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Messages - jwalker

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Computer Programming / Help learning X86 Asm
« on: June 06, 2012, 12:44:57 am »
I was wondering if anyone knows of any good X86 Asm tutorials. I cant seem to find any.

Yep, best of luck. glad you arent leaving us.

Lua / Re: Updating WZGUILib
« on: June 05, 2012, 11:59:57 am »
So I decided to make the examples, so here they are:
**Notice: I only provided examples for the controls that came with WZGUILIB 2.1, BUT these controls use the WZGUILIB 3.0 test version, which I included.

Once in the test version, delete all of the code inside of the on.create event and paste this code:
Code: [Select]
Icon1 ="\012\000\000\000\012\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\024\000\000\000\016\000\001\000\014\194\014\194\014\194\014\194\014\194\014\194\014\194\014\194\014\194\014\194\014\194\014\194\014\194\192\255\228\247\228\247\228\247\228\247\228\247\228\247\228\247\228\247\192\255\014\194\014\194\192\255\213\162\157\130\157\130\157\130\157\130\157\130\157\130\213\162\192\255\014\194\014\194\192\255\192\255\192\255\192\255\213\162\213\162\192\255\192\255\192\255\192\255\014\194\014\194\192\255\192\255\192\255\192\255\213\162\213\162\192\255\192\255\192\255\192\255\014\194\014\194\192\255\192\255\192\255\192\255\213\162\213\162\192\255\192\255\192\255\192\255\014\194\014\194\192\255\192\255\192\255\192\255\213\162\213\162\192\255\192\255\192\255\192\255\014\194\014\194\192\255\192\255\192\255\192\255\213\162\213\162\192\255\192\255\192\255\192\255\014\194\014\194\192\255\192\255\192\255\192\255\213\162\213\162\192\255\192\255\192\255\192\255\014\194\014\194\192\255\213\162\157\130\157\130\157\130\157\130\157\130\157\130\213\162\192\255\014\194\014\194\192\255\228\247\228\247\228\247\228\247\228\247\228\247\228\247\228\247\192\255\014\194\014\194\014\194\014\194\014\194\014\194\014\194\014\194\014\194\014\194\014\194\014\194\014\194")
Icon2 ="\012\000\000\000\012\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\024\000\000\000\016\000\001\000\014\194\014\194\014\194\014\194\014\194\014\194\014\194\014\194\014\194\014\194\014\194\014\194\014\194\000\128\000\128\000\128\000\128\000\128\000\128\000\128\000\128\000\128\000\128\014\194\014\194\157\130\157\130\157\130\157\130\157\130\000\128\157\130\157\130\157\130\157\130\014\194\014\194\157\130\157\130\157\130\157\130\157\130\000\128\157\130\157\130\157\130\157\130\014\194\014\194\157\130\000\128\000\128\000\128\000\128\000\128\000\128\000\128\000\128\157\130\014\194\014\194\157\130\157\130\157\130\157\130\157\130\000\128\157\130\157\130\157\130\157\130\014\194\014\194\157\130\157\130\157\130\157\130\157\130\000\128\157\130\157\130\157\130\157\130\014\194\014\194\157\130\157\130\157\130\157\130\000\128\000\128\000\128\157\130\157\130\157\130\014\194\014\194\157\130\157\130\157\130\000\128\000\128\000\128\000\128\000\128\157\130\157\130\014\194\014\194\157\130\157\130\000\128\000\128\157\130\000\128\157\130\000\128\000\128\157\130\014\194\014\194\000\128\000\128\000\128\157\130\157\130\000\128\157\130\157\130\000\128\000\128\014\194\014\194\014\194\014\194\014\194\014\194\014\194\014\194\014\194\014\194\014\194\014\194\014\194")
Icon3 ="\012\000\000\000\012\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\024\000\000\000\016\000\001\000\016\194\016\194\016\194\016\194\016\194\016\194\016\194\016\194\016\194\016\194\016\194\016\194\016\194}\207}\207}\207}\207\000\128\000\128}\207}\207}\207}\207\016\194\016\194}\207}\207}\207}\207\000\128\000\128}\207}\207}\207}\207\016\194\016\194}\207}\207}\207\000\128`\255`\255\000\128}\207}\207}\207\016\194\016\194}\207}\207\000\128`\255\000\188\000\188`\255\000\128}\207}\207\016\194\016\194}\207}\207\000\128`\255\000\188\000\188`\255\000\128}\207}\207\016\194\016\194}\207}\207\000\128\192\255\000\188\000\188`\255\000\128}\207}\207\016\194\016\194}\207\000\128\000\128\192\255\000\188\000\188`\255\000\128\000\128}\207\016\194\016\194}\207\000\128`\255`\255`\255`\255`\255`\255\000\128}\207\016\194\016\194\000\128`\255`\255`\255\000\188\000\188`\255`\255`\255\000\128\016\194\016\194\000\128`\255`\255`\255\000\188\000\188`\255`\255`\255\000\128\016\194\016\194\016\194\016\194\016\194\016\194\016\194\016\194\016\194\016\194\016\194\016\194\016\194")

