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Messages - jwalker

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Lua / Re: Updating WZGUILib
« on: December 12, 2012, 07:40:12 pm »
So it has been a few days, and this morning on the bus the light bulb went off and I now know how I will get scroll bars to work.
I also have been contemplating a few other things....
First, after I release WZGUILib 3.0, I want to start screwing around with coroutines, in order to (possibly) add multithreading to WZ.
Last, I have been running an idea through my head every once in a while. I have been thinking that perhaps I should make WZ into a "Desktop environment". Here is some of the reasons:
1. ability to minimize windows, have multiple windows "full screen" at once. This is could be possible now, because I implemented backtab to switch between windows.
2. It might take a while, but I would develop an app system. How it would work is every "app" would be in a document stored in the library, the user then would install it by opening a dialog that asks for the path of the document. The apps would be able to have icons and other data that then would be displayed to the user. It would be persistant and would have to be uninstalled when they want to remove the program.
3. It would be more stable because less would be left up to the end programmer. A lot of WZ now is left up to the programmer, so they have to check themselves to make sure it is running properly and everything so the user has a nice experience, a desktop environment needs to run even if one app crashes. Again as with #1 I could implement this, the reason I haven't implemented a strict error recovery system is because I want to make WZ as small as possible. I may release a "WZGUILib Secure" edition in the future that would have very good error recovery systems.

Reasons Why I may be against such a Ludacris thing:
1. Less flexible. Right now it is very flexible and the programmer has lots of choice.
2. A "Desktop" environment would be a lot larger.
3. An app system using the current loading scheme would be heavy, this is why the style system wont be in the standard WZ, but in a separate release instead.

Tell me what you think, I would like to know.

Lua / Re: Updating WZGUILib
« on: December 09, 2012, 03:02:07 pm »
Today I routed most of the events to the control, I revised some old window related code that was oblolete with new functions I had added recently. I also added some new events like the timer and escapeKey.

Code: [Select]
--GraphDev setup
                      --form, bgcolor, fullscreen, function table
gd = GraphDev(fgd, color.white, "fs", {paint=WZ_Paint, click=cl, mouseMove=mm, enterKey=ek, timer=nil, arrowKey=ak, charIn=ci, escapeKey=esk}
I coppied and pasted this from the document that I uploaded below.

*how it works
Basicly every event that gets passed to this control is handled by the programmer instead of WZ.

Lua / Re: Updating WZGUILib
« on: December 08, 2012, 05:09:10 pm »
I am, but it will definately be some time because I barely have enough time to work on the Nspire version. I plan on starting the prizm port right after I release WZGUILib 3.0 (this release), but I have to add a few features before I do release it. WZGUILib Prizm 1.0 will actualy be just a port of WZGUILib 3.0, and the versions will be numbered from there.

Lua / Re: Updating WZGUILib
« on: December 08, 2012, 03:20:26 pm »
Here is a first look at the GraphDev control. I only have paint events routed to it right now, but it will be really simple to add the other ones in. I didnt fix the other issue I talked about earlier in my posts, but I will be implementing an if-then approach.

Lua / Re: Updating WZGUILib
« on: November 22, 2012, 04:12:28 pm »
I still am working on getting it to clip right without having to resort to if statements in order to get it to clip right, is there a way to clip two things at once?

Lua / Re: Updating WZGUILib
« on: November 20, 2012, 09:03:54 am »
I hope so too. It is, so I think I'm going to have to make versions in order to keep it from getting too large, also I am working on tutorials to hopefully shorten the learning curve.

Lua / Re: Updating WZGUILib
« on: November 19, 2012, 11:24:53 pm »
In the first image, it shows a blue square, that is 15 width and 15 height.
The second image shows the same blue square, transposed so that most of the square is clipped.
The last image shows that sub-objects wont be cropped when out of the forms borders, like they are supposed to be. This is also the case for other controls that contain controls.

Lua / Re: Updating WZGUILib
« on: November 19, 2012, 09:08:18 am »
Yesterday, I finaly got unicode to work properly with textboxes.
I also ran into an issue...
What happens is, any control (such as the tabcontrol), cannot be clipped because even though I reset the clipping rectangle to the size of the body of the form, when I resize it the children of the control that is clipped can show up outside of the form!
Its kind of hard to explain so I will upload pics when I get home.

Lua / Re: Updating WZGUILib
« on: November 18, 2012, 04:11:54 pm »
Today I added a working graphics class, GraphDev.
Currently there are 3 parameters: parent; bgColor; screenInf
screenInf has two different inputs, "fs" which stands for Full Screen and a table of points.
fs will set it to use the full body of a form.
The table of points looks like this: {x, y, width, height}.
Right now I'm not sure if I want to keep the last argument or not, as I think the graphics control should take up the full screen.
how you add objects is a little different also...
To add an object the format is: GraphDev_Name:add(object).

Important information: In fs mode, it will erase any controls beneath GraphDev control.

Miscellaneous / Re: Movember
« on: November 13, 2012, 11:08:56 pm »
I will grow a beard...
Actually I forgot to shave last night, and this morning I was like 'screw it, im gona grow a beard'.

Lua / Re: Updating WZGUILib
« on: November 11, 2012, 12:08:22 pm »
I was wondering if that was what that was for, and I will have to test that out jim

Lua / Re: Updating WZGUILib
« on: November 11, 2012, 11:50:34 am »
So I haven't had a whole lot of time to work on this, but I'm still going. I've hit a 4 day weekend, and with only 3 controls to document, that should be done finally today, if something doesn't get in the way :p. I also decided that since I'm writing my documentation in HTML, why not rewrite my table generator in JavaScript instead of Java? So I'm in the process of doing that. I also have a few other controls I need to make, and I haven't gotten anywhere with scrollbars, due to my lack of time. So that is one more of the things I will be working on. I also need to add the ability to add graphics, so that brings along its own set of challenges.
So I have a question, Is there a way to totally delete an object from memory, not just from the table that contains the object?
I wonder this because table.remove only removes the object from the table, yet it still exists in memory.

Gaming Discussion / Re: Duke Nukem 3D DukeMatch/Co-Op Dedicated Server
« on: November 04, 2012, 07:29:11 pm »
Actually this could be good for me and a few friends.
At school we took an assload of old computers with windows 98/2000/xp, networked them togeather and have been playing Quake and Duke. If our IT guy lets us connect our mini-network to the schools server, this could be realy fun

Lua / Re: Look what my Nspire can do
« on: October 22, 2012, 08:15:54 pm »
shoot, I was hoping I could use the arduino as a bridge

Lua / Re: Look what my Nspire can do
« on: October 22, 2012, 08:02:09 pm »
Even though this is a little off topic, could the same commands sent by nRemote to the Nspire also be sent via arduino?

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