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Messages - jsj795

Pages: 1 ... 39 40 [41] 42 43 ... 76
TI Z80 / Re: Tetris in TI basic
« on: April 14, 2010, 01:44:50 am »
This would be interesting :)
I don't think I'll do it. If I pick this project up too, I'll never finish TLM -_-;;

TI Z80 / Re: Hnefatafl: The Viking Board Game (download on page 4)
« on: April 14, 2010, 01:37:55 am »
Okay, I implemented an attacker AI. It's still not complete, but it is doable, although it takes some time for AI to think (around 20 seconds or so, depending on legal moves that it can make)
There are probably tons of bugs, like what you see at the end of the screen shot (it's 4 minutes long -_-;; most of the screen shot is AI thinking  :P )
Shieldwall not yet implemented, victory condition not yet implemented (well, it does check for victory, but I haven't yet wrote the code to tell you that you won or lost, and ends the game), Defender AI not yet implemented, etc. There are bunch...
The Attacker AI is mediocre at best, because it doesn't search the whole board for the good position. It only searches few areas, so sometimes it misses a real obvious moves (like surrounding the king to win).

Oh, btw, when you try to quit the game, it will give label error, because currently the program is split into many subprograms to make my life easier coding. So if you want to quit the game, just press 'on'.

Otherwise, I think it's pretty good. If there's any kind of bug that you find, it would help me a lot if you can tell me^^

Since the file names seem to be already used, download the game
in TI group file
in zip file

you probably don't have extra ram page. What is the hardware version? It's the last letter of the serial number found on the back of the calculator

Other Calculators / Re: What's your favorite Programming Method?
« on: April 13, 2010, 01:14:44 pm »
how do you change what you vote?

TI Z80 / Re: Hnefatafl: The Viking Board Game (download on page 4)
« on: April 13, 2010, 12:42:10 am »
Hmmm. I do use For group, but if I didn't, it would be extra 1000 bytes at least X.X
I might try it tho, if I can optimize them. However, first things first, I'm gonna try to implement all aspects of AI, including not making stupid choices like moving into position where you will be eaten, defender AI, making different choices based on the custom rules, etc. Now that I got the basic attacker engine, I think I will be able to do these more easier.

TI-BASIC / Re: Weird BASIC Glitch or error or something like that
« on: April 13, 2010, 12:37:59 am »
Well, I only tried it once on calculator, but on WabbitEmu, I was able to recreate it a lot of times, even with ram clears, all memory clear, etc.

Right after all memory clear (in wabbitemu):
After you get memory error from too big of Ans variable:
After making program named 'A' and recalling the answer 1 time:
After recalling the answer 2nd time, weird stuff happens.

TI-BASIC / Re: Weird BASIC Glitch or error or something like that
« on: April 13, 2010, 12:23:26 am »
So only Builderboy's and mine did this. ???
I guess it can't be extra ram pages tho, because I did it in wabbitemu (I can't run TI-Boy on calc, but I can on wabbitemu so wabbitemu has extra ram pages)
May be it's the ROM file on 84+SE?
Although for some reason it didn't happen to Eeems' and ACagliano's...

Other Calculators / Re: What's your favorite Programming Method?
« on: April 13, 2010, 12:08:09 am »
I voted for TI-Basic, and Celtic III. Although I never used Celtic III, I use xLib and many other asm libraries.
I tried learning ASM, C++, and BBC Basic few times, but never really got into it. Axe, I will try sometime in near future, but I just want to finish all the projects that I have right now first.

TI-BASIC / Re: Weird BASIC Glitch or error or something like that
« on: April 13, 2010, 12:03:37 am »
I first backed up all the files, archived all the programs in ram, then I did this. I was purposely experimenting with this thing, to see what will happen. And tada! this happened X.X I didn't lose anything (was prepared for all memory clear, but it only gave ram clear)

Did anyone try it on regular 83+?

TI Z80 / Re: Hnefatafl: The Viking Board Game (download on page 4)
« on: April 12, 2010, 11:58:40 pm »
Finally... I got some progress on AI. The attacker can *sometimes* eat white piece. There are still a lot of debugging to do, because there are times when attacker doesn't move at all (which is illegal btw).
The thing is that, it is kind of slow :( It takes around 10 seconds for AI to think and move, but I only implemented like 1/4th of the whole, functioning AI. I guess debugging and working with it might show me some optimization... This AI program takes about 2000 bytes.
Hopefully, I can get functional yet not so slow AI by the end of the week :P
* jsj795 goes back to work

TI-BASIC / Re: Weird BASIC Glitch or error or something like that
« on: April 12, 2010, 07:47:40 pm »
hmmm... weird? Mine works, but on some people's it doesn't?
My hardware version found on the back: ends with H
Boot Code 1.02
Base Code 2.43
ID: 0A337-583AA-E61F
don't know if these will help on finding the differences?

TI-BASIC / Re: Weird BASIC Glitch or error or something like that
« on: April 12, 2010, 07:19:12 pm »
I did this on TI 84+ SE OS version 2.43...
May be it's only for TI84+SE?
Or may be, it's because it doesn't have extra ram (my hardware doesn't have the extra ram, because it was made later than others)

TI 68K / Re: DOA
« on: April 12, 2010, 07:11:14 pm »
Oh really? Nice, I'm really enjoying your games^^ You are TI89's Calc84maniac

TI-BASIC / Weird BASIC Glitch or error or something like that
« on: April 12, 2010, 07:03:10 pm »
Okay, I was trying to purposely make a program larger than ram. So what I did was to make a super long string until the ans variable is biggest and paste it into the program. I used 'F' because it's 2 bytes :P
If you see the screen shot, during the second paste, the calculator pastes in other tokens, seemingly randomized. I am guessing these are random hex tokens? I first found this out on calculator. There's no way to stop this unless you take out the battery, which causes ram clear. Leaving it for like 5 minutes, the calculator turns off, then when you turn it back on, it gives you ram clear.

Usually, I thought that what you are trying to paste is larger than the program can support, it doesn't let you paste, but I guess in this case I was wrong. May be because I was trying to paste string, not program?

It just baffled me, so just throwing out there. And I backed up all my stuff before doing this, because I knew something bad might happen  :P It only gave me ram clear, so... I guess it isn't too bad

TI 68K / Re: DOA
« on: April 12, 2010, 02:31:12 pm »
Nice job! It will definitely stay in my 89 after you release it ^^ Right now, I'm working my way in doom 89, but by looking at the screen shot and your features, I think yours is way more awesome!
Keep up the good work

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