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Messages - lolje

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First of all all, I want to apologize for the lack of updates in the past time.   :-\
But this time I don't just want to talk and advertize.

I actually have some new stuff for you, which I am going to release very soon.

This is what I got:

-Age of Culture v0.89
     New Features:
          - One new map
          - Balancing stuff (gameplay will be a bit harder)
          - New sprites for the cavallery units

Secondly - as I announced in August '09:

-'AOCII H4xor'
     This is just a very rudimentary cheat-tool for AOCII including custom gold increase and custom wood increase.
     You can just tell me if you want more features - I will integrate them (as long as it wouldn't take too much time ;-) )

I am going to upload it for you by no later than Sunday, the 7th of March.  ;)

Ok - as for now: ty for all responses...


Some Tool Stuff following soon 2009[...]

Do you know the 'AocII H4xor'?? :D

This is the main-Topic about my Strategy game Age of culture II (short form AOCII), which is written in Ti-basic(+xLIB).

You may post suggestions, questions and all that stuff here.

Short Description
As the name suggests, Age of Culture was inspired by the famous computer game 'Age of Empires', but was also influenced by other important strategy games as Warcraft III, for example.
While playing the game you will notice that there are two different interfaces:
The first one is the real time based economy-mode, where you can build, recruit, scroll, wage war, save (of course) and all that stuff.
After having set up an army, you will get to know the round based battle mode, which might remind you on games like 'Chess', 'Advance Wars' for the Game Boy Advance or maybe the Nintendo DS Version of 'Age of Empires'.
The game features two types of resources, gold and wood, three different maps, which are fully scrollable, five difficulties, five different unit types of both wide and low range attack, a moderate AI Player and a very rudimentary cheating tool.
I hope you enjoy it.

Here are some Screenshots of the latest version:

Notes: The title screen is a greyscale pixel art by Spellshaper,
          The Screenshots are animated gifs showing the actual gameplay.
          You may notice that they are displaying ten parts of one Session consecutively.

- real-time economy mode
- round-based  battle mode
- 3 different scrollable maps
- 5 difficulties
- 5 different types of units
- a moderate AI-Player

To do list
- integration of smith
(- Different gameplay modes)

AOC II runs on the following calculators:
     - TI-84+ (OS-Version 2.30, I don't know about the recent updates...), Ti 84+ Silver Edition
     - TI 83+, Ti 83+ Silver Edition

Compatible with: Ti 83+, , Ti 84+, Wabbitemu (Emulator)

Download: AOCII v0.89 is included as attachement.
Release Date: March the 5th of 2010

General Discussion / Re: Now Playing
« on: July 08, 2009, 06:05:01 am »
Is it still actual!? Now Playing: Milburn - Well Well Well and/orE The Fratellis - Costello Music (Just bought that CD yesterday)  :D

watch out for!!!

Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: Java Platforming engine
« on: July 08, 2009, 06:01:04 am »
 ;D I just say: the JAVA HAMSTER MODEL!!! (Too sad for most of you; it's german - well, is it really???)

But it's still under development!

 ;) This bunch of lol should provide you with some stuff for early learning if you are really interested in programming some java. I was doing this crappy dork java classes in school for a whole year. Now there is a promise that we should get into REAL Java... -.- well, I'm excited [...]

regards, lolje

TI Z80 / Age of culture II, The best Age of culture ever!!!
« on: November 22, 2007, 11:43:00 pm »

 THE POST 13535350
Well, honestly there was no progress
since the last version of Age of culturebecause i'm quite busy
with school and a lot of other stuff in the moment.

But there will be still progress in the future, of course...  

TI Z80 / Age of culture II, The best Age of culture ever!!!
« on: November 22, 2007, 11:43:00 pm »

 THE POST 13535350
Well, honestly there was no progress
since the last version of Age of culturebecause i'm quite busy
with school and a lot of other stuff in the moment.

But there will be still progress in the future, of course...  

TI Z80 / Age of culture II
« on: October 15, 2007, 08:47:00 pm »
Well, I'm sorry for you not bein able to use AOCII (v0.85) with emus but that's a problem with the emulators, not with my game... :(sad.gif
(which is fully compatible with TI-Connect!)

