i noticed
Raylin's rules for making RPG's, and thought it was a good idea to have the same for platform games. This thread is for people who don't think they can handle a full-on RPG yet, but are beyond programming small games and are looking for something more intensive. since i personally don't have many rules for platformers, the thread is titled as omnimaga's, in the hope that the community can contribute. so, in no specific order:
1) Plan out your character's limitations. Can they jump? If so, how high and how far? Do they have any special abilities e.g. lasers or shields? - nemo
2) If you have enemies, make sure you have an idea of what their AI will do. Keep it as simple as possible, without being ridiculously easy. A good example of elegant but effective AI is ztrumpet's
Exodus. - nemo
3) Make sure you compress your maps! there are many different compression algorithms out there. if you are a beginner to compression techniques i suggest you start out with a simple one like Run Length Encoding, explained
here and implemented in TI-Basic
here. However, if you're programming in TI-Basic, your map loading will take a hit on speed. This rule is more for Axe and ASM programs. - nemo
4) Know how many tiles are in your tilemap before you write a decompression routine. figuring out decompressing can be a pain. if you know how many tiles are in your tilemap and their specific properties, once you write a decompression routine, you won't have to worry about it again. - nemo
5) Write a tilemap editor if possible. it'll save you a lot of time when developing levels. - nemo
6) I've always found the physics engine in a platformer to be relatively simple, and save it for last. however, if you aren't sure what type of physics you'll have, i suggest playing around with the code in builderboy's
physics tutorial to get some ideas of how to implement basic physics. - nemo
7) Make sure that you make your gravity constant EXCEPT when you are touching the ground. However, the only exception to this rule is Raylin's game, gRaViTy. In that game, in order to gain speed, Raylin made the gravity constant throughout and had the player object determine whether to stop or not. - Raylin
9) For BASIC programmers, make sure key detection is responsive enough. IN the first version of Exodus that I tested (that was never posted in public) as well as in Deep Thought's Insanity platformer games, when pressing a key, it took an entire frame before responding. This leads to frustration when trying to jump/land on small platforms, as you always end up moving one step further, not moving at all, not jumping at all and falling in the pit. Although speed cannot be helped all the time, try to make sure key detection for movement/jumping is done at the right place in your program (preferably immediately before the sprites are being moved). - DJ Omnimaga