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Messages - nyanfly

Pages: 1 [2]
Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: Contest: Coding Battles
« on: August 01, 2012, 08:21:24 pm »
This looks interesting! Methinks I shall participate. In my experience, libraries like SDL/OpenGL are pretty cross-platform (although you have to run Windows to compile it, and it's a pain to reboot into Windows) and C# will (mostly) run on Linux with Mono.

Also, what's an IRC bot?

Introduce Yourself! / Re: A wild nyanfly appeared!
« on: August 01, 2012, 08:04:58 pm »
<random>Ooh, peanuts! I like peanuts, except you eat them for the first five minutes and they taste okay but after that they start tasting weird and I just stop eating them.</random>

Also, I was under the impression that native C code could run on the nspire under ndless?

Introduce Yourself! / A wild nyanfly appeared!
« on: August 01, 2012, 07:49:59 pm »
Hi there! I'm nyanfly, and I'm here cuz my good friend cyano told me about this forum. Anyway, I'm (currently) mostly a computer programmer, but I've also programmed on my trusty TI-84 (some TI-BASIC, Axe, a little asm) :D. Hopefully, I can get an nspire this year so I can show off my uber-l33t C skillz! (And also so I can play TLoZ during math class :P)

P.S I lost the game  :hyper:

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