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Messages - lookitsan00b

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The Axe Parser Project / Re: Axe Parser
« on: December 14, 2010, 11:20:43 pm »
Ah I see lookitsan00b, it wasn't too clear to me. I just couldn't find anything special to replicate past the title screen sequence. Also what is the transition effect? I never saw any on my 83+ or Nspire O.O

Sorry, a bit of sarcasm there. Scr1 -> Scr2 + Low_quality_LCD = barely perceptible fade effect. :P

Axe / Re: Routines
« on: December 13, 2010, 09:25:26 pm »
Can you customize the display if you wanted to make a GUI or something?

more importantly, can it scroll down? :P

TI Z80 / Re: Breakout clone
« on: December 13, 2010, 04:02:50 pm »
2 player Breakout clone would be great. I like both ideas as well. Maybe also have a power-up that inverts the blocks position too (or is that what you mean by warp block?)?

Also in future versions it would be nice if all power ups looked differently. For example, ° sometimes makes ball go through blocks and other times they move twice faster, but it gets confusing sometimes. :(
aaw... :'( but I liked them looking the same...  ._. <_<
I did it that way cause I thought it might make it harder... and because there are only so many good-looking 4x4 sprites.

I was thinking warp block = the ball that hits it warps to somewhere on the other player's screen. Surprise! ;D

Gaming Discussion / Re: Maplestory
« on: December 13, 2010, 01:49:09 pm »

2d platformer mmorpg.

I only stopped playing because of my download limit of 200MB... and a single patch was more than that.

TI Z80 / Re: FALSE
« on: December 13, 2010, 09:10:43 am »
oh yeah I included example programs in the .zip ;)

TI Z80 / Re: FALSE
« on: December 13, 2010, 09:08:09 am »
ok finally a meaningful post in this topic! :w00t:
(I really love that smiley, if you couldn't tell)

Finally, I have happened upon a stable version of the interpreter (bug-free, except when you push random buttons with ^) and enough time to share it with you!

Gone are the days when you had to run everything from Str1!  Now you simply slap it into a program and select it from a menu when you run the interpreter!  Due to the need for a unique header, I have decided upon "<insert description here>" (including the < and >, but replacing the description with whatever else) You (or the person running your program) can quickly and easily access the description by pushing ALPHA while selecting your program from the menu.  This same header could easily be used to specify filename if I make a compiler, probably by inserting a comma or hyphen between the description and it.

So, to make a program run with this interpreter:
 the program has to start with <, and must have a > before any valid code. the stuff in between will be displayed when the user pushes ALPHA, so make it relevant. (there doesn't have to be anything)
 All whitespace is ignored, except with the ' and ( commands, and then it is outputted as spaces. Sorry.
 Comments, for now, can be in lowercase characters. The interpreter will ignore these.
 Don't do anything illegal like popping an empty stack, it'll crash. Don't leave the stack full either, it's bad manners :P

thus concludes my release of v.9469... oh yeah a screenie and the files :P

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Axe Parser
« on: December 13, 2010, 12:16:49 am »


The Axe Parser Project / Re: Axe Parser
« on: December 13, 2010, 12:04:09 am »
lulz edited too late :P
no no no no no!!!
I thought my hints were clear enough... I meant AFTER you press 2nd/Enter while the cursor is over the 'compile' option.

...and I'm not talking about the transition effect :P (epic fade effect dude, its almost faster than ASM)

Spoiler For if my hints are insufficient:
Ok how do I parse the VAT searching for programs? Or just force open the prgm menu and get the prgm name as output?

I think the second option is best... for now at least.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Axe Parser
« on: December 12, 2010, 11:40:48 pm »
no no no no no!!!
I thought my hints were clear enough... I meant AFTER you press 2nd/Enter while the cursor is over the 'compile' option.

...and I'm not talking about the transition effect :P (epic fade effect dude, its almost faster than ASM)

Spoiler For if my hints are insufficient:
Ok how do I parse the VAT searching for programs? Or just force open the prgm menu and get the prgm name as output?

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Axe Parser
« on: December 12, 2010, 11:30:15 pm »
hey you know the thing Axe does when you select compile from the menu? How do I do that...
Spoiler For irony: Axe?

TI-BASIC / Re: Length of Strings
« on: December 12, 2010, 08:12:29 pm »
good ol' TIBD.

edit, and yeah i guess the limit would be 2^16 bytes. but since there isn't that much RAM on the calculator it'd be pointless.
I guess you could have it go across an entire sector of memory.  Considering the other stuff you would need, that's a little less than 2^16 bytes still. So yeah, free ram. ;-)
The most free ram possible with TI-OS is about 24k, but the max length depends upon how you are writing to them.
If you use a built in command (ie anything other than an assembly routine) the string also has to be stored to Ans, so 12k.  I have gotten a string to about 10k before... using a TI-Basic program.

Every token was 'GarbageCollect', so, of course, I had to RCL it :P

EDIT: I guess you could have a longer archived string (but only if written by assembly), but I'm not sure how useful a 2-page string would be... after all, loading it with a TI-OS routine would give a memory error.

TI Z80 / Re: Breakout clone
« on: December 12, 2010, 06:31:11 pm »
Ok I'm pretty much decided on the 2-screen method (it involves the least engine changes, only a 'warp' from one calc to another, and a way to determine whose balls are whose)

so there might be a normal mode, where the blocks are stationary and each player gets points for each block their balls eliminate, most points when all blocks are gone wins

a mode where for every block destroyed, a block appears on the other player's screen.

and maybe a warp block? :P fun fun :D

TI Z80 / Re: FALSE
« on: December 12, 2010, 04:24:47 pm »
after an extremely confusing error with looping (lol I forgot a S-1->S in my greater than command, S is my stack length var) I think it is now fully crash-free! the only bug I can think of is in my input routine, my non-alphanumerics are outputting the wrong symbols... (ie parentheses, spaces, periods, +/-*, etc)

it runs WFRNG really REALLY fast now. also, clear will automatically exit any infinite loops (need Axe 0.4.6 so I can use ON :P )

and I'm wondering how exactly to code (in FALSE) something that modifies my cursor location. the memory spots are 1-byte, and all variables/stack entries are 2. (at least the coordinates are right next to each other :P) Should I find a way to do that, real games (other than WFRNG) may actually be possible :w00t:

oh and sorry, no access to DispGraphrr Actually, I think I blocked access to everywhere except L1 (the cursor coords are at {L1} and {L1+1}, vars start (I think) at {L1+2})

TI Z80 / Re: Breakout clone
« on: December 11, 2010, 05:54:59 pm »
so, the question is: how big do I make the area?

2 screens (it looks like a perfectly normal game of breakout until one player hits the top wall)
1.5 screens (same, but the area with the blocks shows up on both screens)
1 screen (both paddles show up on screen, with a thin wall between them)

or should I make all of them :P

TI Z80 / Re: Breakout clone
« on: December 11, 2010, 05:47:18 pm »
basically pong with blocks in the middle :P

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