« on: October 31, 2010, 09:17:40 pm »
Oh ya, I forgot about those. I've never used them nor ever, knowingly, seen them really used so that's why I forgot.
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TI-BASIC / Re: TI-BASIC Images« on: October 31, 2010, 09:17:40 pm »
Oh ya, I forgot about those. I've never used them nor ever, knowingly, seen them really used so that's why I forgot.
Miscellaneous / Re: Pretty sure there's something wrong here...« on: October 31, 2010, 09:15:25 pm »
What are partitions and such? Never heard of that.
TI Z80 / Re: Formulum: Texas Instruments Version« on: October 31, 2010, 09:11:06 pm »
Well if you are using SourceCoder to type all your code that might be the origin of a lot of your problems. SourceCoder syntax, although quite similar, is just a bit different sometimes and can cause errors when it creates a file. I'll look over the code in a second.
TI-BASIC / Re: TI-BASIC Images« on: October 31, 2010, 08:23:24 pm »
Ya, I think everyone kinda covered it. The main way probably is to just use the picture variables though, as JosJuice said, they are 767 bytes each and you can't do a whole lot with them unless you constantly store and restore to them since they take up the "whole" screen (I said "whole" because the screen is technically 96*64 pixels but since it's TI-BASIC it only uses the 95*63 pixels). The other way of doing pictures/images/sprites is to hard code or "hard code" them in using the drawing commands (Line(, Pxl-On(, Pt-Off(, etc.). Then there are ways of making sprites by using Text Sprites, which is clever way of using the Text( command, and there are also Dual Layers too, which is using both the Text( and picture variables cleverly to achieve good graphics (there are topics on both of these around Omnimaga). Then, technically, as nemo said you can use hexadecimal code to make sprites and such but in TI-BASIC, at least Pure TI-BASIC, it is quite slow. I have created a sprite editor that lets you create a sprite/image and then export it into hexadecimal code and nemo has that program that converts it back. Finally, if you're experienced enough to use Hybrid TI-BASIC, you can get much faster sprites and such using those and all, though I don't know much about those so I can't help much. Hope this helps.
TI-BASIC / Re: Quadratic Formula« on: October 31, 2010, 08:12:01 pm »
Out of how many grades? I don't know the Portugal schooling system.
Also, could you post the original program you had instead of nemo's one that fixed the issue. I think we're all still curious about what was originally going on with the error and that would help figure it out. 621
Introduce Yourself! / Re: Hello-ha!« on: October 31, 2010, 06:30:40 am »
So would I be correct in assuming your ticalc.org account used to be under the name Sven Thomas? I recognized the programs you mentioned you made and remembered looking at them. I was thinking about using some of them but never got around to it and never had the experience required too. Welcome to Omnimaga
![]() 622
Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Re: Team Battles« on: October 31, 2010, 01:35:01 am »On top of that, it only allows 7 choices maximum.or if you really like Menu... Technically, but you can always chain together Menu( commands if you want but it can get messy. 623
Other Calculators / Re: Key Group Check Program« on: October 31, 2010, 01:25:16 am »well, each key on the calc keyboard has a bit assigned to it which is set when pressed and reset when not pressed. however, it doesnt really have it's own because(i guess?) it would take too long for the processor to go through and check a bit for every single key every time it want's to know what keys are pressed down and so the keys are instead broken into several keygroups. the processor then has to indicate which keygroup it wants to check and then which bit it want's to check. for some reason, certain combinations of keys will return the value of others when they are pressed because of this? i would have to read up on this again as the last time i did was over a year ago. thepenguin or any of the other asm programmers could actually explain it. Ah ok, gotcha. Guess I just don't really use Axe/assembly enough to really run into this issue. 624
Other Calculators / Re: Key Group Check Program« on: October 30, 2010, 07:37:34 pm »
This looks quite cool, but what does it do exactly?
Art / Re: 32 x 32 running man request« on: October 30, 2010, 07:28:56 pm »
Here is yunhua98's without the double first frame. It just looked odd to me so I thought I would see what it looked like.
TI-BASIC / Re: Probably Pointless Program« on: October 30, 2010, 05:40:25 pm »That sucks, does your school district not have a way to check grades throughout the quarter?yes they do but my parents don't accept it unless its on the report card. Well that's a bit lame ![]() 627
TI Z80 / Re: Formulum: Texas Instruments Version« on: October 30, 2010, 05:23:03 pm »Code: [Select] ClrHome Or if you wanna see what nemo was talking about: Code: [Select] ClrHome I haven't checked that to make sure it works but it should. Happy Birthday, hope ya have a good one. 628
TI-BASIC / Re: TI-83+/84+ (SE) BASIC Tips, Tricks, and Routines« on: October 30, 2010, 01:06:42 am »whoa, why does the Circle one work? This can be optimized even more by doing: Code: [Select] DelVar KRepeat K=21
Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Re: Team Battles« on: October 29, 2010, 11:18:34 pm »
I think the only thing that can be on the graphscreen is the title screen and a main menu, otherwise everything else must be on the homescreen. That's how I understood it anyways.
Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Re: GONE: Lost from the light« on: October 29, 2010, 11:15:17 pm »
So from the web thing, which I'm assuming is how the story goes, is there any way to win? Or is it kind of just a never ending thing?