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Messages - pimathbrainiac

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TI Calculators / Re: How to install apps?
« on: June 03, 2015, 01:05:16 pm »
@JamesNewman To answer your original question, download the TI Nspire Computer Link Software or TiLP and use one of those pieces of software to send the .tns files to your Nspire.

Thanks for the reply! Just before I download that, I wanted to check if there's any method of doing it through the Student Software. Or is it easier using the Computer Link Software?

I don't have the Student Software, so I wouldn't know.

TI Calculators / Re: How to install apps?
« on: June 03, 2015, 12:38:59 pm »
@JamesNewman To answer your original question, download the TI Nspire Computer Link Software or TiLP and use one of those pieces of software to send the .tns files to your Nspire.

Community Contests / Re: Code Golf - The Reboot #1
« on: June 03, 2015, 10:20:11 am »
Just a heads-up. I will not be the only one posting Code Golf topics on Omni. When you submit in the future, please submit to whoever posted the code golf or myself (if they don't have an account on the site you have an account on)

Other / Re: TinyTuring - A Turing machine on an Arduino
« on: June 01, 2015, 11:24:42 am »
That sounds awesome! Are you going to release the source/schematics later?

Community Contests / Re: Code Golf - The Reboot #1
« on: June 01, 2015, 08:32:06 am »
The input is the source code of the program, so there is no typed/formatted input this time.

Community Contests / [ENDED] Code Golf - The Reboot #1
« on: June 01, 2015, 08:27:41 am »
Hello ladies and gents, welcome to Code Golf! As you probably noticed, I am not JWinslow23 because my name is pimathbrainiac. For those of you who don't know what Code Golf is, I'll tell you. You must write a program in any programming language and make the source as few bytes as possible. There are some rules that you must follow each week.

All programs and source files must be submitted to me via PM by midnight Sunday. Winners will be announced Saturday afternoon, and new challenges appear on Monday.
The program outputs must follow the proper formatting as stated in the week's challenge.
All of your source must be in a single source file. Using certain command-line options to compile code not in your source file is cheating.
Esolangs are okay, but the source must be text.
No drag-and-drop languages, since those can't be counted the same way.

Without further ado: This weeks challenge! (inspired by this challenge, but with a critical twist).

Challenge #1: Counting Code
Write a program that counts the number of occurrences of each unique character in your code and outputs a list of the number of occurrences of each unique character.
No extra white space, with the exception of an optional newline at the end of the program.
The characters listed must be in one of two orders. Either the order of character values in the character encoding used by your language (probably ASCII), or the order the characters appear in your source.
Your program must read its source file.

The hypothetical program
Code: [Select]
{omnimaga}; should produce one of the following outputs:
Code: [Select]
; 1
a 2
g 1
i 1
m 2
n 1
o 1
{ 1
} 1
Code: [Select]
{ 1
o 1
m 2
n 1
i 1
a 2
g 1
} 1
; 1

Good luck, and make each character count.

1) @Levak - 36 Bytes (Bash)
2) @Juju - 44 Bytes (Bash)
3) @Adriweb - 53 Bytes (Bash)
4) Cumred_Snektron - 62 Bytes (Python)
4) @Ikj - 62 Bytes (Python)
6) @Sorunome - 73 Bytes (PHP)
7) @Ivoah - 77 Bytes (Python)
8 ) DarkestEx/muessigb - 78 Bytes (PHP)
9) @Juju - 84 Bytes (Ruby)
10) @Juju - 86 Bytes (Python2)
11) DarkestEx/muessigb - 126 Bytes (html/JavaScript)
12) @Scipi - 157 Bytes (C++)

Language Ranking
1) Bash - 36 Bytes
2) Python - 62 Bytes
3) PHP - 73 Bytes
4) Ruby - 84 Bytes
5) html/JS - 126 Bytes
6) C++ - 157 Bytes

Here we go, top three entries and top entry in the top three languages:

Code: [Select]
history 1|grep -o .|sort|uniq -c|rev
Code: [Select]
grep -o . a|sort|uniq -c|awk '{print $2,$1}'
Code: [Select]
sed 's/\(.\)/\1\'$'\n/g' $0|sort|uniq -c|rev|sed '1d'
Tie for Python:
Code: [Select]
for c in list(set(d)):   print c, d.count(c)
Code: [Select]
for i in sorted(set(f)):print(i,f.count(i))

Code: [Select]
<?foreach(count_chars(@file(b)[0])as$i=>$n)if($n>0)echo chr($i)." $n\n";
Congrats guys!