Tabs = {atab = {text = "Tab1", selected = true, controls = {}, x = 0, y = 0},
btab = {text = "Tab2", selected = false, controls = {}, x = 0, y = 0},
ctab = {text = "Tab3", selected = false, controls = {}, x = 0, y = 0},
dtab = {text = "Tab4", selected = false, controls = {}, x = 0, y = 0}}

lableT = {"l1", "l2", "l3"}
picT = {Icon1, Icon2, Icon3}

--This is the form class: Params x, y, width, height, fullscreen, title, title color, title bar and frame color, is drawn, has context menu, c.m. table, has status bar, has icon, icon img
form1 = form(1, 1, 160, 160, true, "Title", color.white, color.brickred, true, false, false, true, true, Icon1)

--This is the tabcontrol class: Params x, y, width, height, tab table, parent
tabControl1 = tabcontrol(10, 15, 110, 50, Tabs, form1)

--This is the textbox class: Params x, y, width, text, text color, textbox color, parent, is selected
textbox1 = textbox(10, 70, 100, "Hello World",,, form1, false)

--this is the button class: Params text, x, y, action, text color, bg color, parent
button1 = button("BTN1", 4, 4, btnClick,, color.Bcontrol, Tabs.atab)--could also be tabControl1.tabcollection.atab

--this is the lable class: Params x, y, text, text size, color, parent
lable1 = lable(1, 2, "BTN1 not clicked ever!", 7,, Tabs.btab)

--this is the radioButton class: Params text, x, y, marked, back color, mark color, text color, parent
rdb1 = radioButton("rdb1", 2, 2, true, color.Bcontrol,,, Tabs.ctab)
rdb2 = radioButton("rdb2", 2, 14, false, color.Bcontrol,,, Tabs.ctab)

--this is the Checkbox class: Params x, y, text, checked, back color, check color, text color, parent
checkbox1 = checkbox(2, 2, "Checkbox1", true, color.Bcontrol,,, Tabs.dtab)
checkbox2 = checkbox(2, 14,"Checkbox2", true, color.Bcontrol,,, Tabs.dtab)

--this is the Picture box class: Params x, y, width, height, label table, picture table, text color, index, lable name, parent, selected
picturebox1 = pb(130, 15, 20, 20, lableT, picT,, 1, lblmm, form1, false)

--this is the numeric updown class: Params x, y, curent number, line color, maximum number, minimum number, text color, plus minus color, parent, selected
numericUPDown1 = NumericUD(10, 130, 10,, 25, -1,,, form1, false)

--this is the dialog class: Params x, y, text, title, back color, text color, is drawn, parent, selected
dialog1 = dialog(10, 10, "Dialog1 is right here~secondline", "Dialog1", color.brickred,, false, form1, false)
Then underneath the "end" of the on.create event paste this code:
Code: [Select]
function btnClick()
lable1.text = "Button has been clicked!"
if checkbox1.checked and checkbox2.checked and rdb2.marked then
dialog1.isdrawn = true

