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Messages - kindermoumoute

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TI Z80 / Re: TinyCraft [Axe]
« on: January 08, 2012, 03:33:21 pm »
I haven't finished, don't worry about size, because i'll put datas in appvars, and don't worry about speed, here it's just because of my code.

So I summarizes the way I'm going to use to display list of items (inventory only) or specified list. Each save contain items data. Each item is 2 bytes longer (1 byte to the quantity, 2 bits to Type, 6 bits to number) and have his text and his sprite. In game, only the quantity byte is modified. With my item menu, I'll load a copy of the item data save in L5 (106 bytes needed), but without empty items, or only with a specified list (necessarily mean L5 is not fully used).
NB : currently, I use r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, I and J as tempory variable.
NB2 : Sprites and texts are determinated with its number.

@Spyro543 : just a question : how to display sprites qui 4 lvl of gray... without use 4 grayscales ? :banghead:

@saintrunner : can you try to make 2 tools&swords different more, to differentiate rock and gold ?

TI Z80 / Re: TinyCraft [Axe]
« on: January 08, 2012, 02:35:54 pm »
8*8 is better I think.

Here source and new screen, but I've a bug again with first and last item displaying..

TI Z80 / Re: TinyCraft [Axe]
« on: January 08, 2012, 02:02:02 pm »
Let me finish cursor and I'll post source (so messy for the moment). ;)

TI Z80 / Re: TinyCraft [Axe]
« on: January 08, 2012, 11:53:46 am »
Yes, it work ! :)

TI Z80 / Re: TinyCraft [Axe]
« on: January 08, 2012, 10:30:04 am »
Oups sorry, there is 53 item exactly (not 63)... here a list that could be in data :
Code: [Select]
wood Pick [01]
rock Pick [02]
iron Pick [03]
gold Pick [04]
rock Pick [05]

wood Axe [06]
rock Axe [07]
iron Axe [08]
gold Axe [09]
gem Axe [0A]

"wood Hoe" [0B]
"rock Hoe" [0C]
"iron Hoe" [0D]
"gold Hoe" [0E]
"gem Hoe" [0F]

"wood Shovl" [10]
"rock Shovl" [11]
"iron Shovl" [12]
"gold Shovl" [13]
"gem Shovl" [14]
"wood Sword" [15]
"rock Sword" [16]
"iron Sword" [17]
"gold Sword" [18]
"gem Sword" [19]
"Pow Glove" [1A]
"Workbench" [1B]
"Furnace" [1C]
"Lantern" [1D]
"Anvil" [1E]
"Oven" [1F]
"Chest" [20]
"Wood" [61]
"Stone" [62]
"Flower" [A3]
"Acorn" [A4]
"Dirt" [A5]
"Sand" [A6]
"Cactus" [A7]
"Seeds" [A8]
"Wheat" [69]
"Bread" [EA]
"Apple" [EB]
"Coal" [6C]
"Iron Ore" [6D]
"Gold Ore" [6E]
"Iron" [6F]
"Gold" [70]
"Slime" [71]
"Glass" [72]
"Cloth" [73]
"Cloud" [F3]
"Gem" [74]
I try it now. :w00t:

TI Z80 / Re: TinyCraft [Axe]
« on: January 08, 2012, 09:40:05 am »
I found some ideas about items organization, to save the maximum of memory. Since there was 63 items exactly, I thought about a way to use the 2 first bits effectively, and after look at source I noticed 3 type of resource : normal resource, plantable resource and food resource. Why not use these bits for this ?

PS : 0 can be used to utilities, weapon and tools.

TI Z80 / Re: TinyCraft [Axe]
« on: January 07, 2012, 10:03:17 pm »
Here a first screen :
For the moment, executable is around 1200 bytes larger.

EDIT : Wow, pretty nice on real calc. :D

TI Z80 / Re: TinyCraft [Axe]
« on: January 07, 2012, 07:04:21 pm »
Don't worry I tested it before : big blacks squares are sprite of the item, others rectangles are letters.

TI Z80 / Re: TinyCraft [Axe]
« on: January 07, 2012, 06:51:37 pm »
What do you think about this disposition of the menu item (crafting+inventory) :

TI Z80 / Re: TinyCraft [Axe]
« on: January 07, 2012, 04:57:47 pm »
where is the source?
Same. ???

About tilemapping and greyscales, both have same speed in my tests. Is it due to an optimisation of the Axe parser ? I'm so outdated. :-\

TI Z80 / Re: TinyCraft [Axe]
« on: January 07, 2012, 04:06:44 pm »
I would like to express my anger about a lot of games that don't work on my 83 +, due to a scrolling engine that uses 4 levels grayscale, just to look a little more pretty. :banghead:

That's why I suggest to make an option to display the tilemap in 3 lvl of grayscales (!If full)  or 4 lvl (to lucky owners 84+). It mean we have to make 3 bytes to 8 pixels of sprite&tile. However, I don't think display 4 level grayscale in a menu is a problem on 83+, here I espacially think about Workbench, furnace, chest.. system.

Bottom an example of 3 lvl grayscales sprites&tiles :

TI Z80 / Re: Sonic Physics
« on: January 06, 2012, 07:38:00 pm »
Just awesome ! A lot of bug, but while it's on emulator.
Thank to share source. :)

Axe / Re: How to use the link port
« on: January 06, 2012, 03:10:46 pm »
Ok, the fact : I looked around the forum about link command, but I saw nowhere a complete code that used the port link so improved.
So today I worked on it.

My technique is initially to define a calculator server and a calculator client, in Boolean it mean 1 and 0. To specify if the calculator is server or client, I do it more or less randomly, because for the rest of the program I don't mind the order.
Code: [Select]
:.r1 is the number of swap you want to try it work, ussualy 10 is same than 200
:Lbl SYN
:Output(0,,"Synchronisation ...
:Repeat r2>r1 or getKey(15)
:If Get+1
Now we have a server (0) and a client (1), and the first application is to separate server code and client code :
Code: [Select]
!If B
My first idea was to make a program where the server send and the client get each loop, here a funny example :
Code: [Select]
:Repeat getKey(15) or (B>1
:!If B

:.Program host
:Lbl SRV
:If X<96

:.Program client
:Lbl CLT
:If X>95
:If Get+1:-1→X:End

NB : With real calculator there isn't this speed lag, here it's cause of wabbitemu mistake.

Now I thought about a way to send multiple bytes in both directions (for games such as Battleship, Chess, pokemon, and thousands more). My first solution is a system of roundtrip between server and client, after synchronizing calcs.
Code: [Select]
:.r1 ==> number of bytes to send
:Lbl ECH
:!If B
:Lbl GET
:Repeat Get+1→r2
:If getKey(15)
:Goto ERR
:.ERR routine just leave program
And it work perfectly, but I find this routine not very optimized, so I decided to try another way by sending all at once to the server, then to the client... to be continued.  :thumbsup:

PS : I can't test my code for the moment because of wabbitemu' mistakes...

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Axe Parser
« on: January 06, 2012, 10:35:13 am »
I don't think I'll use this framework, but it could be nice.
But currently, why not try to use GUI application of DCS7, mirage OS,... when the shell is selected in Axe parser option ?

Axe / Re: The Optimization Compilation
« on: January 04, 2012, 04:09:47 pm »
Currently, is this tutorial efficient yet ?

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