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Messages - pimathbrainiac

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Super Smash Bros. Open / Re: [Axe] Super Smash Bros. Open
« on: March 09, 2015, 08:59:53 pm »
None of the source is missing. You can compile with Axe, which is an on-calc compiler. It is not assembled. You can open the program files in TI Connect CE, Source Coder, IES, and the like and read them.

This forum has an entire section dedicated to Axe, if you want to learn about how it works, I suggest you look there.

Super Smash Bros. Open / Re: [Axe] Super Smash Bros. Open
« on: March 09, 2015, 07:59:44 pm »
The thing is that this has already been answered. Not just in that thread, but in this thread as well. Several times (and I'm too lazy to find the rest of the links).

I'm sorry, but it is impossible, as this is written in Axe, to port to the CSE at the moment, even with the source.

As a promotion for the upcoming TI 84 Plus CE, TI has started a contest called "Calculate Your Color," in which you take a personality quiz to determine "which new TI 84 Plus CE hue suits you" and get entered in a drawing to win a TI 84 Plus CE.

TI posted about the contest on their Facebook page earlier today, and their website front page has been updated to promote the contest. Go check it out and maybe even win a CE!

Contest Link:
Terms and Conditions:
On a side note, I got "Silver Linings" as my color.

ASM / pimath begins learning z80 assembly - the questions thread
« on: March 07, 2015, 09:55:48 pm »
So I began working on z80 assembly a while ago, and failed. This time, I'm going to do it right. This is my questions/learning thread (which will be cross-posted to the other sites).

My setup:
Assembler: spasm-ng
Editor: Notepad++
Plans: I'm going to write a small game I call "World of Code." It will probably just end up being an RPG movement engine and end up stalling, knowing myself. If it turns into a thing, I'll post about it.

Other / Re: ROBOTS!!!!! 2015 (aka FRC 2015)
« on: March 06, 2015, 01:59:55 pm »
So how did everyone's robots turn out?

News / Re: Project Periodical - January/February 2015
« on: March 05, 2015, 08:41:02 pm »
Okay, so I edited the OP to include stuff from all the sites as well as the missed Hardware stuff.

News / Re: Project Periodical - "Pimath Promoted?!?" Edition
« on: March 03, 2015, 05:04:18 pm »
* pimathbrainiac shines his badge some more.
Thanks for the promotion and stuff! Now I just need to keep track of all the TI stuff. Also I'll try and get a CW+Cemetech edition to Project Periodical done by the end of the week.

News / Re: Project Periodical - January/February 2015
« on: March 03, 2015, 04:33:08 pm »
That is not a project with a project thread on Omni. I did not forget. That was just not meeting the qualifications. Also it got a whole news to itself :P

News / Re: Project Periodical - January/February 2015
« on: March 03, 2015, 04:28:57 pm »
Oh, I didn't read that. I'll change that :P

News / Project Periodical - January/February 2015
« on: March 03, 2015, 11:07:21 am »
I'm sorry that I'm two days late on this. I hope you all don't mind. This edition will cover January and February. I was unable to make one last month due to my busy schedule with robotics and such, sorry D: . Also, I will just be chronicling Omnimaga projects for this edition, simply from a bulk and time-crunch standpoint. Next month will resume projects from other sites. Anyways, here is this month's edition:

EDIT: So here is the edited project periodical. It now includes Cemetech and CW projects. The links go to the first forum I spot the project on. I read the forums in the order Omnimaga, Cemetech, CodeWalrus this time around, and the order will be different next time. This is to save time/space when writing and in the final post.

