Miscellaneous / Re: Sports
« on: August 03, 2011, 03:42:24 am »
5-8 hours standing and walking(no rest nor seat down(yeah, build up your stamina and endurance pretty quick)) at a job. 4 hours of running a week. 10 hours of math a week. 15 hours of chess. 10 hours of language learning. 2 hours of being irritated.
If you all seriously want to break your time record in track or whatever. Try get a lowly job part time as a custodian at a mall or construction worker (drilling and digging) working without rest. In a month, running feel like a breeze. Also, working in these fields makes your brain easily learning from books too. You feel tired but you are focused and slightly increase your brain power absorption.
If you all seriously want to break your time record in track or whatever. Try get a lowly job part time as a custodian at a mall or construction worker (drilling and digging) working without rest. In a month, running feel like a breeze. Also, working in these fields makes your brain easily learning from books too. You feel tired but you are focused and slightly increase your brain power absorption.