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Topics - nemo

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ASM / Archiving/Unarchiving a VAT pointer - request
« on: November 18, 2010, 05:33:16 pm »
hello ASM programmers. this should probably be a simple BCall or something, but i'm looking for two pieces of hex code. one that will take a pointer to a VAT entry in HL and unarchive it, and one that will take a pointer to a VAT entry in HL and archive it. i do not need error checking to see if the variable exists. if it results in more optimized code, know that the VAT entry will always be of type 5 or 6, (a program or protected program, respectfully).

Art / 55 x 8 BW logo
« on: November 17, 2010, 07:18:03 pm »
i need a 55 pixel wide by 8 pixel tall logo for my IDE. it can be anything you want, really. i don't currently have a name for the IDE i'm working on (just Nemo's IDE for now), so put whatever text inside the logo that you'd like. thanks!

TI Z80 / Nemo's IDE
« on: November 17, 2010, 07:14:45 pm »
as the topic says, i'm making a Basic/(and Axe?) IDE! right now, the only thing you're getting is the menu, since that's what i've been working on for the past week. i want to make sure it isn't just working on my calculator. i simply want you to download it, run it on your calculator and tell me (hopefully) these things:

-all of my programs are displayed! including possibly #, ! and any DCS folders. (if #/!/DCSFolders don't display, it isn't a big deal. you shouldn't edit those anyway.)
-there's nothing wrong with the scrolling
-i can successfully un/archive any program
-i can successfuly un/protect any program

that's about it for now. lastly, a few things i'd like to point out. Edit Prgm is just nonfunctional for this version, because i only want feedback on the menu. some of the GUI for editing programs is implemented. some is not. it's a work in progress. also, there is a bug i already know of. when you protect and unprotected, unarchived program, it says you both archived and protected it. this is a minor bug, which has been fixed. i'm just too lazy to upload a fixed version. if you have any suggestions, please suggest them. Also, i did not include instructions on how to navigate the menu because i want it to be intuitive so let me know if you have trouble navigating. one thing i will say though is that to exit, you have to *hold* clear down for more than 1/5 of a second.
lastly, i don't want this to be named "Nemo's IDE", so name suggestions are also welcome. i'm also looking for a logo, so please post any logo designs you have in the appropriate thread.

tl;dr, download. let me know if your programs are acting funky and what this project should be called.

Computer Projects and Ideas / Collision Detection-Less Snake
« on: November 06, 2010, 11:45:17 pm »
i recently made a snake game in java in which you can't collide with yourself. it's very bare-bones, and i'd like to see how compatible it is. i'd be grateful if you downloaded it for a try (: the download link is here.

Gaming Discussion / the perfect platformer
« on: November 05, 2010, 04:17:39 pm »
the thread title. describe it. what game would be the perfect platformer for you. what features would you see in it. what's the theme? do the tiles animate? what does the character look like? what do different tiles do? change your gravity? shatter into pieces? spit fire? Keys, locks, ladders and one-way blocks? describe the best platformer that could exist. go.

Art / 32 x 32 running man request
« on: October 30, 2010, 03:47:45 pm »
if you've seen the game Exit Path, you know what i basically want. i'm looking for a 32x32 animation of a running man. black and white will work for my purposes. make this as many frames as you need to get a smooth animation. for some inspiration, you could play the game exit path i described above. there's a neat "flow" function that, when used, leaves a trail of sprites in action. screenshotting that a modifying it would work. thanks (:

Art / 32x32 color top down character request
« on: October 26, 2010, 08:45:15 pm »
i need a 32x32 full color top down character sprite. when i say top-down, an example can be found here.
thank you (:

err, sorry. i just found a really good sprite of which i'm looking for. mods, feel free to delete this topic.

Art / 8x8 monochrome explosion request
« on: October 22, 2010, 09:35:51 pm »
hello all. i'm looking for an 8x8 monochrome explosion sprite. i need just 4-8 frames. however, i'd prefer a smooth animation with just 6 frames, if possible. i need this by tomorrow night. probably should've asked earlier, but if i can't get the sprites i'll compensate (: thanks

Art / Calculator Large Sprite Request
« on: October 08, 2010, 07:20:07 pm »
i'm looking for a monochrome sprite of a ti-84+ SE calculator. here's the kicker: the sprite size is massive. i'm not going to limit its size. i'd like it 96 pixels wide with some whitespace on each side (like 3-4 pixels worth), and however high you can make it, really. i'm looking for something larger than 90 pixels tall. but no more than, eh, 180 pixels.
so to recap:
-sprite of ti 84+ SE calc.
-96 pixels wide by 90 to 180 pixels tall.