If this doesnt work, Tell me.
The file I included is the one that I mentioned in the above post, I just cut all of the junk from the on.create event and the two unneeded functions from underneath the on.create event

Humour and Jokes / Re: Weird/funny pictures thread
« on: June 05, 2012, 12:43:12 am »
I once saw one from /b/ about someone who got convinced to destroy their computer in steps

EDIT found it
its rather funny though just a guy trolling I'm pretty sure

I loled alot

Humour and Jokes / Re: Weird/funny pictures thread
« on: June 04, 2012, 11:44:57 pm »
I alwasy thought this one was kind of funny...

TI-BASIC / Re: TI Basic Tutorial
« on: June 04, 2012, 08:56:16 pm »
Yea finish it

Lua / Re: Updating WZGUILib
« on: June 04, 2012, 06:59:43 pm »
hmm maybe you were using a diffrent version...
any way i posted a dev version of wz in this post:
I thought I would leak the dev version of 3.1, there isnt alot of new stuff, but trust me, there is more coming!!
dont worry about all of the stuff in the on.create method, in fact you could uncomment most of the stuff and it would all work
also even though it says wzpack_3d, there isnt much 3d, i ended up doing most of my testing there

Also make sure you paste the examples that I post in the on.create event

Download this lua file, and then tell me the controls you would like to have examples on.

Also with the new release I will have a "Programming with WZGUILIB" document to explain the controls in depth and tell how to make your own.

to answer your first question:
I may add a "NO_FRAME" flag that would emulate having no forms which would require no moding, OR I could try to make a way for you to do that that would allow you to have the same functionality as a form, but it would not even use a form.
either way I will work on it and pm you or post a solution, it shouldnt be that hard.

Also I did make a drawable trackbar that accepts events but it just dosent do anything usefull yet.

Lua / Re: Updating WZGUILib
« on: June 04, 2012, 02:07:54 pm »
So I had an Idea...
As of right now to create a control and add it to a window you have to do this:
form1 = form(....)
child1= control(..., form1) -- form 1 is the parent control
I am thinking about change this to:
form1 = form(....)
child1 = control(...)
where you can also do this:

Lua / Re: Delay function
« on: June 01, 2012, 03:14:41 pm »
you could use on.tick

Lua / Re: Updating WZGUILib
« on: June 01, 2012, 11:59:56 am »
well that is good to know, i will have make this 3.2 friendly and get all of the other things done that I want done

Lua / Re: Updating WZGUILib
« on: June 01, 2012, 11:31:02 am »
I thought I would leak the dev version of 3.1, there isnt alot of new stuff, but trust me, there is more coming!!
dont worry about all of the stuff in the on.create method, in fact you could uncomment most of the stuff and it would all work
also even though it says wzpack_3d, there isnt much 3d, i ended up doing most of my testing there

Miscellaneous / Re: I kind of had to post this
« on: May 31, 2012, 09:49:54 pm »
lol, that is where i first heard about it, then i found this article and found out it is written in lua

Miscellaneous / Re: I kind of had to post this
« on: May 31, 2012, 12:36:13 pm »
that is very true, it isnt realy a toy language, it is just eisier to learn than the other ones

Miscellaneous / I kind of had to post this
« on: May 30, 2012, 10:14:16 pm »

Lua / Re: Updating WZGUILib
« on: May 30, 2012, 12:08:11 am »
Since creation of tables for menu bars and tabs are hard and tedious, i decided to write a tool in java to make it simpler.
As of right now only part of it works (the tab creation part) because that is the time ive had.
Once this tool is complete I will distribute it with all new versions of WZGUILIB.
It works on Windows and it should work on Mac and Linux, but I dont know for sure since i dont have any of those operating systems.

This will generate a tabData.lua file in the directory of the jar file.
If you have questions just ask

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