Now, we had someone among us who requested not to be listed as a competitor, but his code was the smallest. At 15 Bytes in Pyth, Runer112 had the smallest valid solution, but is not in the competitive group, so the standings above are it.
Code: [Select]
That's it! I'll post another one later today!

TI Z80 / Re: Bitty Bird! (made for CodeWalrus Mini-Contest #1: 4x3)
« on: May 28, 2015, 05:30:24 pm »
Isn't the grid required to be 4x3, as per contest rules? It looks nicer this way, but I'm not sure the judges would count it.

Hey @JWinslow23 Would you mind if this were picked up again by some other people (such as c4ooo, Sorunome, and myself)?

News / Re: Axe Wiki Opens!
« on: May 28, 2015, 05:49:01 am »
iirc, it was hosted on 57o9, and when that went down, nothing came back up. That url was what sparked the conversation to begin with, actually.

News / Hayleia Promoted to CoT!
« on: May 28, 2015, 05:47:40 am »
There comes a time in a programmer's life when they have contributed so much, they have to be recognized form their accomplishments. Maybe you want to play Pokémon on your TI-83+ series? Or perhaps Minecraft? Maybe you're more of a Robbox person? Perhaps you want to play a Prizm game on your 83+, such as Rainbow Dash Attack. Do you like Guitar Hero? That's been ported, too. What is a programmer without a snake clone under their belt? Like SHMUPs? They made a SHMUP. Listening to music on your phone? Try Your calculator. Remember "Flappy Bird?" That was ported, too. Jetpack Impossible? Done. 2048? Yup! And of course if you can't convince your friends which of the aforementioned games is the best, you can always settle it in Smash.

The point is, Hayleia's an awesome programmer, and has made nothing but great contributions since joining in 2011. And I am pleased to announce that @Hayleia has been (some might say finally) promoted to Coder of Tomorrow! Congratulations Hayleia on your job well done!

Miscellaneous / Re: Birthday Posts
« on: May 28, 2015, 05:16:22 am »
Thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday yesterday!

Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: Quest for the Golden Plunger
« on: May 28, 2015, 05:10:33 am »
@alberthrocks well right now the licence is "we're making the proprietary eventually to release on greenlight or desura." The current version's licence should be the wtfpl, imo.

Also I have the binaries and required dlls in a zip file I can upload (and since we used MinGW, no msvcr needed :P). I'll upload that when I get time. I don't like installers much, since I can't use them myself (still no admin privileges on my computer).

EDIT: Here is the zip file

EDIT 2: Screenies!
Game start!

When both you and the minotaur are in the sight of the torches, the plunger appears.

Avoid the minotaur-ditto-minotaur, or it's game over.

Computer Projects and Ideas / Quest for the Golden Plunger
« on: May 27, 2015, 09:23:46 pm »
So @Eskmo and myself were in the same AP Computer Science class this past year, and for our final project, we made a roguelike. You are a man in a maze with randomly placed torches. You have to find the golden plunger before the "minotaur" (actually a dancing ditto) catches you.

Source here. Screenies soon.

EDIT: This is a project with SDL as its dependency and also has a windows-specific makefile atm (blame netbeans). If you want to make, I'll figure out how to make it setup-independent.

Other / Re: Icarus, a knex ball machine
« on: May 27, 2015, 09:14:08 am »
Going for another world's tallest? Good luck!

Looks awesome, and welcome to Omnimaga!

Sadly, I don't have an HP Prime (yet), but this is awesome regardless. Any plans to add pinch-zoom to it?

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