Art / Re: 55 x 8 BW logo
« on: November 17, 2010, 09:01:16 pm »
thanks ashbad! i can't do gray as stated so i'll change it to white and see how it looks on-calc. also, i cannot undo someone else's thumbs down.
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Art / Re: 55 x 8 BW logo« on: November 17, 2010, 09:01:16 pm »
thanks ashbad! i can't do gray as stated so i'll change it to white and see how it looks on-calc. also, i cannot undo someone else's thumbs down.
TI Z80 / Re: Nemo's IDE« on: November 17, 2010, 08:49:57 pm »
thanks for the feedback Michael!
yeah, the un/archiving delay is kind of inevitable. i'll put in a screen to let the user know, though. that's a good suggestion. As for clear, it's due to the way the program structure is set up. it looks like this: Code: [Select] Repeat getKey(15) the pause 200's are because if you press Enter during the first menu, but hold it a tad too long, you'll skip back over to the first menu. the consequence of this is that pressing clear in the menu on the left will merely bring you to the menu on the right. this can be solved with an If/Goto/End statement though, which i just added since you mentioned that. thanks!%FLDn is used by DCS to manage folders, i thought. (FLD = Folder). having the list wrap from bottom to top shouldn't be too hard (creative use of Modulus is how the whole menu works, anyway.) searching programs.. i'll have to think about how to implement that. i was also thinking about deletion of programs too. (those two would be included on the right-hand-side menu). thanks for the feedback! 483
Art / Re: 55 x 8 BW logo« on: November 17, 2010, 08:26:00 pm »Are you just looking for like a border style? Font? "Anything as long as it's text?" nothing in particular. any font is fine. the only requirements are: - 55 wide by 8 tall pixels - Black and White as the title says - in some way translates a theme, whether through text or a picture. basically something aesthetically pleasing. it may have any title you want. it could say "Phoenix" because you want the IDE to be named phoenix. and if your logo looks really good i'll probably end up calling it Phoenix and crediting the name and logo to you. if it's just a box with some letters, well, i could make that myself, so i probably won't use it. 484
Art / Re: 55 x 8 BW logo« on: November 17, 2010, 08:00:11 pm »Anything as long as it's text? Here you go in 3 level gray: uh... ok... 485
Art / 55 x 8 BW logo« on: November 17, 2010, 07:18:03 pm »
i need a 55 pixel wide by 8 pixel tall logo for my IDE. it can be anything you want, really. i don't currently have a name for the IDE i'm working on (just Nemo's IDE for now), so put whatever text inside the logo that you'd like. thanks!
TI Z80 / Nemo's IDE« on: November 17, 2010, 07:14:45 pm »
as the topic says, i'm making a Basic/(and Axe?) IDE! right now, the only thing you're getting is the menu, since that's what i've been working on for the past week. i want to make sure it isn't just working on my calculator. i simply want you to download it, run it on your calculator and tell me (hopefully) these things:
-all of my programs are displayed! including possibly #, ! and any DCS folders. (if #/!/DCSFolders don't display, it isn't a big deal. you shouldn't edit those anyway.) -there's nothing wrong with the scrolling -i can successfully un/archive any program -i can successfuly un/protect any program that's about it for now. lastly, a few things i'd like to point out. Edit Prgm is just nonfunctional for this version, because i only want feedback on the menu. some of the GUI for editing programs is implemented. some is not. it's a work in progress. also, there is a bug i already know of. when you protect and unprotected, unarchived program, it says you both archived and protected it. this is a minor bug, which has been fixed. i'm just too lazy to upload a fixed version. if you have any suggestions, please suggest them. Also, i did not include instructions on how to navigate the menu because i want it to be intuitive so let me know if you have trouble navigating. one thing i will say though is that to exit, you have to *hold* clear down for more than 1/5 of a second. lastly, i don't want this to be named "Nemo's IDE", so name suggestions are also welcome. i'm also looking for a logo, so please post any logo designs you have in the appropriate thread. tl;dr, download. let me know if your programs are acting funky and what this project should be called. 487
TI Z80 / Re: [Project] BASIC ReCode« on: November 17, 2010, 06:12:39 pm »
if it's faster and more optimized to calculate the numbers from right to left, by all means, do it. you can never have too much speed. if you can get similar speed from left to right, i'd suggest that though.
The Axe Parser Project / Re: Axe Parser« on: November 17, 2010, 03:48:18 pm »
i think {L1+5->{L1+6 would evaluate to {L1+5->{L1+6}} which ultimately put the address of L1+5 into the byte at L1+6, however, because L1+5 is not a value between 0-255, L1+5^256 would be stored in L1+6.
TI Z80 / Re: [Project] BASIC ReCode« on: November 17, 2010, 03:38:11 pm »
Xeda, is there any reason operations are evaluated right to left instead of left to right? unless it makes the code more optimized, i'd suggest left to right for readability, and it would also be similar to axe, which people are used to by now.
Also, if/when you add support to define data, what will the scope of the data be? for example, could i start the interpreter, define some data, use Stop, and then if i re-start the interpreter will my data still be there (assuming i haven't used the Asm() token to modify anything). 490
The Axe Parser Project / Re: Axe Parser« on: November 17, 2010, 03:31:22 pm »Sweet. I didn't know that. It should work, thanks. for Exch(L3,L6,768)? that'll work as written. don't add brackets around L3 or L6. 491
TI Z80 / Re: [Project] BASIC ReCode« on: November 16, 2010, 09:51:21 pm »
no problem. where oh where would we be without math functions though? quigibo may be able to help you there.
TI Z80 / Re: [Project] BASIC ReCode« on: November 16, 2010, 09:46:27 pm »So basically that 33 is used in both the Pause command as well as the 4th argument in Line(), as a way to save space, right? exactly. i'm assuming you could put it anywhere, if you want. and assuming that this would be syntactically correct: Line(0,0,Pause 95,Pause 63,0 493
TI Z80 / Re: [Project] BASIC ReCode« on: November 16, 2010, 09:39:19 pm »Does the pause have to be right in the middle? O.o I'm not sure if I understand the code. Nice to see it is still progressing, though. the Pause 33 takes 33 as an argument. in the Line(5,17,8,Pause 33,23) line, it means that both pause and line take the argument 33 as a parameter 494
Introduce Yourself! / Re: Introducing myself« on: November 16, 2010, 06:50:13 pm »
welcome to omnimaga!
DoorsCS comes in handy in many ways. at the core, it's a shell that will allow you to run programs. what makes it a good shell is the fact it can allow you to run programs without unarchiving, it supports Basic libraries, MirageOS/Ion etc programs, and many other features. Axe is a programming language similar to BASIC, but has concepts seen in assembly. it can be really powerful once you get used to syntax. for example, this code is all syntactically correct: Code: [Select] :32->A+2->B |