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Messages - juha.kivekas

Pages: [1]
TI Z80 / Re: Lights Out
« on: April 10, 2013, 04:07:17 pm »
I learned from z80 assembly for absolute beginners, so I have not read about generating random numbers. Thanks for the tip, I'll take a looksies. I left the run indicator there because then i feel safe about my program running and not having crashed (has happened way often during developing).

Why 4x4? because 16x16 sprite routines are easy to make, and it nicely divides the screen. :D  But maybe the extra challenge is the reason to make a 5x5.

TI Z80 / Lights Out
« on: April 10, 2013, 02:37:52 pm »
Over the weekend i finished my first real assembly program!
It's a game replica of the Lights Out handheld game released by Tiger Toys in 1995. The objective is to turn all lights off (to black). Since i didn't make a scrambling routine yet you have to scramble it yourself. Use the arrow keys move and enter to turn on/off the lights. I've tried it on TI-83+ (Emulated) and TI-84+ and it runs just right.

I really feel good. Learning assembly has taught me a lot, and given me a good bit of brainteasers. Now that i've got the basics i just want to do more and more by myself! Dithcing those B_CALLs and making my own routines, making something amazingly complex, or just optimize routines.

This code is not optimzed, it's more like soulutionized, wich means the solutions work.


ASM / Re: TI-84 ROM image problem
« on: April 03, 2013, 04:18:20 am »
Oh, that was a simple fix, it installed now :)
i was in fact using, but i wasn't playing enough attention.

ASM / TI-84 ROM image problem
« on: April 03, 2013, 03:33:40 am »
Because getting a rom image seemed hard, i have been test-running my programs on the actual calculator (with no big problems so far).
Now, i'd like to do some debugging. My problem flows kind of like a depth first search:
get debugger->get emulator->get wabbitemu->get ROM-image->get TiLP->get all dependencies->install TiLP->[problem HERE]

Seems like i'm missing package "libarchive".

I installed TiLP according to  what was told here:

I dont know what "libarchive" is, but i tried to apt-get and it said:

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package libarchive

Im running ubuntu 12.04

Introduce Yourself! / Re: I just got done reading!
« on: March 31, 2013, 01:54:37 pm »
First i was looking for a function to B_CALL but decided to build my own. Well, i made up something quite close to the ones you suggested:
Code: [Select]
LD BC,768
LD A,0
LD HL, plotsscreen
JR NZ, BufferLoop
JR NZ, BufferLoop
B_CALL _GrBufCpy

Introduce Yourself! / Re: I just got done reading!
« on: March 31, 2013, 12:45:36 pm »
Well im working on emtying the plotsscreen first, because my picture keeps staying in the background when other programs draw sprites. The sprites thenagain are to be panels of my lights out puzzle game. Lights out is a classic handheld game. Here its made as a SVG with embedded javascript:
Might not work, so wikipedia:

Introduce Yourself! / I just got done reading!
« on: March 31, 2013, 12:28:32 pm »
I just got done reading the TI-83plus assembly guide for absolute begginners, so im currently working on something thats propably way too hard and ambitious for me. I think im going to flip this place around for all the info i need to make my very first puzzleish game. i've done it before in other languages so that should help me a little.
Im going to share something from my past projects that quite perfectly merged with calculator programming due to the forced lo-fi graphics. Last summer i implemented some dithering algorithms on BMP files in java. I altered the program so it printed the file as ASM source code, so that i could then wiev them on my calc.
About Dithering:
Original BMP image:

The picture drawn on my TI-84+, and me in my fur hat:

Juha Kivekas, from frozen finland

Pages: [1]