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Topics - johnbchron
Pages: [1]
« on: November 06, 2018, 06:07:31 pm »
Hello all,
I have not put any extensive research into this question but I was wondering if anyone who has successfully made or used sprites in basic could tell me how they did it / what or what not to do so I can save some time (emotional energy)? (That’s what forums are for, right?)
« on: November 01, 2018, 10:34:28 pm »
Hey so I might just be incredibly un-vigilant but does any one happen to know of any tools/progs for on calc eZ80? (Like Mimas but for the CE) If not, suggestions for solving this problem are appreciated
« on: October 15, 2018, 02:05:26 pm »
[this post may or may not be categorized correctly]
I am in the process of making a 3D graphing utility in ICE C for the TI-84 CE. It can do limited graphing, but at least it displays something that makes some sense. Please review my code to make comments, suggestions, and anything else you might want to say as it nears completion (Please keep in mind that this is one of my first real projects in ICE). Thanks! (also please tell me how to take a screenshot of an ice program while it is running)
EDIT: I hope someday to have it graph the complex plane
0->XD 0->YD
50->X 50->Y 50->Z
Begin) SetDraw(1)
FillScreen(255) Blit(1) Call EVAL FillScreen(255) Call BOUTLINE Call FOUTLINE Call GRAPH Call FOUTLINE Blit(1) Repeat getKey(15) End det(1) Return
Lbl EVAL Alloc(100*100*3)->A For(Z,0,99) FillScreen(255) PrintStringXY("Calculating...",5,5) SetTextXY(5,15) PrintUInt(Z,3) PrintString(" percent") Blit(1) For(X,0,99) X-50->X [i](sin(X*256/100)*25/256)+(cos(Z*256/100)*25/256)+50->{A+(X+(Z*100))*3} 16777216-(16777216-(X*X)/25)+50-(Z*Z/32)->{A+(X+50+(Z*100))*3} [i](X*X/25+50)-Z/4 [i]->{A+(X+50+(Z*100))*3} X+50->X End End Return
Lbl FOUTLINE SetColor(0) Line(160,220,160+(CONSTC/2),220-50) Line(160,120,160+(CONSTC/2),120-50) Line(160,220,160-(CONSTC/2),220-50) Line(160,120,160-(CONSTC/2),120-50) Line(160-(CONSTC/2),120-50,160-(CONSTC/2),120+50 Line(160+(CONSTC/2),120-50,160+(CONSTC/2),120+50 Line(160,120,160,120+100) Line(160,20,160+(CONSTC/2),20+50) Line(160,20,160-(CONSTC/2),20+50)
Lbl BOUTLINE Line(160,20,160,220) Line(160-(CONSTC/2),20+50,160+(CONSTC/2),220-50) Line(160-(CONSTC/2),220-50,160+(CONSTC/2),20+50) Return
Lbl GRAPH For(Z,0,99) For(X,0,99) {A+(X+(Z*100))*3}->YA If (YA<150) If X<100 {A+(X+1+(Z*100))*3}->YB Else YA->YB End If Z<100 {A+(X+((Z+1)*100))*3}->YC Else YA->YC End SetColor((Z*8/100)+144) If not(XD) and not(YD) SetPixel((160-(CONSTC/2)+(CONSTC/2*X/100)+(CONSTC/2*Z/100)),(220-50-YA-(50*X/100)+(50*Z/100))) End If XD Line((160-(CONSTC/2)+(CONSTC/2*X/100)+(CONSTC/2*Z/100)),(220-50-YA-(50*X/100)+(50*Z/100)),(160-(CONSTC/2)+(CONSTC/2*(X+1)/100)+(CONSTC/2*Z/100)),(220-50-YB-(50*(X+1)/100)+(50*Z/100))) End If YD Line((160-(CONSTC/2)+(CONSTC/2*X/100)+(CONSTC/2*Z/100)),(220-50-YA-(50*X/100)+(50*Z/100)),(160-(CONSTC/2)+(CONSTC/2*X/100)+(CONSTC/2*(Z+1)/100)),(220-50-YC-(50*X/100)+(50*(Z+1)/100))) End End End Blit(1) If getKey(15) Return End End Return
« on: May 02, 2018, 02:15:08 pm »
So I intend to use ICE to make a very simplified version of Super Smash for the TI 84 CE. I am having a little trouble however knowing where to start or how I should structure it. If anybody would like to reply with some ideas on how they think I should structure it/what to avoid/any other tips for me, anything will be appreciated.
« on: April 30, 2018, 03:46:58 pm »
Hey, just wondering, is there any particular reason why there is no ICE thread/board? Has just nobody gotten around to it, or is it just more of a Cemetech thing?
« on: April 10, 2018, 02:09:10 pm »
I don't have TI-Connect, so typing solely on my calculator when coding giant amounts of code is difficult (I always end up with giant amounts of code in my programs, which may or may not be a good habit). Anybody have any suggestions?
« on: March 26, 2018, 01:53:06 pm »
So this is an extension of my question on that topic in Major Community Projects/The Axe Parser Project, but I don't want to commandeer that topic any more so here's a new one. So I am having trouble storing/retrieving weapon stats for the RPG (yay) I'm making. Here is my code:
1->Pic12011:3:0:0:0:0:0:0 1:4:0:0:0:0:0:0 1:6:0:0:0:0:0:0 1:6:0:0:0:0:0:0 1:8:0:0:0:0:0:0
(r1-1*8)+Pic12011->r2 (r1-1*8+1)+Pic12011->r3 (r1-1*8+2)+Pic12011->r4 (r1-1*8+3)+Pic12011->r5
This should (or at least I want it to) retrieve the first four values of each row in my data (the row dependant upon r1), but it never seems to work. I think the problem is that it is evaluating the parentheses and adding it to the value of Pic12011, but I don't know how to fix this. Please help!
« on: March 20, 2018, 08:51:08 pm »
Hey, so does anybody have any advice/strategies for keeping up with large amounts of data in larger games? I am having trouble keeping up with all my sprites and such. Also, when I don't fill a space in the memory for a sprite, I thought those empty bytes were just zeroes, but through recent experimentation they seem to not exist if not assigned. Is that true?
« on: March 14, 2018, 03:33:21 pm »
So what are the best axe optimizations? I have found some ways to optimize axe programs, but I would like to make a consolidated list for my cousin who needs help/ to help me. I have mainly only found them for declaring variables. Any help is appreciated.
« on: March 13, 2018, 02:06:35 pm »
So I work in Axe, obviously (otherwise I would have put this in basic or some other topic), and I want to make large games. The main limitation I run into most of the time is that I don't seem to have enough non-final -- or for lack of a better word, dynamic -- variables. Does anybody have any ideas/solutions to this problem? I already know about A-Z, theta, and r1-r6, but are there any that I don't know of? Nobody else seems to have this problem.
« on: March 01, 2018, 11:56:43 am »
Hey guys, so I see all over the web people who post hex codes that do things like invert the screen or make keys repeat faster, but how do I do basic things in shell-less assembly? For example manipulate a variable or draw a shape? Any help is appreciated.
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