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Messages - lolje

Pages: 1 ... 9 10 [11] 12 13 ... 21
TI Z80 / Age of culture II
« on: August 29, 2006, 01:56:00 am »
still working...  :ihatemypc:crash.gif

I would say I'm done so far with the User-interface. Now I'll have to do:

1. AI (economy, which should be quite easy)

and then:

2. AI (Engine for the battle mode  :/confused.gif )

Other Calculators / next version of xlib features
« on: August 28, 2006, 01:41:00 am »
Ok, but when he doesn't care about what we say - why does this topic exist?????? I just want to know which features he's going to add...

Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Omnimaga - The RPG
« on: August 28, 2006, 12:14:00 am »
 0_os049.gif looooool :roll:s025.gif
When you need another character plz take me!!!  :Dbiggrin.gif

Other Calculators / next version of xlib features
« on: August 25, 2006, 02:08:00 am »
Oh, a grid... I could do that. It should be quite easy to code...

@topic: So what's up??? Is there still progress on xLIB? What features will be implemented?Please answer these questions!

Why not start a poll about the xLIB features and then implement the features with the most votes???

oh and I also missed a circle-routine in the real(12 - task...

TI Z80 / Age of culture II
« on: August 24, 2006, 11:48:00 pm »
give me a couple of days and when i'm done I will be able to present you a great battle mode with AI...

I just need some time

Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Omnimaga - The RPG
« on: August 24, 2006, 02:03:00 am »
Oh that's maybe a bit late; but I think 68k-asm is fast enought to create a good 8-level greyscale...

@spellshaper: how about making a 100*160 8-grey title  :pop:xplod.gif^^

btw: wich program do you use? I never found a 'jpg -> asm-grey'-prog for 68k calcs...

Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Omnimaga - The RPG
« on: August 23, 2006, 07:14:00 am »
An Omnimaga-RPG... funny idea! but making it for 68k-calcs wouldn't have been my choice cause most omnimaga users just have z8-calcs...

Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / .1 Second decompressor
« on: August 21, 2006, 10:51:00 pm »
All right but what's the size of the matrix compared to the string-size when you use 2- or even 3,4,5-digit numbers? Would the string still be so much smaler?

TI Z80 / Age of culture II
« on: August 21, 2006, 06:18:00 am »
~25% of the battle mode is done now.  :bounce:bounce.gif
and without having a seroius problem. I think it'll all be easy until I start eith the AI...

I just wanted to say that it's still being worked on AOC hard - I just can't give you a new verison because with an unfinished battle mode that wouldn't make much sence...

TI Z80 / Age of culture II
« on: August 20, 2006, 02:15:00 am »
oh, other races...

good idea but first I'll have to code the main game, afterwards I'll think about levels, different modes (e.g. skirmish), bonusses (which is actually a great idea) and so on.

EDIT: This is the re-release of version 0.5; I uploaded the wrong files, but now the file attached in the first post is really the new verison with the pause menu and the stable-menu.

TI Z80 / Age of culture II
« on: August 19, 2006, 07:58:00 am »
:Ptongue.gif  A new version? Far away from it. I just begun with the battle mode and I don't have the soldier-sprites, yet...

News / Spencer Interview on his Zelda project
« on: August 18, 2006, 02:15:00 am »
Omg uber-owning!!!
can't wait to get it...

TI Z80 / Age of culture II
« on: August 17, 2006, 10:37:00 pm »
If you see a basic-menu asking wheather to save the game or or not, you probably have an older version installed. Download version 0.5 (in the first post) and install it.

EDIT: It could also be my false - maybe I zipped the wrong files...  :sad:sad.gif - Just wait for the next version
(well, in this version you just can build so it's not that important...)

Oh and I began with the battle mode.
I still need sprites!

Gaming Discussion / mechassault: phantom war
« on: August 16, 2006, 03:37:00 am »
Mech assault on ds! cool stuff

I have a DS

:oohmy.gif you have a ds??? Is that still true!?
I'd highly recommend to buy Metroid Prime Hunters!!!!
btw There'll come out a Zelda game called 'Phantom Hourglass' in 2006 or 2007  :Dbiggrin.gif

Art / What App do you use
« on: August 16, 2006, 03:25:00 am »
Oh, as graphic tool on calc (e.g.when I edit a tileset or a pciture file) I always use Draw'n map  :Dbiggrin.gif
And I recommend to use it cause compared to the Ti-OS-graph-screen
(You know, when you press [Draw] you get some commands...) it's really m

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