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Messages - pimathbrainiac

Pages: 1 ... 113 114 [115] 116 117 ... 125
A global law would be under individual countries to enforce, but if a country were to disobey said law, then the country would be punished...

Site Feedback and Questions / Re: Omnimaga YouTube channel (OmnimagaTV)
« on: December 05, 2012, 01:49:01 pm »
How 'bout we have 3 channels, all related... One, the OmniCalc channel... Two, the OmniMusic channel, and Three, the OmniMisc channel?

Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Re: One Massive Community Game
« on: December 05, 2012, 01:25:32 pm »
I could do engine! (in axe)

* pimathbrainiac agrees

The internet itself is not owned by anyone... Not to say that no one owns individual space on the internet, but the internet itself is like a company with stock... whoever owns the most stock owns the company... (A lot of times one needs to own over half the stock, and NO ONE HAS DONE THIS TO THE INTERNET!)

Also, it's called the WWW for a reason... There are standards, yes, but not much regulation (and by that I mean sites blocked by the government), except in communist countries... Why? Look at the name... World Wide Web, meaning that if there is any jurisdiction, it must be global... and since there is no global government (the UN does not count because not all countries are part (e.g. Taiwan)), treaties (like the major one being revised at the ITU) are made between countries that participate actively in the internet...

This does not mean that those treaties have an effect on the entire world... just to the participating countries right???

Wrong! The treaties have no binding effect AT ALL because the governments involved have no jurisdiction over the entire world! The only way that the treaties would have effect is if EVERY country had a say... Why? It's called the World Wide Web...

Does this mean that participating countries won't abide by said treaties? Not at all. They will abide... but until ALL the countries of the world make a GLOBAL law regarding the internet and treaties involving the usage there thereof, the treaties can be broken easily by participating countries...

Why be worried? Because the US is trying to negotiate/compromise with countries that (while not technically breaking any global laws) are using national jurisdiction with a global entity to restrict it... The US is starting to board their metaphorical boat, and now they might "give" [up] internet freedom in order to "take" peace with China, Iran, etc...

We can always break out of the treaties, right? Well, it depends on which direction the country will take within the next (this is an arbitrary #) 40 years...

In other words... Schrödinger's Cat situation! We should be worried and not worried at the same time...
* pimathbrainiac bows

And yet, the government does not have a right to regulate the interwebs because it is not public, and it is not owned by anyone...

Site Feedback and Questions / Re: Omnimaga YouTube channel (OmnimagaTV)
« on: December 04, 2012, 06:47:34 pm »
DJ_O Okay, I'll do Calc-only shtuff... but If we could make a separate (but joined) Omnimusic channel, that would be awesome!

Site Feedback and Questions / Re: Omnimaga YouTube channel (OmnimagaTV)
« on: December 04, 2012, 02:55:10 pm »
Because this forum also deals with music, I will do shtuff with music composed made by Omni users as well as Calc shtuff... (AXE tutorials (maybe), LPs of games, and reviews)

I'm not saying that government shouldn't have power... I'm saying that government should not attempt to GAIN power for the sake of gaining power...

Site Feedback and Questions / Re: Omnimaga YouTube channel (OmnimagaTV)
« on: December 04, 2012, 10:10:06 am »
Ooooooo... I could make vids!!! (I know I'm new here, but I've been following calcs for a while!!!)

* pimathbrainiac wishes that the governments of the world were less power based...

* pimathbrainiac agrees!

News / Re: 2012 Apocalypse TI-83+/TI-84+ Programming Contest
« on: December 03, 2012, 05:29:45 pm »
We can do C on z80 calcs !? :w00t:

wait... WHAT!?

stupid government ruining the interwebs!

Site Feedback and Questions / Re: Omnimaga YouTube channel (OmnimagaTV)
« on: December 03, 2012, 04:53:29 pm »
I'd like to be part of these admins... count me in!

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