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Messages - kindermoumoute

Pages: 1 ... 45 46 [47] 48 49 ... 57
TI Z80 / Re: MEGR drawing 2.0
« on: September 29, 2010, 03:50:13 pm »
New version, with ability to delete images, but mostly a lot of bug correction (in reality there is only one of the 5 lines lost at the top: /)

Axe / Re: Save screen on a variable pic calculator
« on: September 29, 2010, 01:45:04 pm »
No idea?

TI Z80 / Re: MEGR drawing 2.0
« on: September 29, 2010, 01:43:58 pm »
I just figured out some problems not complicated to solve (Especially in the disappearance of variables Pic), but there's always one that I reported here (is regarding the 5 extra lines in my images).

TI Z80 / Re: [project] Drawing to basic.
« on: September 29, 2010, 12:39:21 pm »
Look and comment here.

TI Z80 / Re: MEGR drawing 2.0
« on: September 29, 2010, 11:28:40 am »
EDIT : look first post!

PS : I think we need move this topic to "Other Calc-Related Projects And Ideas", no?

TI Z80 / Re: [project] Drawing to basic.
« on: September 29, 2010, 11:07:24 am »
I'd like to see a screen to see what it gives, but it could very well be a joint project (it would probably a better result). I did post an update soon with viewing from 2 to 3 superimposed image color levels.

Axe / Re: Save screen on a variable pic calculator
« on: September 28, 2010, 11:30:15 am »
I clear ram everyday.

Axe / Re: Save screen on a variable pic calculator
« on: September 27, 2010, 04:41:12 pm »
Why not, but Its not going to help you :/
Spoiler For Code:
:":PIC →Str14
:"MEGR2.0 DRAW :→Str15
:Repeat getKey(15)
:If getKey(34) or getKey(26) or getKey(18) or getKey(35)
:If getKey(34)
:If getKey(26)
:If getKey(18)
:If getKey(35)
:Lbl B
:Repeat E=9
:Repeat I≠1
:UnArchive Str1+I
:If GetCalc(Str1+I)
:!If G
:Archive Str1+I
:Repeat getKey(9)
:Goto B
:Repeat getKey(9)
:Archive Str1+I
:!If Q=1
:Repeat getKey(9)
:If G=2
:Lbl A
:Repeat getKey(48)
:If I≠1
:Archive Str1+I
:If getKey(53) or getKey(52)
:If getKey(53)
:If getKey(52)
:While getKey(53)
:While getKey(52)
:If R
:!If R
:!If getKey(54)
:If getKey(15)
:If getKey(1) and (Y≠63
:If getKey(2) and (X≠0
:If getKey(3) and (X≠95
:If getKey(4) and (Y≠0
:Goto GO
:Lbl R
:If R
:!If R
:If getKey(1) and ((H+Y)≠63
:If getKey(2) and (W≠0
:If getKey(3) and ((X+W)≠95
:If getKey(4) and (H≠0
:Lbl T
:If getKey(47)
:If getKey(39)
:If getKey(31)
:If getKey(23)
:Pause T
:Lbl I
:If getKey(34)
:If getKey(26)
:If getKey(18)
:If getKey(35)
:If getKey(27)
:If getKey(19)
:If getKey(36)
:If getKey(28)
:If getKey(20)
:Lbl GO
:Repeat getKey(0)

Axe / Re: Save screen on a variable pic calculator
« on: September 27, 2010, 02:28:25 pm »
help me please :/

Art / Re: favicon world
« on: September 26, 2010, 04:41:07 pm »
Merci jacques ^^

Art / favicon world
« on: September 26, 2010, 03:18:45 pm »
I need a favicon like the one below very quickly, which is not America but Europe.
If I could have something that would quickly simpa!

Axe / Re: Save screen on a variable pic calculator
« on: September 26, 2010, 09:04:57 am »
I see that there are still some bugs in my method to save my pictures. When I save, I have a chance in two that he register in the picture but they are not (not shown) in the calculator.
As shown in the screen below, I record in picture 1.2, 8 and 9 during my drawings. But the result is going to tell me that only Pic1 and Pic2 (in the menu from memory) when the variables are well and stored in the list of images (and I can remember). And one can also notice that when I recall the image 1 or 2, there are 5 lines shift up images.

Screen :

Source (Only regards the manipulation of pictures) :
Code: [Select]
:Repeat I≠1
:UnArchive Str1+I
:If GetCalc(Str1+I)
:Repeat getKey(9)
:Archive Str1+I
:If I≠1
:Archive Str1+I
:Lbl I
:If getKey(34)
:If getKey(26)
:If getKey(18)
:If getKey(35)
:If getKey(27)
:If getKey(19)
:If getKey(36)
:If getKey(28)
:If getKey(20)

Where is problem?

PS : Here it is taken with a TI-84 + SE Emulator, but on my TI-83 + we find the same problem.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Bug Reports
« on: September 26, 2010, 05:52:36 am »
Ah ok, I was a bit worried.


Pause X

crashes Kindermoumoute's calc. Could this be a bug on certain calc models or could it be his calc that is defect?

Just crash when X=0 :/

Art / Re: worm 8x8
« on: September 25, 2010, 04:21:44 pm »
Who can do 2 sprites as this :

Thank =)

[FR] Programmation Axe Parser / Re: [Axe parser] aide
« on: September 25, 2010, 03:46:45 pm »
:o autant pour moi! merci pour cette info ^^

Pages: 1 ... 45 46 [47] 48 49 ... 57