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Messages - merthsoft

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Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: Coding Battles Submissions
« on: August 28, 2012, 08:10:02 pm »
Here's my submission:
There's an instance running on EFNet, just DCC CHAT it if you want to play :)

Other Calculators / Re: Project death prevention?
« on: August 17, 2012, 03:25:38 pm »
Unfortunately, it often takes a while to get the experience that tells you whether a project is one you can finish or not--many people just bite off more than they can chew and burn out. If you're relatively new to programming, just start out with very simple projects, or a project that is modular so you can work on pieces as you learn. I guess here's some other tips:
1. Only start a project you actually think you can get done
2. Only start a project you are passionate about
3. Only start a project if you have time to work on it
4. Don't announce your project until you have something worthwhile written. This will keep you motivated toward making something cool ("I don't want to post until I've made a demo, so I need to make the demo") and prevent some criticisms that can happen if it's still a super rough design etc. This also prevents there from being a bunch of dead projects. I've started plenty that went nowhere but didn't announce them.
5. Listen to other people, but don't let what they say matter too much. When I started TokenIDE, lots of people said "this already exists blah blah blah", but I kept power through because I knew I would be adding features that don't yet exist.
5.5. If you're starting a project that has all sorts of other competing projects, make sure you have neat new functionality, or no one will want to switch.
6. If you're stuck on something in the project, feel free to work on another side project or something. Taking your mind off of the project will help clear your palette, and you'll go in refreshed. You don't want to burn out.

That's what I tend to do. Especially the side projects. I have a big project I've been working on for two years, but I've released other stuff as well so that I don't get sick of it.

Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: [Contest] MineBot
« on: August 13, 2012, 10:15:55 am »
Lol, I thought it was a bot to play Minecraft :P
I am just wondering, are you going to display the board (with ascii characters for example) after every "click" ?
If no, it would be really hard to play.
If yes, I hope your bot will have its own channel because it will need space O.O
Anyway, good luck with this :)
It does display the board each time, otherwise it would be near impossible. As for needing its own channel, it communicates through DCC right now, so it doesn't need to be in a channel at all.

Computer Projects and Ideas / [Contest] MineBot
« on: August 09, 2012, 09:58:51 am »
So, this contest has inspired me to make a bot I've been meaning to make for quite some time: MineBot! It plays minesweeper. It's up right now (though keep in mind as I work on it it will go down). You can play through DCC:
/dcc chat MineBot
The gameplay should be pretty straight forward, you just tell it which row and column you want to "click" on, and it goes from there. I'm thinking of adding other games as well. I'm also going to make it so it can hopefully do private messaging as well.

Also: It's only on EFnet right now.

Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: Contest: Coding Battles Topic Poll
« on: August 02, 2012, 03:05:33 pm »
I like the idea of a bot that plays games. I would participate in that.

TI Z80 / Re: Tokens
« on: August 01, 2012, 11:30:39 am »
To find tokens, it's useful to search the Tokens.xml file for what you need, and you might find it. For example, searching for "~" shows up:
Code: [Select]
<Token byte="$CF" string="|~" />And while those can sometimes be misleading, a quick tokenization and throwing it on an emulator can show that it's the right token. And, of course, if you want to change it to just a tilde, you certainly can, but you'll want to update the other entry as well:
Code: [Select]
<Token byte="$B0" string="~">
<Alt string="|-" />
<Alt string="⁻" />

In this case, though, I choose ~ for negative because I assume in general there will be many more negatives that tildes.

TI Z80 / Re: Tokens
« on: August 01, 2012, 09:25:31 am »
Wow that's a nice idea actually. You can't imagine how hectic it was to count blocks in Illusiat 13 boss programs (which are 15 KB each). One suggestion would be to add optional color support for nested blocks, like in Cooliojazz's TI editor a few years ago, although it's up to you.
I think for consistency I'll just keep the syntax highlighting as it is and let people define colors for tokens.

Syntax highlighting, it's always a good idea.
Indeed, and that's why you're able to do it... Was this supposed to be a feature request or what?

Block counting. Now that's one enormously useful feature for TI-BASIC. There've been plenty of times while editing a TI-BASIC program (or Axe program for that matter) in the calculator editor where I wished I had some way to quickly find that one missing End screwing up the flow of the entire program :P And the feature you just added to count tokens in a selection too—they're both really useful!
I'm glad you think so! Tifreak has been bugging me for this feature for a while and I've been dragging my feet, but I think it definitely adds a lot to it :)

TI Z80 / Re: Tokens
« on: July 31, 2012, 08:18:27 pm »
I hope it's not too soon for a double post--I've added some much-asked-for functionality.

