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Topics - Jim Bauwens

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Other Calculators / LogoMagic
« on: November 13, 2011, 11:25:46 pm »

LogoMagic is a Logo interpreter for the Ti-Nspire series. It is written in Lua, so only works on OS 3 and above.
It supports the UCB Logo dialect, and understands quite some primitives.

There is a built-in editor to create your scripts on-calc.
So, in short: another language for the Ti-Nspire :p

Other Calculators / TI-Nspire update request method
« on: November 10, 2011, 12:15:14 pm »
I've made a little script to requests TI's servers for updates. It uses the method as the students software (I 'reverse engineered' it :p)
Code: [Select]
import httplib2
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET


root = ET.Element("QueryUpdates")
Request = ET.SubElement(root, "Request")
WebUpdateClientName = ET.SubElement(Request, "WebUpdateClientName")
WebUpdateClientVersion = ET.SubElement(Request, "WebUpdateClientVersion")
WebUpdateClientOS = ET.SubElement(Request, "WebUpdateClientOS")
CurrentVersion = ET.SubElement(Request, "CurrentVersion")
LanguageCode = ET.SubElement(Request, "LanguageCode")
WebUpdateClientEncoding = ET.SubElement(Request, "WebUpdateClientEncoding")
RequestType = ET.SubElement(Request, "RequestType")
CalculatorModel = ET.SubElement(Request, "CalculatorModel")

WebUpdateClientName.text = "TI-Nspire Computer Link Software"
WebUpdateClientVersion.text = ""
WebUpdateClientOS.text = "Linux"
CurrentVersion.text = ""
LanguageCode.text = "NL"
WebUpdateClientEncoding.text = "ISO-8859-1"
RequestType.text = "OS"
CalculatorModel.text = "TI-Nspire"


h = httplib2.Http(".cache")
resp, content = h.request(REQUEST_URL,"POST", body=bodyrequest)
root = ET.XML(content)

Response = root[1]
ProductInfo = Response[1]

for node in ProductInfo:
name = node.__str__().split("\'")[1]
if node.text:
print(name + ": " + node.text)

Now, here is the response:

ProductID: 7953
ProductName: TI-Nspire Handheld Operating System
ProductFileSize: 10867233
ProductType: OS
ProductCalculator: TI-Nspire
Name: TI-Nspire
ParentProduct: TI-Nspire™ Handheld Operating System
ForceUpdate: N
UpToDate: Y

I highlighted something creepy, "ForceUpdate". Does this mean that TI can update your calculator without asking you?
Image TI makes a fix for Ndless 3, and they are able to update the calculators of unknowing people just because they connected it with their computer (to send a game for example).


Site Feedback and Questions / New code box has a little bug
« on: November 09, 2011, 11:06:29 am »
Before I used to put the Language I used inside the code bb box, [ code = language ].
Now this doesn't work anymore, and it replaces the content of the code box with "Array".

Like this:
Code: (Lua) [Select]
function on.paint(gc)

This means that all the code boxes in the entire forum that have the language parameter added don't show their content anymore.

Would be nice if it got fixed ;D

TI-Nspire / [lua] Logo interpreter
« on: November 02, 2011, 10:36:59 am »
I've been a bit busy making a logo interpreter in Lua.
I'm going to participate with it in the Ti-Planet / Inspired-Lua contest (math section).

While I still need to make an on calc ui and editor, here are some screenshots that show some turtle graphics (together with the code):

Code: [Select]
to square
  repeat 4 [left 90 forward 80]

repeat 36 [left 10 square]

Code: [Select]
make "x 1
repeat 150 [forward :x left 89 make "x :x + 1]

Other / Dennis Ritchie, creator of C and developer of UNIX dead
« on: October 13, 2011, 03:50:39 am »
From wikipedia:
Ritchie was best known as the creator of the C programming language and a key developer of the Unix operating system, and as co-author of the definitive book on C, The C Programming Language, commonly referred to as K&R (in reference to the authors Kernighan and Ritchie).
Ritchie's invention of C and his role in the development of Unix alongside Ken Thompson has placed him as an important pioneer of modern computing. The C language is still widely used today in application and operating system development, and its influence is seen in most modern programming languages. Unix has also been influential, establishing concepts and principles that are now well-established precepts of computing.

He died a few days ago, at age 70. We truly have lost a great man :(

Other Calculators / Nspire OS 3.1.0 released
« on: September 07, 2011, 03:38:29 pm »
TI has released version of their Nspire OS. It is available at .
According to Ti-Planet you are still should able to downgrade to 3.0.2 .

The CX boot2 has been updated to version, while the the other Nspire's stay at

Thanks to Ti-Planet for reporting the news.

I think it would be very nice if 'New' was on #nspire-lua, and posts updates from the Lua forum.
Would be easy for the users there to respond as fast as possible.
I don't know how easy it is, but it would be nice :)

(I'm an op there, and manage the channel, so no need to ask permissions)

TI-Nspire / Jim's contest entry, Klondike Lua
« on: August 15, 2011, 06:23:21 pm »
I managed to get it finished in time :)

Here are some screenshots (don't worry, its color on the CX):

I hope I didn't forget any nasty bug :/

OmnomIRC Development / omnomIRC settings do not save in Google Chrome
« on: July 28, 2011, 04:02:51 pm »
I recently started having a problem with omnomIRC that it wouldn't save its setttings. This means that I can't enable time stamps and other channels.
The problem is that the cookies don't get saved because its running in an iframe in another domain.
The solution to this problem is to change the src of the iframe to "" instead of "".
I don't know if this will create other issues, but I don't think so.

