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Messages - pimathbrainiac

Pages: 1 ... 67 68 [69] 70 71 ... 125
OmnomIRC Development / Re: OmnomIRC changelog and suggestions
« on: May 26, 2013, 11:49:56 pm »
Suggestion: Image parsing, if you can do it, and it's not too stupid an idea

Web Programming and Design / Re: RFG Image Uploader
« on: May 26, 2013, 11:07:20 pm »
Thanks. I was worried for a sec.

Web Programming and Design / Re: RFG Image Uploader
« on: May 26, 2013, 11:05:45 pm »
Question: Will the old links to photos/screenies still work? Or will I have to edit all my posts <_<

Miscellaneous / Re: Anyone heard of ASCII?
« on: May 26, 2013, 10:57:43 pm »
What time is it?


|(• ◡•)|/ \(❍ᴥ❍ʋ)

I just... had too...

Also: BMO

     ||•  -  •  ||
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     ||+   °  •||

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Hi, it's Stolen Goods.
« on: May 24, 2013, 08:12:57 am »
I'm curious, what's the story behind your nick?

Welcome to Omni! Have some peanuts!


Miscellaneous / Re: Religion Discussion
« on: May 24, 2013, 08:08:57 am »
@Pimathbrainiac I agree that the catholic church(and probably other churches as well) have made big mistakes in history. And they were definitely wrong.
I myself am not Catholic, just a Christian who bases himself on the Bible. However, it doesn't mean that if a leader of a group does something bad that the whole thing is corrupt...

The Bible is infallible: It has NOT been proven wrong. There may be translation that are wrong though.
Evolution has flaws, so according to you I may call it all wrong?

Trust me, science isn't as accurate as it may seem. It is many times flawed.(For example, putting an age on a piece of stone/other thing).

I believe in de-evolution, and that makes a lot of sense to me. Say you have a superdog, and then it's descendants have little changes and they devolve to different kinds of dogs. However, they'll never be as perfect as their ancestor was. Same with humans, are age is always getting shorter, and it's not only because of all the sicknesses.
Devolution is happening, and has been witnessed, not the opposite.

The science and math are both sound here. As far as we've seen rocks and fossils dated, it's hard to believe that the earth is only a few thousand or even 1,000,000 years old.

That is just at least one place where the bible is wrong: dating the earth.

The bible also places the creation of the earth as 6 (7?) days. This we know for a fact is wrong because there are supernovas (which form new star(s) and planet(s)) that have been observed for much more than 6 (7?) days and haven't formed an entire planet. It takes a very long time to form a planet (observation works, eh?).

Yes, that may be because of science(medicines, etc). But if we had this science back then(and less hard work), they would live longer.
The reason why retirement age is getting extended is just because there are always getting less land less children and the older people will have to work longer.

Every mutation usually is downhill and happens by an error. Sometimes these mutations can have beneficial effects, but it's still less than it was.

Considering we see mutations allow species of insects to be immune to insecticide, as well as bacteria to antibiotics.

While not beneficial to us,these mutations are beneficial to their respective species.

Miscellaneous / Re: The Piano Deity of Omnimaga?
« on: May 23, 2013, 08:10:44 pm »
Inspired by Dapianokid, I started learning Rachmaninoff's Elegie :3

On a side note, I want that player piano!

Miscellaneous / Re: Religion Discussion
« on: May 23, 2013, 05:40:22 pm »
Since radioactive dating has proven the earth older than any religion with a definitive age, and that it has a finite age (disproving religions in which the earth has already existed)

I meant to say that has the earth at a definitive age. my bad. If you treat it like a scientific theory, you must say that if one part is wrong, the whole thing is. This was just one example.

Miscellaneous / Re: Yearbook
« on: May 23, 2013, 05:24:03 pm »
It would be cool, but I wouldn't want to spend the $$$ (sorry :P)

Miscellaneous / Re: Religion Discussion
« on: May 23, 2013, 05:16:00 pm »
Also: Christianity (Specifically Roman Catholicism) has changed to fit new discoveries and to fit the current world.

For example: Jesus's original birthday was in June/July (based on the oldest texts and such, before Roman Catholicism) but it was changed to be in December to coincide with Pagan holidays celebrated at the same time in Europe.

Also: Once you get to Roman Catholicism (in chronological order), you start to see corruption. This, at one point, was so much that the Pope was pretty much supreme ruler (or at least the guy that you went to to resolve any dispute) of Europe. Example: The Treaty of Tordesillas ( )

Also: There are so many religions that they can't all be right. People are only sure of their religion because that is what they believe to be true.


Let's call Christianity a scientific theory for a minute. You can not prove Christianity or any religion because, like a scientific theory, it can be verified, but never proven for sure, but you can disprove it because, like a scientific theory, if one part is wrong, the whole thing is wrong.

Since radioactive dating has proven the earth older than any religion that puts the earth at a definitive age, and that it has a finite age (disproving religions in which the earth has already existed).

So, in essence (for Christianity), creationism/intelligent design can not be proven right, but since the religion as a whole is proven wrong because many parts have been proven wrong, creationism/intelligent design are wrong.

Evolution, on the other hand, has been verified in several labs with sexually reproducing organisms. As in: a species divided and evolved so that one group could not breed with the other and produce fertile offspring, creating a new species, by definition. It has also been observed with larger plants and animals.

That is not to say that it won't be proven wrong, but it has been verified, and is safe for the time being.


Web Programming and Design / Re: RFG Image Uploader
« on: May 23, 2013, 10:51:57 am »
Well, I thought I had geekboy's permission... I guess it was just not good enough :P

Web Programming and Design / Re: RFG Image Uploader
« on: May 22, 2013, 09:22:39 pm »
My little image uploader (and by mine, I mean I changed 2 lines of code from another guy):


EDIT: I added the single rule to the page. Also: It doesn't handle duplicates yet. Sorry.

EDIT 2: Also available at : -snip-

EDIT 3 MOD: will post links to a proper one once it is done right. this is not acceptable on withg for the current time being. sorry for the minor inconvienance.

Web Programming and Design / Re: RFG Image Uploader
« on: May 22, 2013, 08:25:48 pm »
geekboy: I'm working on one right now.

I'll tell you if/when I get it up

Web Programming and Design / Re: RFG Image Uploader
« on: May 22, 2013, 04:54:34 pm »
Maybe We could create something on withg...

how do you use withg? sounds promising.

Does anyone have the original source for that page?

Then I could probably set it up...

Web Programming and Design / Re: RFG Image Uploader
« on: May 22, 2013, 04:42:27 pm »
Maybe We could create something on withg...

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