TI-8x Monochrome
Reuben Quest 3: An unofficial threequel to Reuben Quest, originally by DJ Omnimaga. There is some eyecandy at the moment. By Sorunome (new sprites by Art_of_camelot)
Super Smash Bros. Open: A lo-fi remake of Super Smash Bros. Currently, characters are being worked on, and there is a playable demo for multiplayer action. By Hayleia
Vectorial Math: A vectorial math suite. It currently features token hooks, and many operations necessary for vectorial math. By Sorunome
gLib - Axiom version: An Axiom version of the gLib 3D library, originally written in pure Axe. This library is now much faster, and is in the form of an Axiom (obviously :P ). By TheMachine02
Axagon: A Hexagon (note the lack of Super) port for the 8x calcs. Written in Axe, it is, well, Hexagon. By Matrefeytontias
Cookie Clicker Axe: An Axe port of the popular web game "Cookie Clicker." It now features most of the features of the original game. By JWinslow23
TwoStep: A puzzle game where you have two steps to reach a platform, but you must land on any kind of platform on the second step. By benedikt.muessig
Tornado: A new RPG in the works for the monochrome line. Will feature monster encounters and the like. By NanoWar
Slender: The Eight Pages: A port of the PC game with the same name. Features 4 level interrupt greyscale and static effects. By ACagliano
Re: Alien Breed 5 Episode II: Evolution: A port of Alien Breed 5, originally for the PC. The latest update featured many bugfixes and additions, as well as optimizations. By JamesV
My First Game: An action-platformer written in axe, featuring a class system, stamina bar, and numerous other things. By Omegaxis213
NewUILock: A lock screen and password program that takes advantage of zStart and Axe. By Muessigb
CPU Derived Clock: A clock/timer for interrupts based on CPU cycles. By Emerov
Koch Curve Fractal: Graphs a Koch Curve Fractal using iterations as opposed to recursion. By MasterChief56
Lisp8x: A port of Lisp for the calculator. By Hooloovoo
Wizards: A card game video game for monochrome calcs. This year marks 10 years since project start. By NanoWar
Five Nights at Freddy's: A port of the PC game of the same name. Featuring four-level greyscale and gameplay similar to the original. By Haobo
Dark Hallways: A text-based mystery game written in Basic. By Michael2_3B
Calcopoly: A calculator community-based monopoly game. By tifreak8x
ZPATH: A small TIBasic program to plot a recursive path for imaginary numbers. By brentmaas
Draw: A drawing program for monochrome calcs. Written in Basic. By Cumred_Snektron
BrainVM: A BrainF interpreter written in assembly. By Cumred_Snektron

TI-84 Plus CSE
Zargul: An Eye of the Beholder-like for the CSE. Currently, there is some animated eyecandy and UI progress.
Flatforme: A simple platformer, written in TI-Basic, for the CSE. Currently, there is a demo available and a level editor in progress. By 123outerme
NaCaNiS: A Nyan Cat game for the CSE, originally made for Cemetech Contest #13. Features space, pop tart cats, and junk food. By Iambian
Meme Generator: A meme generator/maker for the CSE. By APotato
World's Hardest Game: A CSE port of the 83+ series port of the PC game with the same name. By MateoConLechuga
Achievement Unlocked: A CSE port of the PC game with the same name. Writen in Basic. By 123outerme
xLIBC: An extended Basic library, included with DoorsCSE. This update, to be included with the next DoorsCSE, includes bugfixes with transparency. By tr1p1ea
LINGO: A Mastermind-like game, written in extended basic. By PT_
emu8x CSE: A port of the z80 emulator made originally to emulate older z80 calcs on the 83+ series. By Hooloovoo
Caticle Chronicles: A prequel and sequel to the Cemetech Contest #13 entry "Cat Nipper." By Unicorn
MOVE3: A simple platformer written in hybrid Basic. No demos currently, but there is some eyecandy to look at. By M. I. Wright
Mono2Color: A converter/conversion method for porting monochrome assembly programs to the CSE. By MateoConLechuga
Portal CSE: A port of the 83+ Portal game by Builderboy. By MateoConLechuga
mobileTunes 3 CSE: A port of MobileTunes, a music player for the monochrome calcs by KermMartian, for the CSE. By MateoConLechuga and KermMartian
Transparent Cursor Routine: A cursor routine for fullscreen assembly programs on the CSE. By MateoConLechuga
Mana Force Color remake: A CSE remake of the monochrome RPG "Mana Force" by DJ Omnimaga. By DJ Omnimaga

