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Messages - harold

Pages: 1 ... 11 12 [13] 14 15 16
Axe / Re: I need help: Bits, bytes, and exponents
« on: November 27, 2011, 08:01:40 pm »
Or exp(ln(base) * power), which actually handles non-integral powers instead of just pretending to do so but then blowing its cover by bitshifting a double ;)

ASM / Re: BIT n,(HL) flags
« on: November 24, 2011, 12:44:06 pm »
That's for BIT n,reg8 at least, but my sources say BIT n,(HL/IX/IY) behave differently; BIT n,(IX+d) takes 5 and 3 from (IX+d)>>8 and BIT n,(HL) from .. weird places. Are those sources incorrect?

ASM / BIT n,(HL) flags
« on: November 24, 2011, 11:33:41 am »
BIT n,(HL) sets some nice flags, including of course flags 3 and 5.
It takes the values for 3 and 5 from an internal register, that among other things holds:
- the original H after ADD HL,xx
- the upper byte of PC after a JR
- the upper byte of IX+displacement after at least some instructions that use IX+displacement

My question is, does anyone have a more complete list?

Other / Re: What is your keyboard layout?
« on: November 12, 2011, 11:10:06 am »
Why is everyone "getting" a US-international keyboard?
Just change the setting in your OS, the only difference is that you don't have the stickers for special chars on your keys.

Other / Re: What is your keyboard layout?
« on: November 11, 2011, 03:38:03 pm »
US International (with plain US marked keys). I would use plain US, except that maybe once or twice a week I write something in Dutch and maybe just once a month I wouldn't be too lazy to actually type the correct diacritics.
So I suppose I should just switch to plain US..

Miscellaneous / Re: Computer Specs
« on: November 07, 2011, 02:33:11 am »
Theoretically, but many implementations have internally used fewer bits (48 in the first implementations IIRC), so they actually supported less than 16EB (but still way more than you'll need in this decade)

Computer Usage and Setup Help / Re: CodeBlocks IDE is not working...
« on: November 06, 2011, 08:00:03 am »
Code::blocks has never done that to me..
I see nothing in the code that should cause an access violation, but just in case, could you post the disassembly?

Miscellaneous / Re: Computer Specs
« on: October 27, 2011, 03:33:06 pm »
My original PC (3 years ago) :
ASUS Striker Extreme
QX6850 (bought high so I wouldn't have to upgrade it. CPU upgrade is a pain the arse IMO)
4GB DDR2 (800Mhz)
Some crappy 200GB HDD
XP x64

The same PC now:
ASUS Striker Extreme
8GB DDR2 (666MHz) the most it will hold and you have to reduce the speed for it (worth it though)
ATI 6970
Same crappy HDD
Same old OS that nevertheless is far less inmyface than W7 (which I dualboot / never use)

Somewhere in between it had a 260GTX

General Calculator Help / Re: Use "Symbolic" functions in programs?
« on: October 24, 2011, 05:37:32 pm »
It works for me (which version of Symbolic? with or without Omnicalc?), but you could try typing real(12, (for d) etc..

General Calculator Help / Re: Use "Symbolic" functions in programs?
« on: October 24, 2011, 04:57:17 pm »
What kind of programs? From TI-BASIC it's very simple - the same way you always use those functions

Humour and Jokes / Re: Dilbert: "We could only program with 0s"
« on: October 18, 2011, 05:37:32 pm »
add [eax],al

Other Calculators / Re: How much stuff is on YOUR calc?
« on: October 15, 2011, 09:55:03 am »
Not that many,
5 app:
Calcsys, MirageOS, Omnicalc, Symbolic, xLIB
24 programs:
various BASIC programs to "cheat" at a cryptography course that I did 2 years ago, HWTEST, a stupid game in just 168 bytes of BASIC (it's stupid, you don't want it), and random nonsense just trying things out. (I don't even have any of my own asm programs or apps on it)

Miscellaneous / Re: Request for some challenging puzzle.
« on: October 08, 2011, 10:44:21 am »
Binary puzzles, the site is in Dutch so I'll translate the rules:
0 or 1 in each cell.
No string of three 0's in any row or column.
No string of three 1's in any row or column.
Exactly N/2 zero's in a row (N = width).
Exactly M/2 zero's in a column (M = height, usually M=N).
No two columns the same.
No two rows the same.

It may seem easy at first, but some of the hard ones really are hard. (not a rule)
A useful way to check the puzzle is to treat all rows and columns as integers, and check them against a hashtable of valid rows/columns (and against other rows or other columns). That means having a normal bitboard and a rotated bitboard.
A useful way to solve the puzzles is first filling in all rows that have to be a certain value due to the starting entries, and then recursively try all values assignable to that row (which means checking the potential value against the starting entries in that row, the 2 rows above, the 2 rows below, and the rows directly above and below for sequences of 3 equal cells and against rows that have already been used) - at the bottom of the recursion, check whether all columns are valid. Feel free to implement Dancing Links or such, but this way is fast enough (couple of miliseconds) and easy to implement.

Miscellaneous / Re: Has this happened in your school?
« on: September 17, 2011, 04:51:35 am »
Because my school was in the Netherlands (it still is, but I left a long time ago) people were doing pot pretty much every day (not me though, I just don't like it). Technically the school didn't allow it, especially not trading, but that never stopped the potheads - they just made sure to be off the school grounds. In my 6 years there (the regular time) I've never heard of a single person getting caught for pot, but, there was once an incident with someone doing harddrugs at school; I believe she was expelled.
At the university people are doing pot all over the campus.

General Calculator Help / Re: lcd going bad
« on: September 07, 2011, 12:14:42 pm »
I've had a stuck black pixel once that went away after I poked it, but I'm not going to recommend that lol

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