, how hard do you think it would be to make a Calculator Port of this?

My opinion as a newbie is 0% chances.
However, I'd like you hear yours :D

Art / Re: My Sprites - II
« on: December 08, 2010, 10:27:09 am »
Aah I see ^^. I know the second one was an hand but not the first. I wonder if you could maybe make the bottom of the guitar larger? It might look more proportional to the hand size.

The hand is not supposed to play it, it's just a rock symbol.

However, yes I agree this sprite totally *****. Can I say this word in the forums, by the way?

BatLib / Re: SpriteLib
« on: December 08, 2010, 10:25:42 am »
A TI Basic library as an Application is way better than as a .8xp file for me.

But, if I may ask again: will you release it?

News / Re: Omnimaga helps quadratic solver development
« on: December 08, 2010, 10:24:36 am »
isn't this an april fool's joke?????!!!

Looks like it is. But who knows??

Art / Sprite Conversation Game
« on: December 08, 2010, 10:11:02 am »
This is a game, it could be on randomness but I think it suits better here.

I will post a sprite and you have to answer with another sprite (any size, colors, grayscale, whatever), that you make.

You can ask questions with text if you want, but I would like to turn this into a sprite conversation only.

Here is an example:

A gun, kills someone and then flowers are 'given' to that person.

So, to start here's my first image:

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