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Messages - hoffa

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I was only interested in removing the burden of boot1 & co. from the users, but apparently it won't suit here in its current form, so I'm not looking forward to doing anything else about it really (I could always circumvent the legal issues but I'm not interested in playing hide and seek). This was something I hacked together in one night, and I don't have more time to invest.

Many people have trouble setting up their TI-Nspire emulator. Numerous cases of worried moms and fractured frontal bones have been reported as a direct consequence of that very fact.

The time has come for me to step out of my cave and help my comrades out of their misery!

As such, I now deliver to you a single-executable no-bullshit Ndless-already-installed CX-and-Touchpad/Clickpad TI-Nspire emulator! It's isn't even the first of April!

Screenshot for the interested:

It is very much based on Goplat's wonderful nspire_emu, as you might have guessed.

Latest version: 0.1 (EDIT: I need to update the Ndless to the newest one, as with some programs the emulator reboots. I'll do it shortly)

No instructions needed, just launch the executable and enjoy the ride. Both have Ndless already installed and are completely clean otherwise. I'll keep 'em updated.

Have fun! :)

EDIT (by Deep Thought): Removed links. They're basically emulators with ROM images packed inside.

nSDL / Re: nSDL 1.0.1—A very fast & robust graphics library
« on: September 17, 2012, 03:54:15 pm »
SDL_GetTicks()? It should be working according to my knowledge. It doesn't even require any threads or anything. Are you sure you don't mean timers? What version of nSDL are you using? Could you post the code that doesn't work?

@Eiyeron: yeah, too unstable/buggy for my taste. Got it to work smoothly when SDL_WaitEvent() was used; it was a staggering mess with SDL_PollEvent(), never really figured out what the issue was because of a lack of time (got my ass conscripted, as the profile picture suggests). I wanted my last real release to be as clean and stable as possible, see. You can still grab an older version of nSDL though if you want (here), but check the changelog for the latest version that had experimental mouse support.

Calculator C / Re: How can I use a static library?
« on: September 06, 2012, 11:27:46 am »
Just copy the files in the archive to your .ndless folder, and using the sample Makefile included with nSDL add -lfdm to the LIBS line (i.e. LIBS = -lSDL -lfdm). With a simple make it should then compile fine.

Oh and there's no need to use -I or -L if the .ndless folder is in your home (whatever it is on your OS).

EDIT: Didn't notice there was no nSDL involved. Download fdlibm here, do what I said up there, and use this as your Makefile which should make it work (just adapt it for you of course):
Code: [Select]
SOURCES = test.c
TARGET = Test.tns

CC = nspire-gcc
LD = nspire-ld
OBJCOPY = arm-none-eabi-objcopy
CFLAGS = -Wall -Wextra -Ofast
LIBS = -lfdm

all: $(TARGET)

$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $^ $(LIBS) -o $(@:.tns=.elf)
$(OBJCOPY) -O binary $(@:.tns=.elf) $(TARGET)

$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@

rm -f $(OBJECTS) $(TARGET:.tns=.elf) $(TARGET)

nSDL / Re: nSDL 1.0—A very fast & robust TI-Nspire graphics library
« on: September 01, 2012, 05:38:55 pm »

Updated to 1.0. Not much to say except that it's 1.0 and it contains bug fixes and such. Also it doesn't print all that debug crap anymore. Oh and some minor stuff not worth mentioning. Through many rigorous scientific trials it has been proven nSDL in its current state isn't a fragile piece of buggy code (and I'm rather content with it), and deserves its 1.0. Let's just hope there'll be an influx of new Nspire programmers.

I still need to update the how-to page on the wiki to adapt to the newest Ndless changes, I'll do it when I can.

PS: Salutations from the 3rd platoon Coastal Jaeger Company of the Finnish Marines:
Spoiler For Spoiler:

Be afraid. Be very afraid.
I'm posing on my knees near the ghetto booty, if anyone cares. Despite the faces, can't wait to get out of here.

I haven't been here for a while as I'm currently in the army. I updated the link to the newest version.

nSDL / Re: nSDL 0.3.2—A fast & robust TI-Nspire graphics library
« on: July 06, 2012, 12:43:43 pm »
Done! The diploma's in my pocket, got the grades I needed for UK university in 2013. My plane for the army is leaving tomorrow.

Farewell! ;D

(I'll be keeping my thumbs up for an eventual influx of some new Nspire programmers in September. :P)


Hair's cut, papers are in order, I'm ready to swim in ice cold water 60 kg on my back and fire a few rounds meanwhile:

Spoiler For Spoiler:

Damn, I look like a goddamn jock already.

This is Hoffa 101, can you read?
Hoffa 101, ending transmission. Over.

Casio Calculators / Re: pSDL v0.1.0
« on: June 30, 2012, 02:27:02 pm »
You could use the simple image format I'm using for nSDL. The code is very short (here) and it returns a 16-bit/8-bit surface. It should require no changes to compile, and would assure some sort of compatibility between both platforms.

