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Messages - p2

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[DE] Off-Topic / Re: Taschenrechner, Hilfe ;D
« on: September 12, 2011, 09:15:41 am »
Da steht bei mir Schon ne Nummer:

Da auf dem Karton Links unten in der Ecke. Roter Kleber, Weiße Schrift: XXXX/XX/11X1/X1 (Hab Buchstaben und Zahlen jeweils als X und 1 ersetzt)

Und wenn man Das Ding (Kartong) aufklappt, hab ich da noch die CD und so'*n weißer kleber mit nem Anderen Code:

NSC Sgl Prptl
License #
(Auch wieder Ersetzt)

Wo soll der richtige code stehen????

[DE] Off-Topic / Re: Taschenrechner, Hilfe ;D
« on: September 11, 2011, 08:49:54 am »
Ich hab meinen TI Nspire CX CAS auf gekauft (Eigentlich verwandte - Konfi-geschenk)
da war ne CD mit ner 33-Tage-Version von StudentsSoftware drauf.
Neu Installieren löst das Problem bei mir leider auch nicht!!  :'(

[DE] Off-Topic / Re: Wer ist ein Deutscher (oder kann deutsch sprechen)?
« on: September 11, 2011, 08:47:45 am »
Wilkommen im Deutschen Teil von Omnimaga!!

Kleiner Tipp:
Du solltest Immer nur Axe-Versionen nutzen, die schon etwas älter sind, weil die neueren Versionen meißt instabil sind.
Aber 0.53 und 1.01 sind die Besten bisher! (Machen am Weigsten Probleme!!)

Axe / Re: Making my code faster
« on: September 10, 2011, 11:59:54 am »
I hope it'll be faster!!

Axe / Re: Making my code faster
« on: September 10, 2011, 11:52:20 am »
Or can you write that in Axe??

Aniway, Thanx!

[DE] Off-Topic / Re: Taschenrechner, Hilfe ;D
« on: September 10, 2011, 11:38:07 am »
Hast du dich eig. schon Vorgestellt?

Ich hab auch nen TI Nspire CX CAS!
Und Ich hab auch keine Ahnung, Wie man andere Spiele darauf spielt!!!!

Du solltest schonmal ausprobieren, ob du sachen mit TILiP and deinen TI schicken kannst!! (=TILinkingProgram)
Denn die Probe-version von TIStudentSoftware hält nur kurz, und die Vollversion kostet anscheinend Scheiß viel Geld!!
(Bei mir klappt TILiP leider nichts, weshalb ich leider auch nichts mehr an meinen TI schicken kann.  :'(

Axe / Re: Making my code faster
« on: September 10, 2011, 11:06:03 am »
So may someone of you tell me how to make it faster??

The speed is more important than the size of the program!

Axe / Re: I need help with a code!
« on: September 10, 2011, 09:38:28 am »
Tried it, but It's ignoring me!!!
It's showing random "tappers" on the screen, not like I've told it in the code!!

Axe / Re: I need help with a code!
« on: September 10, 2011, 08:43:02 am »
so I cant write {Str1+18}???
(Str1 because your older post...)

Axe / Re: I need help with a code!
« on: September 10, 2011, 04:26:49 am »
Thanx, Ephan!!!! Can I also write a number from 1-7 into every line of the program and load them then??
For example, how to load the number in line number eight?
How can I tell the program to write a number in a new line?

And a second question:
I have such a code:
Code: [Select]
How can I load the X-th number  in line Y??

Buttsfredkin, I thought it was a midi-to-axe-converter     ;)
Can you please post an example-code for me (I can learn it easier if I can exit a complete code with the new part in it)
I was planning g to use that converter, but don't really know how I must write that!

Axe / Re: I need help with a code!
« on: September 09, 2011, 01:58:29 pm »
Thanx, Querty!

But may someone please tell me, if there's a bug in my code?

Axe / Making my code faster
« on: September 09, 2011, 01:49:04 pm »
Is it possible to make my code faster?
(I want to make a few different difficulty-modes!)

EDIT: Screenie!!

(It's with sound - so you should try it on your TI!)

CARAXE is the ASM-program
The other programs are the surcecode! (CAR is the main-program)

Humour and Jokes / Re: 9001 signs you're addicted to calcs and Omni
« on: September 09, 2011, 12:59:51 pm »
2140: You played MarcTheSuperkidQuest and died more than five times in a row

Axe / Re: I need help with a code!
« on: September 09, 2011, 12:49:52 pm »
ephan, my problem is: I have no idea how to do tthat. I've tried very often in very much difficult ways, but never made it! (in all the cases!)
Querty.55, Hä??? How to do that???? I've never used "interrupts" before (or I have and don't know it)!

The program is reacting on the keys [7], [8] and [9]
But I will change:

It should read a program like that:
Code: [Select]
the three numbers should be like the three keys - but 0 is like not pressing the key, 1 is like pressing it once, 2 is like holding the key!

And I also need a second program, which should react on the keys, but writes it into such a code!

sorry, I know I'm making veeeery much mistakes and I'm sometimes really too stupid to code!  :-\

Spoiler For surcecode:
:Repeat getKey(15)
:Lbl 1
:If C
:If B
:If A
:If A+B+C≠0
:If pxl-Test(18,50-E) or pxl-Test(17,50-E)r or pxl-Test(16,50-E)r
:!If pxl-Test(18,50-E
:!If pxl-Test(17,50-E)r
:If A
:Goto 1
:If B
:Goto 1
:If C
:Goto 1
:Horizontal +r
:Horizontal +

Sorry, was the ASM-program surce-code is coming...

Axe / Re: I need help with a code!
« on: September 09, 2011, 11:28:19 am »
Thanx for the link, ephan!

I need:

1.     copying text from a string into a code

2.     sopying a var into a code (not "A", it should be the number that is saved as the var!)

3.     loading (reading) such a number from a code (like in 2.) and saving it as a var again

Is it possible to run two programs at the same time??
I don't thing so, or?

How is ththe thing working in the "MarkTheSuperkidQuest"-app?
I tried to load the appvar and wanted to watch it.
I haven't changed anything.

But the app told me that the App-var had been manipulated, and deleted it!

how hase the App noticed anything of what I made??

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