Other Calculators / Re: Your first programs
« on: April 12, 2011, 03:31:00 pm »
It sure was, and I had great help because my brother was/is expert in it (He was 10 years back in the top 5 best JS programmers)
This section allows you to view all posts made by this member. Note that you can only see posts made in areas you currently have access to. 1756
Other Calculators / Re: Your first programs« on: April 12, 2011, 03:31:00 pm »
It sure was, and I had great help because my brother was/is expert in it (He was 10 years back in the top 5 best JS programmers)
Other Calculators / Re: Your first programs« on: April 12, 2011, 03:27:09 pm »Yeah, Jim's really been a great help with all my projects. Yep, and I had an older brother who teached me all the programming ![]() 1758
Other Calculators / Re: Your first programs« on: April 12, 2011, 03:24:51 pm »Yeah, Jim's really been a great help with all my projects. Thanks! ![]() 1759
Other Calculators / Re: Your first programs« on: April 12, 2011, 03:21:58 pm »
My first real 'program' that I can remember was some JavaScript code that alerted a password that you wrote in a password field, so that everyone could see it. I then tricked my sister with it.
My first calculator program was Block Breaker. I've made tons of other little games and programs that I never released, but I can't remember the names and what they did. 1760
Art / Re: Removing Background from Image« on: April 12, 2011, 04:29:56 am »
Scout, since you are on Linux, it will be quite easy to get the development version of gimp (I don't think its that unstable).
Art / Re: Removing Background from Image« on: April 12, 2011, 04:04:59 am »On an off-topic note, do we still need to uninstall TiEmu to use GIMP and vice-versa? That was why I always stayed away from GIMP before, .. I have both gimp and TiEmu on my computer, so this isn't normal behavior. Both gimp and TiEmu use the gtk-toolkit (gtk was actually made for gimp). Maybe its because one of the programs was outdated, and used an older version of gtk. I think having the latest version of both should work (gimp and TiEmu). Quote .. aside from the fact I disliked how everything were separate windows (I prefer everything in one window like Paint Shop Pro and Photofiltre Studio). The next version of gimp will be able to support single windows, but probably will have to wait still a while before its released, as they have a lack of developers. 1762
Art / Re: Removing Background from Image« on: April 11, 2011, 04:53:11 pm »
Gimp is your friend!
I think its just something like Layer -> Transparency -> Color to alpha . Edit: Ninja'd 1763
OmnomIRC Development / Re: Should I Allow colors in OmnomIRC?« on: April 08, 2011, 05:18:35 pm »
I think you could enable it for users above n posts. (replace n with 200, 500, etc).
This way only well established users (certainly not trolls) will be able to use it. 1764
Web Programming and Design / Re: Unofficial omnomIRC extension« on: April 08, 2011, 04:28:19 am »
Update, this should work both in Chrome and firefox:
Code: [Select] javascript:void(sig = AJAXSend.toString().split("\"")[25]);void(usern = AJAXSend.toString().split("\"")[23]);function sendit() {window.frames[0].onMessageSend();window.frames[0].timeIn();msg_me=document.getElementById("message").value;msg_me = msg_me.replace(/\[bold\]/g,"\x02");msg_me = msg_me.replace(/\[normal\]/g,"\x0F");msg_me = msg_me.replace(/\[red\]/g,"\x0304");msg_me = msg_me.replace(/\[blue\]/g,"\x0302");msg_me = msg_me.replace(/\[green\]/g,"\x0303");msg_me = msg_me.replace(/\[color\]/g,"\x03");var theURL = "/omnomirc/messagebounce.php?name=" + encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent(usern)) + sig + "&message=" + encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent( stripslashes( stripslashes( msg_me ))));document.getElementById("message").value="";xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();xmlhttp.open("GET", theURL ,false);xmlhttp.send(null);};void(document.irc.setAttribute('onsubmit','sendit()')); Edit: fixed something Edit2: DJ_0, I don't know if trolls will use it, because it isn't so easy to do, and anyway trolls need 40 posts to chat. 1765
Web Programming and Design / Unofficial omnomIRC extension« on: April 07, 2011, 03:46:34 pm »
I made an unofficial extension for omnomIRC to chat with colors
Add a bookmark in your bookmark bar with this url: Code: [Select] javascript:sig = AJAXSend.toString().split("\n")[21].split("&")[1];usern = AJAXSend.toString().split("\n")[21].split("&")[0].split("\"")[3];setTimeout('function AJAXSend() { When you are on a omnimaga page, click it, and you will be able to use tags like Code: [Select] [red] [green] [blue] [color]00-15 [bold] and [normal] in omnomIRC.If anyone of the mods doesn't like this, I will remove it. EDIT: New version with firefox support, scroll down to see it! 1766
News / Re: Bypassing TI-Nspire RSA signatures now possible?« on: April 05, 2011, 03:51:59 pm »
Ouch, that isn't so nice
![]() But the first thing would be to get Linux running (with a ramdisk), and then we could look at these problems. 1767
News / Re: Bypassing TI-Nspire RSA signatures now possible?« on: April 05, 2011, 03:06:50 pm »TI didn't use a standard filesystem like FAT, instead they used a proprietary filesystem called Datalight Reliance. This basically means we have to rely on TI's OS code to do file access (making ports of other OS's, such as Linux, somewhat difficult) The best thing would be to have an image with the linux rootfs, and just point the kernel to the raw location of the file on the nand. This way you would not need to know how the filesystem works. 1768
UberGraphX / Re: UberGraphX - Ubercalculator« on: April 04, 2011, 03:50:37 pm »
I have a little question: Will you stick with that Armstrong gui, or will you switch to another one?
Humour and Jokes / Re: Peanuts!« on: April 01, 2011, 05:17:46 pm »
He uploaded it in psd format, which most browser can't handle.
I converted it to png: 1770
TI-BASIC / Re: TI 89 - InterActive -> size of an array« on: April 01, 2011, 04:59:10 am »
Try replacing dim() with coldim(). That should work
![]() [] is a matrix, so coldim(["a","b","c"]) will return 3. But if you have ["a","b","c";"d","e","f"], it will also return 3, because ; start a new column. If you want anyway the amount of items in this situation, you will have to use coldim(varlist)*rowdim(varlist). Happy coding! |