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Messages - persalteas

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ClrDraw clears the graph screen
ClrHome clears the home screen

ClrDraw clears the screen, or a buffer ? The display is automatically modified, or I need a DispGraph ?

And about ClrHome: How do you put anything in the home screen ? Text( and drawing commands don't...
Is there a buffer for  the home screen ?

5) What does exactly Fill(4 ?

6) and Fill(14 ?

7) If I use augment(4,0,"DStr5"  , for example, it creates 4 new bytes at the beginning of the Str5, isn't it ? So, the string with start with...nothing ? empty bytes ?

8) [strike]You said E was used to introduce a binary string.  Is it the E from [2nd][ln]  ,   [2nd][/]  or   [2nd][,]  ?[/strike] I know the answer, now :D

9) About AsmPrgm. What is the exact syntax ?

Code: [Select]




3rd question: What is the pattern with the "Circle(" command ?

4) What is the difference between ClrDraw and ClrHome ?

Grammer / Re: Grammer 2-The APP
« on: April 26, 2012, 04:17:31 pm »
AH, I have the v2.26.02.12 ... I'll update.

Yes, my programs finish with Stop. And if they don't, I don't have the bug, my calc still shutdowns.
The problem comes from the Stop token I think.

I have the Hooks of MirageOS and XtraTkn (and Grammer). But the F4/CLEAR bug was here before I put these apps, I'm sure. Not sure for the Stop.

Allright !! Good answer... I'll put this in the tutorial, it helps a lot.

just one precision: about gray sprites, you said in the doc that it's 3-grayscales. So the data should be 30gray-60gray-black-30gray-60gray-black-30gray-60gray-black...  ?

EDIT: I uprank your post ;D

1)  What is the "Gray" method for displaying sprites ? (   Pt-On(7   ) Do you explain it in the topic about grayscale ? If yes, don't answer, I'll see.

2) You told talk several times about buffers to display. I didn't know that we could create custom buffers at custom adresses. I heard about the buffer and the backbuffer in Axe, but that's all. It's not very limpid, can you re-explain me what is exactly a buffer and how it works ?

Grammer / Re: Grammer 2-The APP
« on: April 26, 2012, 03:43:39 pm »

1) I can't quit the app by pressing [F4] (EXIT) or [CLEAR]  ----> RAM Cleared

2) When a Grammer program finishes, I can't shutdown my calculator until I press a key which displays a menu ( like [prgm], [stats]...)

and then I had other crashes, but while a program execution. Maybe it was my fault, if I try bad commands. (like displaying a number in base 1)

If you want them in English, it will take a minute. :P

solve(4,2,"String" creates a custom error.
AAWWW YEAH !! Powerful !

So... I finished the "Command and Tutorial.pdf", now I will read the *.txts and the tutorial topics on Omnimaga...

I have 28 questions... Do you want them ? ;D  In one shot ? 5 by 5 ?

(Lot of my questions are about grayscale, I'll read the topic where you talk about it.)

I upload a new version soon (1h30), time to replace my questions by your answers.

J'ai corrigé ces détails. J'ai aussi fait une superbe pic pour les codes du getkey :)

Spoiler For "keycodes sur une TI 83 ! ":


questions suivantes !

1) Where do you find the "solve(" command in the menus ? The [math][0] gives me a "Misc(" command. Is that from Grammer, or from MirageOS (or from XtraTkn ?)

2) about solve(3.

Ans and Ɵ' are put back to normal when the error handler
Do you mean they come back to 0 when the program arrives to the specified label ?

3) Explain solve(4 ... :/

4) Explain how works the duration with the conj( command... :/  64, for me, it's just Minecraft...

Thank you !
(I now have many little funny programs on my calc ;D )

EDIT: Also, since I uprated one of yesterdays posts that got lost, I uprated your last post

Oh, ;D thanks ...

The day will come when I would have 447 posts ratings, like you...  (how long have you been active on Omnimaga, Xeda ? )

Grammer / Re: Find the error in a beginner's program
« on: April 25, 2012, 10:04:11 am »

*persalteas poke Yeong...  (or Xeda, sure)

Grammer / Find the error in a beginner's program
« on: April 25, 2012, 07:59:41 am »
Hello, first I have a question: who programs with Grammer here ? Just Xeda ?

Then I would these programers to tell we where are my error(s) in this program:

It's a base converter from decimal. (it is supposed to be  ;D )

The display always starts with a value that I didn't ask for, and then the right value.

Code: [Select]
:Text(8,5,"Base Converter
:/Text(18,0,"Base ?
:expr(Input →G
:/Text(18,0,"Valeur Décimale ?
:expr(Input →AC'
:/Text(30,0,"= "
:Repeat getkey
:If =15
:Goto B

And then, I have some questions about the Input command:

- is there a mean to forbid other tokens than alphanumeric ? (like pressing a key [stat],[On] etc...)
- When should the "two-points" appear on the screen ? Before or after pressing the first key ?  (ow my syntax...  <_< )
- The text in the Input is displayed like with /Text(  , letter-by-letter. Is that normal ?

Oh ! yes, you told me about the If and the getkey...

I forgot to replace it in the tutorial.

Also, not(6 = not(110b = 001b = 1 =not(0000000000000110b = 1111111111111001b =65529. En effet, 65535-6. Plus general, not(A = 65535-A.
All the 16 bits are inverted ? OK, I didn't know.

I'll continue it, it's not finish, there is a lot of work :)
Glad you like it.

Deux ou trois posts de supprimés...

Bref, version actuelle du tuto (passé en PDF ! )  :  DERNIERE MISE A JOUR LE 25/04/2012 - 09h51

De manière générale, je vais uploader les mises à jour sur .

Grammer / Re: Grammer 2-The APP
« on: April 22, 2012, 12:54:16 pm »
I will survive with it, but that's bad... :(

Spoiler For Spoiler:
Yeah, 40 posts, let's talk in OmnomIRC !!! :) :) :)

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