Axe / lines/text
« on: September 17, 2011, 09:17:21 pm »
first of all, what are the x-mins/maxs and y-mins/maxs in axe? the regular line(0,0,10,10) doesn't do anything.
also why is the text on this not working?
does the Text( command use the Ti Basic layout, or a different one?
EDIT: I am using axe parser 0.5.3 and a TI 84+ SE
also why is the text on this not working?
Code: [Select]
:Fix 0
:Text(0,0,"Press any key...")
:Repeat getKey
does the Text( command use the Ti Basic layout, or a different one?
EDIT: I am using axe parser 0.5.3 and a TI 84+ SE