Art / 16x16 spaceship
« on: September 14, 2010, 11:02:54 pm »
hey guys, i need a 16x16 4 level grayscale spaceship facing any direction (north south east west). i know most of the spriters are gone, but maybe someone can come up with something (:

edit: uploaded a picture of my current ship.

Axe / Grayscale title screen editor
« on: September 11, 2010, 11:00:32 pm »
i made a simple grayscale editor where you can define the height and width of your title screen and edit it pixel-by-pixel. when you enter a number in, it has to have two digits. meaning "6" is not a valid input, it should be "06". it's pretty simple right now.. you move a cursor around where [2nd] inverts the pixel on the buffer, and [alpha] inverts the pixel on the backbuffer. mode inverts the buffer, xton inverts the backbuffer, del clears the buffer, stat clears the backbuffer. they literally use drawInv and ClrDraw, so when you invert the buffer, not only will your title screen be inverted, but also the rest of the buffer.
unfortunately, i don't have access to a link cable right now.. so here's the source code, if you feel like typing it in. the source is only 440 bytes, the executable is just over a thousand. here's the source:
Code: [Select]
Disp "WIDTH"
Repeat getKey(9)
If getKey->K=54
If K=48
If K=55
DrawInv :End
If K=40
DrawInv ^r:End
If K=56
If K=32
K=3 and (W-1!=X)-(K=2)+X->X
K=1 and (H-1!=Y)-(K=4)+Y->Y

Axe / Floating Point in Axe
« on: September 02, 2010, 09:17:59 pm »
so i was thinking about making my own "floating point data type" if you will. it'll probably be more of a tutorial on how one might manage floating point numbers if one wants. it would probably not use mantissa-exponent notation, as although it's very fast, it's expensive on memory. instead i was thinking of having a sign bit, then 12 bits for the integer part and 11 bits for the floating part. this would allow your maximum number to be 4095.2047. i know, it's small. i was thinking of having them be stored as four bytes, making the highest number 65535.32767, which i think is more reasonable since you get 4 digits in the floating point guaranteed, and a pretty high number as your integer part. this would allow for some basic floating point in axe. (quadratic solver anyone?) unless this is a feature quigibo plans to put in the final release and i'm just blabbing about floating point for nothing.

TI-BASIC / Circle Graphs
« on: September 02, 2010, 08:27:50 pm »
My Functions, Statistics and Trigonometry (FST) teacher said you couldn't graph a pie chart on your calculator. i took this as a challenge, and as a result:

Code: [Select]
Delvar ADelvar Bdim(L1->dim(L2

L1 contains your initial data. it's going to be sorted so you can read the circle graph. your data in L1 is displayed starting at the very top of the circle going around clockwise. L2 contains your percentages, rounded to the thousandths. the sorting isn't really necessary, i just like it.

edit: this reminds me.. it's time for me to remake my graphical triangle solver to incorporate the ambiguous case. i'm sure it could use some optimization.

TI-BASIC / Hex to Sprite
« on: August 25, 2010, 10:44:41 pm »
it's memory consuming, and takes up your variables A-F, but for BASIC it's fast. your sprite data is in Str1.
Code: [Select]
If Ans>7
If (Ans>3 and Ans<8) or Ans>11
If (Ans>1 and Ans<4) or (Ans>9 and Ans<12) or Ans=6 or Ans=7 or Ans>13
If fPart(Ans/2

to make it faster, you can change all the If's to If-Then-End's.

i also made a routine for octal data, where your sprite size is 9x8, since the data fitting into a byte isn't very important in basic. i think the following would work:
Code: [Select]
If Ans>3
If Ans=2 or Ans=3 or Ans=6 or Ans=7
If fPart(Ans/2

but that code gives me a domain error on pxl-change, even when B and A are definitely in-bounds..

Computer Programming / Brainfuck Programs
« on: August 16, 2010, 12:40:17 am »
Brainfuck has become my new hobby. my average number of migraines per minute has skyrocketed. anyway, i decided i'd share some of my programs if anyone's interested. i'll edit in more as i go. if you program in brainfuck and want to add in a few, i'd gladly post them and give credit.

Code: [Select]
adds the first memory slot to the second

Code: [Select]
adds the first memory slot to the second outputs the answer

Code: [Select]
subtracts the second memory slot from the first

i'll definitely add more later as i become familiar with the language

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