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Messages - lookitsan00b

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TI-BASIC / Re: [TI-Basic] umm... error?
« on: December 04, 2010, 01:27:28 pm »
 yay!!! it works! :hyper:

but now I'm having problems parsing non-text characters... :(

EDIT: nvm, i fixed it :D Time for extensive testing!

EDIT2: who wants the first shot at cracking it?  
Kz1 pxn lhxm ztkq pf zhmjuewppr vppo ynssp2a.P

EDIT3: attached complete file and a readme  ;D

TI-BASIC / Re: [TI-Basic] umm... error?
« on: December 04, 2010, 01:03:48 pm »
iPart( and int( have the same effect for positive numbers, so that's not it. :)

It looks to me like fPart( is not returning the right number.  Try this when it crashes:
Figure out which variable was being used (it's probably the bad one).
Go into the Solver ([Math] [0])
Type that variable into the equation
Scroll up or down (I forget which) and look at all the digits of precision the calc has.  Here you can see what's happening to these numbers.

Fix: put a round(......,0 around the statement with the fpart(.  (Ex: int(6fPart((B-1)/6)+1->S changes to round(6fPart((B-1)/6)+1,0->S)

and... what is the difference between int(...) and round(...,0)?  Also, int( did fix my crashing problems.

okay more info on what is going wrong:
Code: [Select]
 if one_number = 9
    if the_other = 8
    everything works

and 7 can be a valid #. lulz fun.

PS: what does round(...,0) do? I've always avoided round...

TI-BASIC / Re: [TI-Basic] umm... error?
« on: December 04, 2010, 11:14:42 am »
Well the problem with the sub( command seems like somewhere you are generating a decimal part and sub( can't have those. It has to be an integer. So I would advise using iPart( instead of int( because it can have weird effects in some situations, I don't remember what they are though.

As for that second thing with the storing to the variable thing I'm not sure I understand what you mean by nothing is happening. Like that one isn't getting stored to the variable when the variable equals six? Or something else?

Well maybe I'll try iPart, but int( seems to work well enough...

What I'm saying is that X does not increment properly (like not at all) when X=3 AND Y=1. works fine in all other cases, including when I do other things to X.

Here's the code (not including the key, I've changed that up with no results) (don't currently have access to a link cable):
Code: [Select]
:Prompt Str1
:" ->Str5
:Repeat B or A=length(Str1)
:If not(B
:If B
:If A=length(Str1)
:Repeat C or A+2=length(Str1
:If not(C
:If not(S=U and T=V)
:If T=V
:If S=U
:If A-D<0
:Disp Str5

EDIT: just noticed I never use Str3 :P

TI-BASIC / [TI-Basic] umm... error?
« on: December 03, 2010, 11:57:25 pm »
Well I guess I must be doing something wrong (other than learning how to work with inString, closing parentheses omission, and 2d strings, and using 2.53MP all at once)

I've been getting very strange errors recently...

Where B=inString(str4,str2) (after modifications (including a couple fPart(s, but it's still a natural number))
Code: [Select]
sub(str4,B,1) ;ERR: DOMAIN, (B=7 and length(str4)=36)
sub(str4,7,1) ;works fine with no change to the string
7 -> B
sub(str4,B,1) ;works fine
int(B -> B
sub(str4,B,1) ;works fine

... And that only happens on the second time through the main loop. (the next line of code is the 'End' for the main loop)

Now, after much work to make my obviously corrupting variables work, (using 'int(', of course) I have hit a brick wall.

Spoiler For Spoiler:

when inString( returns '9', which I then convert to (3,1) (I did say it was a 2d string) I try to do this to it:
Code: [Select]
X+1-6(X=6) -> X
... and nothing happens. (I'm not totally sure that's true, but I do know that there is no writeback if it DOES do something)

Anybody with the slightest idea why this is happening?  Any help will get a nice polyalphabetic encryption program! (btw, this is the only bug left)

TI Z80 / Re: [PROJECT] Racer3D: Replay
« on: November 28, 2010, 10:24:34 pm »
Code: [Select]
:If A>99
If A is -10, '>' sees it as... a really big positive number (without going too much in depth), which is greater than 99.
Then it sets A to 0, so your second condition is never true.
It should be:

Code: [Select]
:If A>>99

Hope this helps ;D

TI Z80 / Re: Breakout clone
« on: November 24, 2010, 02:38:40 pm »
new in v1.05:
Spoiler For lots of bugfixes:
no more balls passing through blocks
added delay after keypresses in editor
signed app (well, not yet, I'm transferring stuff to the computer as I'm writing this)
Spoiler For spoiler:
check out the awesome additions to the readme!

Well it has version 1.00. 1.00 means it's finished, normally. :P (unless there are bugs)

Can't wait for next version! By the way, in case you only check the forums project/axe sections and not the front page news, I made a Youtube video of the endless mode. ;D

Do you think I have enough space in my app (I've used 9000) for that soundtrack? :P
And, yes, there were bugs. :(

btw, why does it say it's a four page app, when 9k clearly fits in one page?

Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Re: TI-OS Command addition
« on: November 23, 2010, 11:46:47 pm »
You're saying that'd be a useful feature?
*slaps self
I was wondering how it'd help me create and assign functions to tokens... :P

Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Re: TI-OS Command addition
« on: November 23, 2010, 11:19:09 pm »
Really? Theres soo many B-calls and far too many have almost cryptic names that I never probably would've known...