TI Z80 / *Poll* missing features? [AOC I]
« on: October 12, 2007, 10:43:00 am »

(No progress on Age of Culture I anymore...)

TI Z80 / Age of culture I
« on: October 12, 2007, 10:41:00 am »
There might follow kinda 'final' update that includes a better Readme-file
(Not an important update - but possibly the last one on Age of Culture I...)

TI Z80 / Age of culture II
« on: October 12, 2007, 10:26:00 am »
@DJ: The weird background is caused by the missing tileset;
Normally the tileset would be stored in Pic No. 100 ('ZunMin').
In your animated screenshot the tileset 'ZunMin' was missing.

Possible Reasons:

-> Sending the group to the emulator failed

-> You ungrouped the group 'AOCV085' before sending it to your calculator and tried to send the 2 Files 'AOC2' and 'ZunMin' (On windows the names are differ from the TI-OS Names!),
but the emulator didn't receive the tileset for some reasons (?)

-> The emulator you used isn't able to handle hacked pictures
    (As far as I know, PindurTI works with hacked Pics...)

Are you sure you have sent the group to the emulator correctly?

TI 68K / Age of culture V200
« on: October 12, 2007, 07:14:00 am »
Well, first of all please don't expect any fast progress on AOCII V200!!!

I have some problems with free time due to the increase of work for school as well as time spent with friends, other hobbies etc. so I hope you are not sad if there won't be that much progress in the near future :)smile.gif

Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Problem with emulators
« on: October 12, 2007, 06:20:00 am »
When I install AOCII 0.85 on my calc there's no install instruction in the readme

It's in the .zip file ;)wink.gif

I guessed everything that isnt grouped went on the archive and what's grouped in the RAM, so I played the game after installing xLIB

In general you are right;
I tried to make the installation as easy as possible by setting all programs which should be archived to 'archive'.
Secondly, I had to group the tileset because otherwise Ti-Connect would refuse to send it - and then I also included the launcher 'AOCII' (that
needs to be in RAM while playing the game) in the group.

-> In order to have as much RAM as possible available while you play, you should always have all files on your calculator instead of 'AOCII' archived, so make sure that you also archive the tileset
Pic no.100 (The name should be something like 'ZunMin')!

-> There is no need to think about all this when you just follow the Installing instructions in the Readme (located in the .zip file)

instead of maps I only saw a bunch of text :(sad.gif do you know what I am doing wrong? :(sad.gif

I am really sorry, but there is a problem with emulators that cannot load the hacked pictures created with xLib, which causes the emulator to use any picture that is currently stored in Pic0 as tileset.

Age of Culture II (0.85) was coded and tested on Ti 84+ systems only, so if you use a freshly reset Ti 84+ (Or just a Ti 84+ with enough free memory) and follow the discription in the Readme it will definitely work.

Since the hard- and software of the Ti 84+ is (apart from the clock-function, which was NOT used in AOCII) fully compatible with the Ti 83+ (as well with Ti 84+ SE and Ti 83+ SE) I'm sure it works on these systems as well.

-> If you want the game to work the way it should normally work, you should use physical calculators. As far as I know there is no emulator out yet that exactly ( = 100 % = in any case ) works like a real calculator.

try looking in the source to see if the game uses the correct picture to display the sprites.

The game uses the correct picture to display the sprites.

i had the same problem when i put it on wabbitemu, then i transferred it to my calc and it work perfectly.

Maybe you try with PindurTI? PindurTI works at least with older versions of AOCII, so it should also be able to handle the latest one...

TI Z80 / Age of culture II
« on: October 03, 2007, 06:41:00 am »
Version update!!! :gift:party3.gif

I'm very proud to present you version 0.85!

(The Download is attached in the 1st Post!)

Most important Changes

- Completely rewritten AI (enemy player)

- An option to choose between 2 different Maps

- 5 Difficulties
  (Very easy, easy, normal, hard, very hard)

- Some very important Bug-fixes
  (Fixed the ghost bug as well as some bugs in the battle-mode, eliminated  

- Less RAM required

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