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Messages - maltchi

Pages: [1]
Win7 64x

But lol, i will, i have experienced that many times.

Have you already tried to put your calculator into recieve mode?
That solves a lot of problems for me.
Also if you installed TiLP, have you deleted it afterwards? the drivers interfere with each other <_<
Tried it, didn't work. And yeah, i completely deleted it. It didn't work before i installed TiLP anyway.

Wow, feel free to bump your posts much earlier than this. To be honest, if you waited exactly one day, no one would be angry.

But, in any case, here's my tutorial on ti-connect. Take a shot at it and tell us if it works.
I just figured it was still pretty high up on the page, someone would answer it. Guess not xD

Already tried you're guide, still nothing.

By the way, if you plan to stay you should introduce yourself
Good idea, ill do that.


Anything anyone?

General Calculator Help / TI-84+ Connectivity/file transfer problems
« on: March 04, 2012, 03:15:51 am »
I just got myself a TI-84+ for my math class. Now when trying to use TI Connect with it, the only thing that seems to work is the DeviceExplorer. I cannot send anything, the error "The device does not recognize the command. (80070016)" everytime i try to send MirageOS. Whenever i try to go to DeviceInfo on TI Connect, my calculator restarts and clears RAM. This is a fresh new calculator with nothing else on it. It looks like everything else on the calculator works. I've tried reinstalling TI Connect, clearing RAM, reinstalling USB drivers, tilup (or whatever it is), complete reinstallations of everything. It can recognize my calculator as a TI-84+ but nothing works. Anyone have any ideas?

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