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Messages - mapar007

Pages: 1 ... 35 36 [37] 38
News / Re: Eeems goes away for a while
« on: November 10, 2009, 03:24:40 pm »
How easy is high school in the US if you have to get >80%?  ;D

(or are you just übersmart compared to me)

News / Re: Nspire OS decrypted
« on: November 10, 2009, 03:21:59 pm »
Screw TI. We are allowed to run the code we want on the devices we own. Period.

(to be honest, the CPU type isn't even certain, so we're a long way gone)

There do seem to be some buffer overflow vulns in the document handler, (or at least CRASHHHH bugs) according to hackspire.

TI Z80 / Re: Basic FPS Wolfenstein
« on: November 03, 2009, 02:15:54 am »
You could use list as a 3D matrix.

EDIT: or even 2D, what's the issue?

News / Re: Noahbaby94 retires
« on: November 01, 2009, 07:21:23 am »
Use a linux live cd like this one:

You can copy the reg hives & crack them if you like.

Nice, nice! Although I'm not really a fan of the music newer than ~1900, I certainly appreciate this.

News / Re: Noahbaby94 retires
« on: October 31, 2009, 07:01:57 am »
Omnimaga blacklisted? 0.0

Well, you CAN always use an anonymizer/proxy server, like Tor.

TI Z80 / Re: New Shift Levels
« on: October 30, 2009, 02:54:33 pm »

Well, you really did a great job on this game, kudos!

Serenity / Re: Screenshots
« on: October 26, 2009, 12:08:02 pm »
If you have the boot code dump, you can create a ROM from an 8xu+the dump.

TI Z80 / Re: New levels for Wolfenstein
« on: October 25, 2009, 02:31:06 am »
Assuming its this you mean:

Extract the group file, mess with the images using a hex editor to transform them into "raw" binary files, then do more messing to change the image (rule: 1 bit for 1 pixel), last step: relink the image, transfer, and you're done.

You can mod this file of mine to relink the image into 8xi.

EDIT: just noticed source isn't included. Just drop me an email or something, I'll see what I can do.

News / Re: Unfinished RPG "The Core Of Light" by Timendus released as is
« on: October 25, 2009, 02:22:57 am »
Yeah, true. I've seen mistakes too... Which is why I'm designing my own disassembler  ;D

News / Re: Unfinished RPG "The Core Of Light" by Timendus released as is
« on: October 24, 2009, 06:49:49 am »
Most disassemblers handle opcode prefixes correctly, and moreover, if you have a clever disassembler, it can distinguish most data from code by branching analysis. (everything is considered data except for the entry point, which is then analyzed for jp/jr/call/... instructions, etc. etc.)

I remember trying Dwedit dissassembler 5 years ago, but it didn't even ran

lol. I can even run it under wine  ;D

EDIT: <ad>I've written a guide about this:</ad>

(and by the way, comments on it are much appreciated (send by email or PM))

The Blue Platform / Re: Screenshots
« on: October 24, 2009, 06:44:06 am »
You can use wabbitemu/whatever+GraphLink.

In case you need to install stuff at school, breaking into the systems with a linux boot CD+password cracking program is usually pretty easy. I did that once, then "taught" the IT guy how to improve his security, then did it again using an admin account he had left open, which allowed me to copy the new Administrator V-struct, crack the general local admin pass (which "surprisingly" was valid on all computers), etc etc...  Next week I'll dump my new "information" on his desk, by the way, I don't wanna get caught with the password file from the domain controller (this time the guy had set the local password on some PC we had access to to the Domain Admin's password, not very clever).  ;D  You're out of luck,though, if the BIOS is passworded and there are no accessible admin accounts.

Serenity / Re: Screenshots
« on: October 24, 2009, 06:38:39 am »
The rope-pull-up thingy is super nice! (but for the sake of shape congruence you should use a pipe (|) instead of [ for the vertical one)

News / Re: Unfinished RPG "The Core Of Light" by Timendus released as is
« on: October 23, 2009, 01:01:49 pm »
As a somewhat experienced z80 reverse-engineer, I can assure you that decompiling a project of this size is supermegaf*cking hard. Even if it's assembly. You'll spend more time trying to understand the code than actually coding yourself.

I sometimes have trouble understanding even my own source files, when I haven't touched them for months.

I once had this BAD ADDRESS bug, never figured out what it was, though, since it was before I learned ASM xD

EDIT: The bad address thing was on my 84+ basic, so it does occur on such calcs. ( I already had OS 2.43 back then I think)

Workaround: To prevent ERR:VERSION, always group your stuff twice then ungroup each groups to make sure everything is correct or update to latest OS. For the rest, you just need luck, altough this is much less frequent on newer OSes, if it happens at all.

Or get GroupTool (Look at Brandon Wilson's author profile at I've successfully ungrouped such files with it.

Workaround No2: Edit the Version byte in the VAT with calcsys. (if you don't know where this version byte is, open up your calcsys manual and asmin28, day 21)

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