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Messages - melee2kil

Pages: [1]
nDoom / Re: nDoom - BETA!
« on: March 10, 2011, 03:52:05 am »
How do you download it?

General Calculator Help / Re: Installing ndless?
« on: June 13, 2010, 09:29:46 pm »
Hey you guys are legends thanx, I just had to show the hidden files extensions and it worked from there thanx again. =]

General Calculator Help / Re: Installing ndless?
« on: June 13, 2010, 09:08:47 pm »
yea i showed the file extensions, so it should be tinspire_1.1.tno, even with a CAS?

General Calculator Help / Re: Installing ndless?
« on: June 12, 2010, 09:58:35 pm »
Well ive got OS 1.1.9170 on it, so i guess its not a touch pad, it must be the click wheel version.
So yea i istalled 1.1 OS with computer link 1.3, and when I run Ndless it still doesnt work, and I dont have an 84+ I just got the Nspire for school.
Would anyone be able to make a tutorial vid, don't worry if its too much effort.
Um, its says in the read me off Ndless to change the OS name to tinspire_1.1.tno, but isnt that that normal Nspire OS, I thought it should be tinspire_1.1.tnc, because ive got CAS.

Any news of Ndless 2.0, cause I cant get 1.0 to work on my calculator even with OS 1.1

General Calculator Help / Re: Installing ndless?
« on: June 11, 2010, 10:27:21 pm »
yea its called that and it doesnt work, so I dunno ill look for a tutorial or wait for a newer version ndless, thanx for your help

General Calculator Help / Re: Installing ndless?
« on: June 11, 2010, 09:33:23 pm »
Yea i think Ive got the OS its downloaded and call "tinspire_1.1.9170" its the CAS version, I tryed putting it in the userfiles folder called "tinspire_1.1.tno" but Ndless still thinks that its not there. Is there something wrong with the naming or the location of the folder? ( I tryed naming it "tinspire_1.1.tnc" aswell but that doesnt work either )

General Calculator Help / Re: Installing ndless?
« on: June 11, 2010, 09:14:03 pm »
Hi ive got a ti nspire cas and ive been searching all round the site and on google for help with ndless installation. im fairly sure ive been doing everything right, I have Computer link 1.3, OS 1.1.9170, java, but its still not working, I have a folder called Ndless and inside I have a folder called userfiles. Inside userfiles ive named the OS "tinspire_1.1.tno. good so far? I go back to the Ndless folder and click on the install ndless file(Ive plugged in the calculator and the computer is recognising it) I click continue when the box comes up and this is what it says from here:
"Setting up USB connectivity...
Connecting to device..."
Then a box comes up saying "Ndless needs to downgrade the OS to version 1.1.
                                               Continue?" I click yes, but Ive already got the "tinspire_1.1.tno" file in userfiles.
"Downloading OS version 1.1..."
"Ndless can't download the file. You may try to copy itmanually to Ndless directory as 'userfiles\tinspire_1.1.tno' and retry the installation.
ERROR (ProtocolException): Server redirected too many  times (20)
Installation aborted."

What am I doing wrong, im new to this and I can't figure out what.
I know there might be other threads about this that could help, but none have so far. ??? ???

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