Due to some rather incessant nagging on tifreak's part (thank you, Daniel :)), I have added the functionality to count blocks, such as While/End etc. Here's an example:

You can specify any number of groups. It's under Tools > Block Counts.
- It currently doesn't handle "Else" gracefully. It just treats it as another token. Ideally it would unindent the "else" line and indent the following line.

- The indentation is automatic, so if you're doing this with Axe and have included your own indentation, it'll extra indent it.
- The AxeTokens.xml file doesn't have any groups defined, so check out Tokens.xml and see how it's doing it if you want to add them to it. I don't know if Axe does it the same way or what.
- Eventually this will be integrated into the main editor so that you don't have to go to a tool to use it. For now, though, it's separate.

Technical details:
There are two new tags that you'll use in the XML:
- indentGroup - String - Which group this token belongs in.
- indentGroupTerminator - Boolean - If it's a terminator.

For example, here's what the Tokens.xml looks like:
Code: [Select]
<Token byte="$CE" string="If " />
<Token byte="$CF" string="Then" indentGroup="End Group" />
<Token byte="$D0" string="Else" />
<Token byte="$D1" string="While " indentGroup="End Group" />
<Token byte="$D2" string="Repeat " indentGroup="End Group" />
<Token byte="$D3" string="For(" indentGroup="End Group" />
<Token byte="$D4" string="End" indentGroup="End Group" indentGroupTerminator="true" />

I hope that makes sense!

Download in the normal spot:

TI Z80 / Re: Tokens
« on: July 31, 2012, 02:17:23 pm »
Thanks! I'm just glad people use it and find it helpful :) I wish I had some more time to focus on it and nail out some of the harder features that I want to get done before a 1.0 release.

TI Z80 / Re: Tokens
« on: July 29, 2012, 02:59:43 pm »
I have another feature request and two other things to report (not bugs, more me having problems) :)
And I excuse myself in advance for my poor sentences and explanations but I am French and I am not sure that you understand the bad English I use.
Your English is fine, don't worry!
- The feature I'd like to see added is to display the number of selected characters. It is useful for example when moving sprites who don't have individual square brackets.
I can see why that would be useful, so I added it. Now when you highlight a section, it tells you how many characters, tokens, and bytes it takes up:

- I noticed that the IDE changes the indentation of a line to make it the same as the previous line. Keeping the indentation of the previous line when creating a new line is very useful, but automatically changing the indentation of an existing line when it is edited is annoying in my opinion.
That is annoying, I didn't even know it did that. I've changed auto-indent off entirely until I can invest some more time into figuring out what's going on there.
- Also, the cursor seems to always blink at the same frequency, while a true text editor cursor sees its cycle changed when it is moved. I mean that when I press a key, the cursor should appear, whatever was its state right before the click. Whereas in your prog, when I press a key, it only moves the cursor but doesn't set the cursor's state as black.
(Not sure if you understood what I mean so when answering me, in the textbox, keep the down key pressed, you'll see that it never blinks until you release the key. Now, do that in TokenIDE, you see that it continues blinking, and when it disappears, it continues moving down but you don't see where it is).
This has been fixed. Download in the normal place:

TI Z80 / Re: Tokens
« on: July 09, 2012, 05:48:20 pm »
Thanks! I'm glad you find it useful! I've thought about the parentheses thing, but I think most people just leave them unbalanced, anyway, but I can look into it.

TI Z80 / Re: Tokens
« on: June 24, 2012, 08:33:01 pm »
Thanks to some help from Deep Though, I've fixed (once again) how saving is handled. Note that any programs you had previously compiled with tokens may now have those extra bytes at the end, but cleaning and rebuilding should fix it. Download at the normal place:

TI Z80 / Re: Tokens
« on: June 15, 2012, 08:12:10 pm »
Yeah, I didn't attempt to fix that, I was just trying to get the more important stuff fixed.

TI Z80 / Re: Tokens
« on: June 15, 2012, 07:48:33 pm »
Seems I actually didn't updated. I've uploaded a new version that should have this and the saving issue fixed. If it's still not working, please let me know.

TI Z80 / Re: Tokens
« on: June 12, 2012, 10:25:18 am »
Yeah, it should be fixed in the released version now.

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