Yeah, but I also have problems with my code! And now, I also lost the file what should be saved where and how in the Track-file. (externalprogram in which I save when the balls should come)
But I still hope that qazwsx988 will help me and that we'll be able to finish TapTap fot the TI together!
ephan, my problem is: I have no idea how to do tthat. I've tried very often in very much difficult ways, but never made it! (in all the cases!) Querty.55, Hä??? How to do that? I've never used "interrupts" before (or I have and don't know it)!
The program is reacting on the keys [7], [8] and [9] But I will change:
:000 :000 :100 :200 :200 :011 :022the three numbers should be like the three keys - but 0 is like not pressing the key, 1 is like pressing it once, 2 is like holding the key!
And I also need a second program, which should react on the keys, but writes it into such a code!
sorry, I know I'm making veeeery much mistakes and I'm sometimes really too stupid to code!
.001 If {H+T}={H+1} or ({H+T}={H+4}) or ({H+T}={H+7}) or ({H+T}={H+10}) or ({H+T}={H+13}) or ({H+T}={H+16}) or ({H+T}={H+19}) or ({H+T}={H+22}) or ({H+T}={H+25}) Line(16,15,16,21)r Line(17,14,17,22)r Line(18,14,18,22)r Line(19,14,19,22)r Line(20,15,20,21)r End
.002 If {H+T}={H+2} or ({H+T}={H+5}) or ({H+T}={H+8}) or ({H+T}={H+11}) or ({H+T}={H+14}) or ({H+T}={H+17}) or ({H+T}={H+20}) or ({H+T}={H+23}) or ({H+T}={H+26}) Line(13,26,13,20)r End
.010 If {H+T}={H+3} or ({H+T}={H+4}) or ({H+T}={H+5}) or ({H+T}={H+12}) or ({H+T}={H+13}) or ({H+T}={H+14}) or ({H+T}={H+21}) or ({H+T}={H+22}) or ({H+T}={H+23}) Line(16,29,16,35)r Line(17,28,17,34)r Line(18,28,18,34)r Line(19,28,19,34)r Line(20,29,20,35)r End
.020 If {H+T}={H+6} or ({H+T}={H+7}) or ({H+T}={H+8}) or ({H+T}={H+15}) or ({H+T}={H+16}) or ({H+T}={H+17}) or ({H+T}={H+24}) or ({H+T}={H+25}) or ({H+T}={H+26}) Line(13,30,13,34)r End
.100 If {H+T}={H+9} or ({H+T}={H+10}) or ({H+T}={H+11}) or ({H+T}={H+12}) or ({H+T}={H+13}) or ({H+T}={H+14}) or ({H+T}={H+15}) or ({H+T}={H+16}) or ({H+T}={H+17}) Line(16,43,16,49)r Line(17,42,17,50)r Line(18,42,18,50)r Line(19,42,19,50)r Line(20,43,20,49)r End
.200 If {H+T}={H+18} or ({H+T}={H+19}) or ({H+T}={H+20}) or ({H+T}={H+21}) or ({H+T}={H+22}) or ({H+T}={H+23}) or ({H+T}={H+24}) or ({H+T}={H+25}) or ({H+T}={H+26}) Line(13,44,13,48)r End
DispGraphr DispGraph Horizontal+r Horizontal+ End Lbl ZZ ClrDraw ClrDrawr
There may be a few mistakes in that code - I had to type it on the computer because I'm having problems with the linking softwares! And I also know that there are a few mistakes in the code! I'll soon post how the TapTI001-program is looking like - I can't find the code for it now
No. Noone posts here so much - only me and Sorunome! If someone with under 100 posts would start to post here very often, I can tell it to you, if you want! Or we can tell him please not to post here so much.
looks nice!!! But in the real tap tap revenge, the tappers (that little balls) become larger if they move down. They should be smaller when they appear at the top of the screen.
Can you really tap there, or not? If you can tap there: Are holds/streaks possible, too?
and how is the track-file saved? External program/var or in the game?
(I've started a TapTapRevenge project a while ago, too. But I stoped it because I hadn't enough time for it because I had too much to do for school!) Maybe we could finish TapTapRevenge for TI together. (my brother plays it every day - he could help us with it, too!) PM me your answer or post it here!;msg=203885 There I've splitt it into the single words! The trranslator should know a few of the words! And jeah, It's really a german word. It makes not really much sense, but it's a correct german word. Of cause you can move it to spam if you want to, but I think it should be here, because it's german!
I'll give you 10$ for buying something on this page: if you'll post the best translation of that: "Donaudampfschifffahrtskapitänsmützenknopfherstellungsfirmenleitersekretärinkleidschneiderweckersteckdoesendeckelkratzerentfernertubeaufdruckdruckerwartermindestlohnfestlegungsbehördenleiterlehnstuhlpolsterungsbefestigungsschraubenherstellungsgussformlecküberprüferkaugummiautomatstromzufuhrleitungsverlegerhundhundefutterverpackungsfirmengeländeüberwachungskameraherstellerstromrechnungsfluchstrafgeldannehmebehördenangestellterlehrschulenlehrerausbildungsstellenleitermindestgehaltsfestlegungsrichtlinienfestlegergesetzesgebungsbuchladenrettungspaketbestimmerverordnungsbehördenleiterfraulippenstiftkappenverschlussproduktionsfehlerwahrscheinlichkeitsbestimmungsberechnungs formelerstellermindestgehaltsgrenzefestlegerbüro" BUT: It should be like this translation: "Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän" - the captain of the Danube Steamship Company You'll get the 10$ if you'll post the best translation AND if the translation is good! (so please dont copy the text in Google translator and post the translation - it should be GOOD so that everyone could understand it!) You can only use the 10$ for buying things on that webpage!!!!