Unspecified (e)Z80
(e)Z80 Compression and Decompression: Compression and Decompression algorithm for the z80 and eZ80 processors. By Xeda112358
(De)Compression Routines: Same as above, only with a different author and having the PC component written in Python. By Iambian

nTileWorld: A port of the 8x monochrome game "Chips Challenge," which, in it of itself, is a port of a PC game of the same name. This update features some recompiling and some optimizations. By ajorians
nMastermind: A port of the board game of the same name. It is a code-making/code-breaking game. Features multiple options for difficulty of play. By ajorians
nPDF A PDF reader for the Nspire. This last updates adds features and fixes bugs. By Legimet
Portal Nspire A 2D Portal clone for the Nspire, inspired by Builderboy's "Portal Prelude." Written in Lua, this will run on any Nspire model, so long as the OS is the right version number to support Lua. By LDStudios
Helicopt3rs: A port of Swing Copters for the Nspire. Written in C for Ndless'd calcs. Features high scores and gameplay from the original.
Duktape: A lightweight JS interpreter for the Nspire. By Legimet
Jens' Script Editor: An on-calc Lua editor. The latest update features bug fixes, a status bar, and a few improvements. By Jens_K
n2DLib: A 2D graphics library for Ndless C. The latest update features interpolation of curves. By Matrefeytontias

DOA: An FPS for the 68k series. After a hiatus, this project is back in action. By AaroneusTheGreat
CBLM: A CBL/CBL2/LabPro interfacing program, written in basic for 68k calcs. This update allows calibration of sensors. By CVSoft

Jetpack Joyride: A Casio port of a game of the same name. By Drakalex007

HP Prime
Starvault: A sci-fi roguelike. By iconmaster
Tetris: A Tetris clone. By iconmaster.

FrostByte: A Windows Phone application for bitwise operation calculations. By Spyro543
Carcassonne: A web port of the board game with the same name. By Sorunome
Chess Wars: A Fire Emblem/Advanced Wars-like for the PC. By Scipi
SPASM-ng: A fork of a fork of SPASM, a commonly used z80 assembler. This particular forkception adds ez80 support for the upcomming TI-84 Plus CE. By calc84maniac and alberthrocks
kArmTI: A TI-Nspire emulator with a skin, forked from nspire_emu. The latest update features a USB favorites menu. by SpiroH
TILP Beta: The latest Beta of the unofficial linking program for all OSes for TI calculators features some API changes, some bug fixes, and some bug introductions. By various authors (It's open-source)
Haskell Synthesizer: A synthesizer written in Haskell. By Unknownloner
CBLConsole: A program that allows one to send commands to a CBL device from one's computer. Programmed in Python. By CVSoft
(e)Z80 Disassembler: A Z80/eZ80 disassembler, featuring several output formats. By DrDnar
Stegnography Tool: A tool to hide text and binary data in an image. By Muessigb and AliceIsDead
Upside-Down Cemetech: A little iframe and CSS magic that turns Cemetech upside-down. By Muessigb
xlibc palette filter: An image filter that makes an image look like it were using the xlibc color palette. By Unknownloner
Self-Defined Object Language & Computer System: A computer system/language/environment that takes the "everything is an object" philosophy. By shkaboinka
QEmu-based Prizm Emulator: A Casio Prizm emulator based on QEmu. By AHelper
Z80 Unit Testing and Debugging: A utility to pre-test assembly code without the use of an emulator. By AHelper
spasm + emscripten: An online implementation of SPASM. It now has SPASM-ng support. By Tari
Piworld: An isometric game in the spirit of Legend of Zelda. By 岩倉 澪
IconusCalc: A calculator written in Java, featuring different notations for input. By iconmaster

Nspiroid: A TI-Nspire emulator for Android. Features a skin and emulation of the Nspire series. By SpiroH
TwoStep for Android: An android port of the 83+ series game of the same name and by the same author. By muessig

Armed Combat: A side-scrolling military shooter in the beta stages. By nxtboy III

Calculator Hardware
TI 84 PCSE Calculator Speaker Case: A 3D printed speaker case for the CSE. It features a built in speaker to plug in to your calculator for MobileTunes and the like. By Botboy3000
3D Printed TI-84 Plus Family Slidecase: Monogrammed slidecases for the TI-84 Plus family. Printed with a 3D printer. Featuring a Cemetech logo on one. By KermMartian

