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Topics - forthegreatergood

Pages: [1]
Computer Programming / c++ programming on mac
« on: April 03, 2014, 04:05:30 pm »
I am starting to learn C++ and have only done book work so far (learning syntax but not applying anything yet). 
My goals are to develop applications and competitive programming (code forces, top coder and USACO). 

I use a Mac OS X, version 10.7.5, Intel Core i3 3.06 GHz processor, 64 bits.

Does anyone have recommendations as to what to use to program?  I have heard of dev C++ (Orwell), Xcode and Codeblocks. 
Also, if there are any tutorials on using these platforms, please link me to them.


Introduce Yourself! / New user
« on: January 19, 2014, 08:22:14 pm »
Hi everyone!
I am new to omnimaga, and I am just starting to program.
Here's a brief description of what I've done so far:

- BASIC (6th grade-nothing too extensive). I created a basic tic tac toe game
- C# web forms.  I created a few applications to do calculations (mainly for science fair lol)
- Visual Basic - this was a school course, so not too rigorous i guess you could say.
- Java - I only know the basics of it.  I don't know any fancy algorithms.

I plan to start learning C++ to make ndless applications and for USACO.  How should I proceed about learning it?
I don't have any compiler downloaded (I have a Mac OS X i3 by the way).  A few people recommended CodeBlocks,
but I have heard mixed reviews about it.

Any suggestions?

P.S. Is there an introductory page to this website? I'm very confused  :crazy: 

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