ASM / Unknown problem with add two numbers program
« on: October 17, 2011, 09:07:17 pm »
I have just started learning assembler for my TI-84+SE using Hot Dog's TI-83+ Z80 ASM tutorial, and I can't seem to get my first assembler program to work. I compiled it with spasm and used binpac8x.py to turn the resulting output into an .8xp file. I then load this in TilEm and executing it causes TilEm to show its "calculator off" screen and an infinite stream of output in the terminal I started TilEm from.
Here is my current addupL.asm file (the ti83plus.inc comes straight from Hot Dog's zip file):
Since I've just started, I can't tell if there's a problem in the code itself or in the build process itself. Any ideas?
Here is my current addupL.asm file (the ti83plus.inc comes straight from Hot Dog's zip file):
Code: [Select]
#include "ti83plus.inc"
.org 40399
.db t2ByteTok, tAsmCmp
ld a, 1
; solve problem 1+5
add a, 5
ld h, 0
ld l, a
Since I've just started, I can't tell if there's a problem in the code itself or in the build process itself. Any ideas?