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Messages - lolje

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TI Z80 / Ideas: Storyline??? [AOC II]
« on: June 17, 2006, 11:49:00 pm »
I just spent some time on the story and I worked out a little test prog, which shows how it could look like later.
The program doesn't care about the ends and beginnings of the single sentences and I wasn't able to make it look like e.g. the intro from 'The War of MMruda', but I think you can read it and that's the most important thing.
If you have an idea how to improve it or you have a prog which uses a completely different system to display all the texts - please tell me!

Here is the download so that you can check it out:

btw Thanks to  Dragon__lance for this really great intro!

TI Z80 / The future of this project
« on: June 16, 2006, 06:41:00 am »
I have to say this time the programs are all very well structured so that I can use them very easily! The graphics are awesome - 12 songs,
come on, what's up?? It's handsome!

EDIT: I just downloaded it and tried some songs - THIS IS JUST FANTASTIC

oh and plz try to take it easy when some stuff happens - I know it's always hard but in those times you have trouble just think on good things and try to solve the problems.

TI Z80 / Clibz
« on: June 16, 2006, 05:44:00 am »
I also added the little feature that it saves the standard contrast with real(5,1 so that it shouldn't be too brght or too dark.  ;)wink.gif

TI Z80 / Clibz
« on: June 15, 2006, 10:33:00 pm »
how about just putting this topic into 'Our Projects'?

TI Z80 / Clibz
« on: June 15, 2006, 04:07:00 am »
sounds great! Any download of your project??
Oh btw I just integrated a little introduction with some lightning and a phrase 'thx to the author'.

Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Snake Hunters
« on: June 14, 2006, 07:27:00 am »
I played around a bit lately and there are some interesting effects you can produce with xlib...

News / Website reaches 100000 hits
« on: June 14, 2006, 07:20:00 am »
keep it up!  :)smile.gif

TI Z80 / Ideas: Storyline??? [AOC II]
« on: June 14, 2006, 05:27:00 am »
 o.oblink.gif w00t thank you, I am sure this'll be very useful.
Maybe take this text as kinda intro and then a little text after every won level in the game?
Really great - I hope not everyone already read it  :Ptongue.gif


TI Z80 / Ideas: Storyline??? [AOC II]
« on: June 11, 2006, 06:05:00 am »
it's up to you  

Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Snake Hunters
« on: June 08, 2006, 05:33:00 am »
The old update was removed, the latest version is in the first post^^

TI Z80 / Clibz
« on: May 30, 2006, 04:34:00 am »
sprites is what I ment when I said 'tilesets'  

TI Z80 / Clibz
« on: May 30, 2006, 04:10:00 am »
In 'Shizzle' the objects were randomly placed and saved in hacked pictures. Here the pics are still hacked but you can place and choose the objects completely yourself.
But it's also no 'Animation Studio' in that way because you just edit the picture, save or load it. IF you want you can take some of your pictures you made and let them animate with the same program. It's also useful to create Tilesets for use with xLIB especcialy if you want to create some grey because i'll also integrate another feature to test two tilesets (btw pictures) how they look put together (in grey).
In short that means it's a complete new program with another interface, engine and so on.

Oh, did I already mention that it's only one program, which will probably ~3000 bytes big  ?

Hope you understood my bad grammar.But you'll see   ;)wink.gif


Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Snake Hunters
« on: May 29, 2006, 12:25:00 am »
oh, btw on a normal 83+
 (on those ones most of you probably still own) it'll just show up a white lightning instead of a blue one. I know those not-83+-stuff suckz , but it's possible and not negativa for 83+ owners - so I integrated it.
sorry to 83+ owners - It's just a little effect so don't be angry  :)smile.gif

I'll test this trick with shape soon...

TI Z80 / Clibz
« on: May 28, 2006, 10:38:00 pm »
Draw'n map is a bundle to edit Pictures (especcially for editing Pictures for use as Tile/spriteset!) and then to make a tileMAP with it. The tilemap data will be saved in matrices, so it's the perfect tool to make Tilemaps for use with xLIB-commands.
But you could also just use it to edit and view your pictures.

user posted image
main menu

user posted image
Sprite/Tileset editor (you don't see the great tool-bar here  :Ptongue.gif )

user posted image
Tilemap editor

Included features:
-Draw different objects
(Dots, Lines, Rectangles, Circles)
in Black/White/Invert

-Copy/Paste Function
(Copy and Paste 8*8 pixel squads with 2nd(Paste) and Alpha(Copy)!)

F5:Change Pic...



I'm sure you'll like it cause It's handy, useful and you can use it in many different ways:
-View/Edit pics,
-Design Tilesets (for xlib RPGS  ;)wink.gif )
-Create and watch own clips
and all this in a very comfortable way:
The program is fast,graphically,handy and multifunctional.

EDIT:The bundle Draw'n map is included as an attachment

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