Is it possible to switch the text to black background or even change the color of both?
Shit, forgot to implement the invert colors feature. D: (I had white-on-black at first, but I found it's more pleasant to read when it's the other way around.)
nspireio doesn't support colors, but the code isn't that massive so I could very well add true support CX (only shades of gray currently; errors and non-game messages are printed in gray)

Voila, just released a first version of nFrotz.

Ndless / Re: nSDL programs crashes my CX
« on: June 28, 2012, 05:22:50 pm »
Same here, the voxel demo critor provided rebooted my calculator. I had to change a few things (remove the call to rand() which apparently was the cause of the reboot) to make it work. Could you check if this voxel demo works? It might just be that critor forgot to update the final TNS.

TI-Nspire / nFrotz—Endless adventure games on the TI-Nspire!
« on: June 28, 2012, 09:26:33 am »

I decided to port the Frotz Z-machine interpreter to the TI-Nspire, and here we are!

Basically it allows you to play various text adventure games, even some best-selling extremely popular game from the old times. Here's a short excerpt from Frotz's how-to-play guide, you'll quickly understand if you've never played text adventures:

With Interactive Fiction, you type your commands in plain English each
time you see the prompt which looks like this:



There are many differnet kinds of sentences used in interactive fiction.
Here are some examples:

> walk to the north
> west
> ne
> down
> take the birdcage
> read about dimwit flathead
> look up megaboz in the encyclopedia
> lie down in the pink sofa
> examine the shiny coin
> put the rusty key in the cardboard box
> show my bow tie to the bouncer
> hit the crawling crab with the giant nutcracker
> ask the cowardly king about the crown jewels

You can use multiple objects with certain verbs if you separate them by
the word "and" or by a comma. Here are some examples:

> take the book and the frog
> drop the jar of peanut butter, the spoon, and the lemming food
> put the egg and the pencil in the cabinet

(More information here and here.)

Here for example I'm playing the still popular Zork of the 80's:

Or The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:

This is still an early version of nFrotz, so some games do not work at all. But I've included three games that have at some point been very popular (the two mentioned above and The Lurking Horror), they should work fairly well; have had zero issues myself.

Download the latest nFrotz (attached), copy it on your calculator and launch it. It should ask you to install nFrotz (all it does is it adds a file association rule to your ndless.cfg.tns file), once done you should be able to play any games with a .z extension. You need a recent version of Ndless that supports file associations! (couldn't be arsed to write a file browser, it's more elegant this way)

Here are the download links for the games I talked about that you can try out yourself:

Aaand some on-calc footage:

Oh yes, to save your progress, type "save" and confirm. To restore your progress, type "restore".

Latest source code can be viewed on github.

News / Re: Unreal Tournament on the TI-Nspire?
« on: June 24, 2012, 03:33:32 pm »
That is amazing, but what amazes me the most is how fast the voxel engine runs. Unreal Tournament would definitively be doable, assuming someone uses outdoor maps like this. Can a voxel engine allow other kind of shapes like small buildings, different colors (such as green for grass and gray for structures) and collision detection without losing too much speed?
If I'm not mistaken, it's all randomly generated, so, if you want pre-made building, it's going to require something completely different ?
Or at least some sort of 2nd generator on top of the landscape one, I guess
Convex buildings would be possible, as has been done numerous times already:

But in this case the voxel engine uses bilinear interpolation and whatnot (haven't studies it thoroughly) so it smooths everything out. If that's removed it would speed up the code and it would make it possible to include primitive buildings and such with color (unless you want buildings that look like sand dunes).
EDIT: the code seems like a mess, I'd write a voxel engine from scratch rather than decipher that.

News / Re: Unreal Tournament on the TI-Nspire?
« on: June 24, 2012, 08:57:43 am »
Nice! :D

I did some adjustments to the voxel demo (nearly tripled range, made mountains much bigger and imposing, made it run full screen, added Mars-like colors and fly mode):

Download here.

nSDL / Re: nSDL 0.3.2—A fast & robust TI-Nspire graphics library
« on: June 24, 2012, 06:26:44 am »
fdlibm eh? Gotta try on the Prizm. Unless someone manages to make it work with newlib.
Yeah you should be able to compile it easily using the code from here. I'm not sure if there are any issues with globals on the Prizm, but that code should compile perfectly on any platform, just edit the Makefile a bit (and rename the resulting libm.a to libfdm.a to avoid doubts and name collisions). Oh and in fdlibm.h, remove the #ifdef _TINSPIRE/#endif at the top.

He finally got it working with   -lm  :)

Here's the game he ported :
Damn that's awesome!

I edited the voxel demo a bit (nearly tripled range, made mountains much bigger and imposing, made it run full screen, added Mars-like colors and some other adjustments):

I've attached the download (yes, I know it's massive, it's because I couldn't bother to reduce the gigantic trig lookup table). Code's here. Check it out, tell me how it runs (on the Touchpad it seems to be pretty smooth, but it's hard to tell with the shitty LCD).

Controls are arrow keys to move, 5 toggle noclip, and +/- to increase/decrease altitude when in noclip.

EDIT2: Added a porting tips page in the wiki.

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