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Topics - jwalker

Pages: 1 [2]
Introduce Yourself! / i almost forgot to say hello!
« on: January 08, 2012, 12:37:02 pm »
hello, for those of you who dont know me, i have an old Nspire Clickpad and an Nspire CX CAS. i program Lua, both Nspire and 84+ basic, ive kinda got a grasp on 84+ ASM, im learning C and C++, i do some Visual basic and am probably going to learn C# after C/C++, i also attempted to learn x86 ASM, but that didnt go so well :)

Lua / Updating WZGUILib
« on: December 27, 2011, 12:03:30 am »
Ok, so im updating my library and the documentation. So far i have Dialog Boxes, Text Boxes, Radio Buttons, Check Boxes, Numeric Up Downs, Labels and Picture Boxes. I would like some input if you have used my library or if i could add some controlls to it.
I did fix the picture box bug so it does work correctly, I am also working on adding more editing functions to the text boxes.
tell me if i missed something

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