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Messages - parserp

Pages: 1 ... 84 85 [86] 87 88 ... 113
Looks nice, but going left/right with the up/down keys must be friggin hard O.O

Portal X / Re: Portal X
« on: October 22, 2011, 08:39:35 pm »
Good luck reading his code, though :crazy:
yeah, isn't he like a code ninja?

Miscellaneous / Re: Userbars: Do you make any?
« on: October 21, 2011, 11:33:03 pm »
ok that's good ;)

Axe / Re: Storing Pics
« on: October 21, 2011, 11:25:53 pm »
If you don't understand some of the Asm stuff, just skip it. ;)
I don't understand any of it... ???
can anyone answer my first question?
Alright, I'll try my best to explain how to do it without writing it for you. ;)

First you have to create the variable.  This is done with GetCalc(PTR,SIZE).  SIZE will almost* always 756 bytes, as it's 63*12.  The pointer will point to some information like this:
7,96,Picture Number (Pic1 is 0, Pic2 is 1, ... Pic0 is 10),0
This is [0760##00] in hex.

GetCalc will return a pointer to the new file.  You then have to fill the file with data.  The 756 bytes are all the picture info.  You can just copy 756 bytes from the main buffer (L6) into it if you want.

This is the basic premise.  I'm not 100% sure this will work - I've never done this in Axe before, but I know I'm on the right track.  Good luck getting this to work - if it doesn't, let me know, and I'll try and figure out what I screwed up. :P

P.S.  You know how I kept saying "almost*"?  Well, that's because you can have different sized pictures, but they may cause unpredictable behavior. :P  Edit: After talking to Runer I found out that he recommends making it 768 bytes and then being able to copy the whole buffer.
ooh I get it now... now all I need is to find out how to input strings...

Axe / Re: Storing Pics
« on: October 21, 2011, 10:45:31 pm »
I believe it's possible. maybe if you store "appv" to a string and the name into other string and concentrate it, it would work.
I think I get the idea, but could you put that in code please?

EDIT: new page!

Axe / Re: Storing Pics
« on: October 21, 2011, 10:43:23 pm »
I always wondered how to do that either XP
so in other words you can't?

Miscellaneous / Re: Cokesplosion
« on: October 21, 2011, 10:42:31 pm »
oh no! not coke!!! D:

EDIT: new page!

Miscellaneous / Re: Userbars: Do you make any?
« on: October 21, 2011, 10:20:15 pm »
I just made my first userbar!!!
it's for my game called swords (duh)

I think this is a necropost...

Axe / Re: Storing Pics
« on: October 21, 2011, 10:14:46 pm »
ooh thanks it works now... ;D
EDIT: how would I input a name for the appvar?
It won't let me do
Code: [Select]

Axe / Re: Nothing is working
« on: October 21, 2011, 09:06:38 pm »
Anytime ;D

Axe / Re: Nothing is working
« on: October 21, 2011, 09:04:28 pm »
what did you do different?

Axe / Re: Nothing is working
« on: October 21, 2011, 09:02:22 pm »
Ok. Attached the exact screenshot of the code. Then I went to Axe, to compile with no shell selected, then pushed enter, then, opened prgmPROGRAM.
did you run it with the command asm( ?

Axe / Re: Nothing is working
« on: October 21, 2011, 08:57:10 pm »
oh, let me see if I can get a liink...
EDIT: got the link
you can run assembly and basic progs from it.

Axe / Re: Nothing is working
« on: October 21, 2011, 08:55:51 pm »
shells are things like MirageOS and DCS, I think.

Axe / Re: Nothing is working
« on: October 21, 2011, 08:53:29 pm »
yeah you probably just need a:
Code: [Select]
:Repeat getKey
at the end of the program

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