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Messages - Jim Bauwens

Pages: 1 ... 35 36 [37] 38 39 ... 125
News / Re: The TI-Nspire CAS+ dumped at last !
« on: May 03, 2012, 04:05:23 am »
Interesting Goplat!
However pn_fm_fput is no existing command (but maybe it an int containing an address, need to check).
Also, the IP should just be a decimal number.
But it is great that you could find more info about the function, I'll soon do some tests with it (or Adrien, as my CAS+ just lost it's mind) :)

1337 posts

General Calculator Help / Re: Help with DummyOS and OSLauncher
« on: May 03, 2012, 03:59:57 am »
It also depends how you launch the program, using the mouse or the enterkey. It has something to do with interrupts, but what exactly I do not now.

General Calculator Help / Re: im lost
« on: May 02, 2012, 05:00:41 pm »
You cannot. You manually (by pressing buttons on your calculator) need to enter programs.

News / Re: The TI-Nspire CAS+ dumped at last !
« on: May 02, 2012, 04:29:58 pm »
Please do not double post so much, rather edit your post using the edit button ;)

Also, he did not put any game on his calculator yet, and he wasn't busy on it for 6 years :P
The calculator itself is 6 years old, and he finally managed to extract the rom allowing him to reverse engineer it more :)

Oh sorry, though Lua :P

Well, I suppose it can be because of the touchpad interrupts. They will interrupt the program flow multiple times, making it go slower.
But I am not sure. I wonder if there is a way to disable them and then test again.

Regarding the other question, I think libraries are duplicated somewhere, as they still work when you delete them. Not sure about that, but I think something like this might be the case. 

General Calculator Help / Re: im lost
« on: May 02, 2012, 04:06:25 pm »
The TI-81 does not have a link port.
You will manually need to copy (write) the programs on your calculator.

Miscellaneous / Re: Going to be silent for a while
« on: May 02, 2012, 03:27:26 pm »
Ouch :(

Hope you recover of it soon!

Art / Re: General purpose art thread
« on: May 02, 2012, 03:03:36 pm »
It was for a special hex editor he made :)

Art / Re: General purpose art thread
« on: May 02, 2012, 03:00:55 pm »
I don't know if it can be considered art, but here is an icon I made for ephan a time ago.

You should not use long for and while loops, that can give unexpected results as Lua programs are intented to be event based. Indeed, it might be part of the touch handling. (interrupts of the touchpad might break the lua execution some times).
Now, try to do it a different way. Use timer.getMilliSecCounter to get time different between just a couple of operations, and see what that gives :)

This is very nice :)
Finally might be able to start creating more non-games stuff through this, something that TI will like :P (They should help us with it!)

For those who know about Lua, math.eval() does returns a number. Here, it is more like expr(), and returns anything (in a string).
False, math.eval can return a string too when it cannot be represented as a number ;)
And in 3.2 you will have much more control over it too :)

Computer Usage and Setup Help / Re: Making an old computer faster?
« on: April 30, 2012, 03:32:15 pm »
I'd do what Juju said, it's good advice. Maybe an IceWM like window manager, just the basics.
Or, you could use a tiling wm, they are fun if you know how to use them :)

News / Re: Ponies invading your Prizm!
« on: April 30, 2012, 03:45:29 am »
That looks pretty :)

Other Calculators / Re: The 1st step into CAS+ flashing
« on: April 30, 2012, 03:15:53 am »
Copy and paste :P

News / Re: 1st try of hard-dumping the CAS+
« on: April 30, 2012, 03:13:44 am »
I tried using multiple OS's. However, I realized that the reader is broken :/
(Well, it doesn't read working xD cards either)
So now I'm going to use a smartmedia reader :)

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