Lua / Sound with nspire Lua
« on: July 25, 2011, 09:09:47 am »
Here is a little piece of code to play Happy birthday with Lua from your nspire:

Code: [Select]
TONE_LOW = "\001"
TONE_HIGH = "\255"

happy_birthday = {262,0.5,262,0.5,294,1,262,1,349,1,330,2,262,0.5,262,0.5,294,1,262,1,392,1,349,2,262,0.5,262,0.5,523,1,440,1,349,1,330,1,294,3,466,1,466,1,440,1,349,1,392,1,349,2}

function freq_key(key)
--return 440 * math.pow(2, (key-49)/12)
return key

function keytone(key)
local am = 57600/freq_key(key)
return TONE_HIGH:rep(am) .. TONE_LOW:rep(am)

function key_am(key, ammount)
return keytone(key):rep(ammount)

function key_time(key, time)
return key_am(key, freq_key(key)*time)

function play()
local out = ""

for i=1,#happy_birthday,2 do
out = out..key_time(happy_birthday[i]*5, happy_birthday[i+1]/10)

function on.timer()

function on.paint(gc)

However, the quality is not so good, because I can't send a byte that contains only 0's, and there is a stop bit at the end of each byte I send (I think). But its ok, you can have fun with it :p

I currently connect a directly a little speaker between the TX and the GND pins of my nspire, but I do not know if this is so safe. Should I add an diode in between?

Lua / Controlling external hardware through Lua
« on: July 14, 2011, 04:29:29 pm »
Recently I got on the idea that the Lua print command in Nspire Lua might print to the serial console. To test this, I built a max232 TTL converter and hooked my nspire to my laptop. And yes, it printed to the serial console!
Then I ordered an Arduino Uno, with the idea to hook it up to my nspire and control stuff.

A few days ago I received it and I started working. I had some problems until today because the the voltage on serial port of the arduino was to high for my nspire, and caused a reset everytime I connected it. Today I discovered (with the help of Kerm and benryves) that its only does that when its getting its power through usb, and not the power connector. So I switched to another power supply and all was fine :)

The print command in Nspire has some limitations though, you can only send bytes with data 1 to 127, and its also not the only data that gets send to the serial port. To overcome these problems, I made a little simple protocol to talk with my arduino. A sample data packet (in ascii) looks like this:
Code: [Select]
nomOKOCEHONOKOFOOOO@BDFON\r\n"nom" defines the start of a data packets, and "\r\n" the end (it gets automatic added with print). 2 chars represent one byte that has been split in two (to be able to send 0-255).

My first real world example is controlling a little led display through my nspire. The arduino here just acts as a "proxy" to send the data to the display.

Sadly though I can send data (yet) from the arduino to my nspire, but if I do some work on reverse engineering the other dock connector pins, I think I'll be able to find a solution.


TI-Nspire / [WIP] BlockBreaker Nspire (Lua)
« on: May 28, 2011, 01:18:24 pm »
As some of you might have heard, I'm busy on a Nspire port of BlockBreaker in Lua.
Most of my work is finished, just need to add some more graphical 'pleasing' effects and maps.

Here are some screenshots:

I tried to make an animation with calccapture, but it did not capture the grayscale correctly, and the speed (don't worry, its fast enough). Here is the animation:

As you can see there is still some work on the interface.
I also need to find a better sprite for player, as it doesn't look so good.

Comments and suggestions are welcome.

OmnomIRC Development / OmnomIRC not sending data through to IRC
« on: May 15, 2011, 10:42:46 am »
I noticed that OmnomIRC stopped sending data over to IRC.
OmnomIRC users will be able to see what you write, but not IRC users.

For example:
I say 'Hey all!' on OmnomIRC, the users here on omnimaga will see it, but no the users on IRC (efnet).

Today my brother was telling me that OmnomIRC didn't work for him, and it wasn't the cache.
So I went to look for the problem, and here is what I found:

Inside the code their is a line which converts your username to base64, and it looks like this with me:
Code: [Select]
userName = base64.encode("jimbauwens");
However, with Stefan (nick is "Stefan Bauwens"), it looks like this:
Code: [Select]
userName = base64.encode("Stefan
It is divided over 2 lines. This is probably because the space in his name gets somehow replaced with a new line.

I recently purchased a Ti-nSpire touchpad, thinking that I could request a Ti-84+ keypad for free.
However this is not the case in my country, so I'm in bad luck.

I am able however, to request one on the the Ti website, and send it to an address in the US or Canada.
So, I decided that I will give it away for free to someone living there.

All people interested please reply with the reason why you think you are the one that need it  ;)

(BTW, if you are tech savvy, like an nspire developer, you might use it to find out how to trigger the 84 emulator without the keypad. If you can do this, I will be really happy)

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