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Topics - gtaforever00

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TI Z80 / Text compression for AXE programs
« on: October 30, 2011, 08:32:36 pm »
Well I have just been getting a hang of the AXE language and decided my first project is going to be some kind of text compression for my future projects.  I was thinking if you use A thru Z, <space>, <period>, <question mark>, <comma>, <single quote>, <colon>.  That is 32 characters altogether.  You can use 5 bits instead of the 8 bits and therefore saving about 35% space.  If you had 500 characters (500 bytes) and use this theory your total memory usage would be approximately 313 bytes.   What does everybody think?  Would this benefit anybody in their current projects or future ones?  Input would be appreciated thanks.

Well back when I was in highschool (2004-2006),  I learned how to program in z80 assembly.  I did not make any extraordinary programs or games though.  Well I just recently found my TI-83 Plus and my silver link usb cable, when I thought of all the good times and memories this little calculator brought me.  I decided to look up the old scene and see what was going on.  Well there has been lots of progress in the past 5 years, but I also see the scene has died down a whole lot since I was active.  I have been looking at the axe parser as what I want to start out with and then maybe move my way into asm again.  I have been working some with the axe parser and I wish we had this thing back in the day cause I could have made some awesome games with the speed of it.  Well enough of me blabbing,  time to get a project started  ._..  Happy coding 8)

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