Btw this was supposed to be an I-suggest-something-awesome-and-somebody-else-takes-it-and-makes-it situation, but I do suppose I could give it a shot, given links to the documentation...

Hooray for Mimas! :D

EDIT: whats an MD5 hash? And what do oversized tater-tots have to do with anything?

Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / TI-OS Command addition
« on: November 23, 2010, 10:54:31 pm »
I'm sure we all can think of a few commands TIOS could really use.

For example, I was thinking of a 'With' command. Something that can change the 'Ans' automatically pasted at the beginning of a blank line when you push an op key to 'A', 'sin(180', or even '(-B+sqrt(BB-4AC))/(2A)'. Something that allows us to pass arguments to programs (using lowercase letters, of course) would be nice too.

Oh and while I'm at it, an app that'll allow us to make our custom-made quadratic solvers into token commands would be nice ;)

If it's not possible, consider it a KOS math program suggestion, or even a suggestion for future OSes.

It doesn't have to be an OS patch/mod/whatchamacallit, an app that'll temporarily install these would be nice too.

TI Z80 / Re: Breakout clone
« on: November 23, 2010, 10:10:45 pm »
This is great.  Well done Lookit'san00b! ;D

I got 9020.
What?!  But that's OVER my high score 9000! ;D

You seem to be implying that it is done.
Nope. Found a saving bug, finally fixed that bug with the balls passing through the blocks occasionally, and realized that, unless Axe 0.4.5 automatically signs apps, I forgot to do that. Oops :P I'll probably want to add some sort of delay on the editor's keypresses too.

So I'll try to get v1.05 uploaded by tomorrow. ;D

TI Z80 / Re: Breakout clone
« on: November 22, 2010, 06:34:26 pm »
I knew there was something I left out! I changed the winning and Game Over screens! :o
Sorry for forgetting to list that in the update list and readme.

Guess its about time to get me a ticalc account? ;D

TI Z80 / Re: Breakout clone
« on: November 22, 2010, 06:06:44 pm »
If not, there's always:
Code: [Select]
Asm(jp hl)
... on second thought that won't work. It'll mess up all my pointers. :'(

There's a b_call(ExecProg) or something like that that does that ... you'll have to move the program name to a particular spot in memory before you do that, though.
I think I'll just make two versions: split programs, and an app.
On second thought, who wants a program when you can have an app? I'll just use the programs for debugging.
Then again, you can just push enter from the homescreen to re-run a program. not an app. I'll have to add in looping back to the menu. Not too hard.

So, new in v1.0
  semi-intelligent paddle size powerups
  removed caps on paddle size and ball number
  added good reason to look at the source (okay a mediocre reason) see readme :P
  extreme mode
  looping back to the menu with the app version
  both app and bi-program versions included

TI Z80 / Re: Breakout clone
« on: November 21, 2010, 11:22:11 pm »
1: I have 7 things to say:
2: No, even though I have been idle for about a week, I didn't leave :P Just no comp access...
3: This project ain't dead yet. Just a bug I couldn't find.
4: The bug was idiotically wiping my flags variable on the start of the game, immidiately after setting a flag.
5: along with a fully functional extreme mode, I'm pretty sure I added something, and I will most likely upload all that tomorrow.
6: Would you prefer an app to a program?
7: I really only have 6 things to say ;D

TI Z80 / Re: [Project] BASIC ReCode
« on: November 17, 2010, 03:33:17 pm »
Just got out of classes and a Math Club meeting...
Let's see...
The commands should be seen as functions. They either take an input and output a result or they just output a result. The result they output is always (at the moment, anyway) the last converted value. When I add things like getKey, the result will obviously be based on that. So for example, Line(T,A,B,X,Y will output Y as a result. Disp Y,X,<<String>> will output X as the result, since X is the last calculated result. So, when you use Disp Y,X in place of T for the Line( command, you are actually only using the X from the Disp command.

So to lookitsan00b, yes, you are right, if you think of it that way. It took me a bit to understand how you were saying it, but yes.

@Qwerty.55: I have not added any ability to work with number bases other than ten, but I do have 16-bit addition, subtraction, and multiplication ready. I just finished a 16 bit divide routine during Calc III, so now I have to add that in...

That's not exactly what I was saying, but yes that answers my question.

I was thinking that when it sees the line
Code: [Select]
Line(1,1,1,Pause Text(33,10,"HI"))

It parses it to a list like this

Code: [Select]

Line at an index of 0
Pause 3
Text 3

Line would then grab the first five parameters starting at an index of 0,
Pause would grab the first parameter starting at an index of 3, and
Text would grab the first three parameters starting at an index of 3.

Now that I think about it, it seems a little idiotic, since it wouldn't allow for addition and subtraction in parameters...

But that's what I meant.  You're doing it so much better :P

TI Z80 / Re: [Project] BASIC ReCode
« on: November 17, 2010, 10:27:04 am »
It has been 59 minutes and 59 seconds. A glitch caused your previous post time to be off by about 9 minutes and half. ;D

Joking aside, I wonder how many nested commands there can be? Like, could we do Line(1,1,1,Pause Text(33,10,"HI")) and it would work? That might get confusing, though. :P

So let me get this straight...
Line( sees the parameter list {1,1,1,33,10,"HI"} and just ignores everything past the fifth? and pause sees {33,10,"HI} and similarly ignores everything except the first?
Cool!  :D

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