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Messages - m1ac4

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8]
Casio Calculators / Re: Your calculator serial number
« on: February 16, 2011, 07:41:21 am »
There are actually two versions of OS 01.02.0200, one preloaded on calcs (no glitch) and the one downloadable (glitched). You can tell you have the unglitched version because you have a 'Z' in your serial number.
Unfortunately, I still have the pre-loaded OS and it definitely has the glitch.

btw are you are a Casio programmer/hacker because we could use some help in that area. Right now we only have about 5 members involved in this and it isn't enough.
I just got my Prizm about a month ago.  Before that I had an 84+. Sorry, no prior Casio experience.
I'd love to help with development but my hands are tied right now (virtually all of my computer time is at my school and that is rather limiting).
For now, I have to stick to on-calc programming.

Casio Calculators / Re: Your calculator serial number
« on: February 15, 2011, 09:57:16 am »
I have OS 01.02.0200 preloaded onto my calc and it does have the bug.
Serial Number: 755AW0ZMA017594

Casio Calculators / Re: More PRIZM bugs?
« on: February 15, 2011, 07:46:17 am »
Perhaps the ColorNormal or ColorLighter arguments?

EDIT: Actually it would be "SetG-Color <color> ,#" where # is the graph whose color you want to change (1-20).  I just tested this and it works
                 It looks like the error is in the documentation of the command itself.  :o

Introduce Yourself! / hello from m1ac4
« on: February 15, 2011, 07:24:27 am »
Hello, I am m1ac4.
I can tell that I have never posted anything anywhere before because I just posted the first line by accident.  :banghead:  :mad: oh well...

Anyways, I used to have a 84+.  I don't have it anymore because it was not really mine in the first place.  When I bought my Prizm I had to return it to them (no hard feelings though).
I was very familiar with basic and had tinkered around with axe and assembly a bit.

I have spent the past several weeks getting aquainted with my Prizm by rewriting my old 84+ programs for it.  I am rather limited on what I can do on computers for the time being so I am kind of stuck with my calculator as far as programming is concerned for now.  This really doesn't bother me because I still have a lot of adjusting to do.  When I get more time I will start trying to do something more with the prizm and sh3 assembly.

For now, I will just keep learning and reading the forums here.

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