Well, here's the source of the scrolling a tile at a time, but note: Y doesn't scroll, only X does.
(this is the full source)
:.metal slug level editor
:.store some crap into the tilemap
:.the tile (only 1 currently)
:.X position of tilemap
:.X position of curser
:.Y position of curser
:Repeat getKey(15)
:.get the tilemap's position
:If getKey(1) and (K<55)
:.see if at left side of tilemap
:If X=0
:If getKey(2) and (J>0)
:If getKey(3) and (J=48)
:If getKey(3) and (J<48)
:.see if at right side of tilemap
:If X=704
:If getKey(3) and (J<87)
:If getKey(2) and (J=48)
:If getKey(2) and (J>48)
:If getKey(2) and (X>0) and (X<704)
:If getKey(3) and (X<704) and (X>0)
:If getKey(4) and (K>0)
and that's it. ask with any questions
EDIT: included source/executable
EDIT 2: screenie!