General Hardware
IoT Led Marquee: A large LED Marquee got an update with a faster processor and some recoding. By Geekboy1011
Z820: A z80 computer with blinkenlights and serial communication. By Keoni29
FrostAPC328: A computer made with an arduino, an LCD display, and some buttons. By Spyro543
Dysphoria: A Knex ball machine of substantial size. Features plenty of curves. By Sorunome
Visicom Textphone Reverse-engineering: A reverse-engineering project of a textphone for deaf people from the 80s. By Kenoi29
Light Detecting Oscilloscope Like Device: A light detector that graphs its output, similarly to an oscilloscope. By Spyro543
Sound Mixer: A homemade sound mixer, made with a breadboard and featuring a small speaker. By Sorunome
CBS 6000: A small 8-bit computer, now with serial loading and various other small computer features. By Keoni29
Gamebuino Music Player: A music player for the arduino-based portable gaming device called the Gamebuino. By Muessigb
AY-3-8910 synthesizer: A synthesizer program and music player, written in assembly for the AY-3-8910. By olav_nordmann
3D Projector Printer: A homebuilt 3D printer. By Botboy3000

Other Calculators / TI Connect CE - In-Depth Review
« on: February 25, 2015, 12:17:14 pm »
So a while ago, TI Connect CE 5.0 was released by TI as a compliment to the TI 84 Plus CE. Since it has new features, including a program editor, I have decided to do a full review. Sadly, this software only works with z80 USB-port models, but you can have TI-Connect 4.0 installed alongside it, so you are only really missing out on the new features.

First up: Start Up
Immediately after the splash screen splashes, you are greeted with the basic interface in screen capture mode. There are three modes, easily accessible from the sidebar, including Screen Capture, Calculator Explorer, and Program Editor. To the immediate right is the connected calculator list if you are in Screen Capture or Calculator Explorer mode, and the tokens list if you are in Program Editor mode. When it is the connected calculator list, you can switch between connected calculators quickly. Just click the one you want to switch to, and you're ready to go!

The Screen Capture Mode at Startup
Screen Capture
The Screen Capture mode is just an interface change on the one from TI-Connect 4.0. You can only take screenshots from the confines of the TI-OS level. This means you can't take screenshots from flashapps or assembly programs. Kind of a bummer, but nothing new. The interface does feel sleeker and more modern, but I feel TI could have updated the feature for this software.

Calculator Explorer and File Transfer
Since this is connectivity software, this is the most important part of this package. How is the connectivity? In a word: fast. It takes very little time from drag-and-drop of programs to menu, and the actual transfer takes full advantage of the USB capability. You also have the option to send files to all connected calculators, which is very nice, especially if you are working on a multi-player game and want to improve the time it takes to get the files to both calculators. In the Calculator Explorer itself, you see everything on the calculator in the sleek interface, and can switch between calculators easily. You can also double click a non-protected, non-assembly program to edit it within the Program Editor almost instantly, which leads nicely into the next section.

File Transfer Menu
Program Editor
TI has not released a program editor with their standard link software since TI Graph Link. This program editor is a nice addition to the software, once again with a sleek and modern interface. It features a tokens list and reference on the side, and can send the program to a connected calculator with the click of a button. The editor feels a lot like TokenIDE or SourceCoder, but with different syntax for store arrows and superscripts and such. The copy-paste issues from Graph Link have been fixed, though, so the store arrows (→) and the like show up properly when pasted into posts. The only language supported is TI-Basic, as is expected, since this is TI's product and not the community's.

Program Editor

Overall, this is a nice update to TI-Connect, and you will enjoy the new file transfer speed and the TI-Basic program editing, as well as the new interface. Although the screen capture is still lacking, it is still the best TI Connect to date.

News / Re: TI Connect CE 5.0 Released
« on: February 24, 2015, 02:26:27 pm »
I use IES, myself, since it has nice project system and the like. My only problem is the lack of a tokens sidebar/menu.

Thanks for the Newsing, btw.

News / TI Connect CE 5.0 Released
« on: February 24, 2015, 02:19:21 pm »
With the success of Project Periodical, I will be starting on some other news articles and the like. This isn't extremely new, but it has yet to be discussed here on Omni.

As is tradition with TI in recent years, every time they have released a new calc, they have released either an update for existing connectivity software (such as the TI Connect update that arrived with the CSE) or completely new software (such as the Nspire-specific link software). With the upcoming arrival of the TI 84 Plus CE, a new color calculator built to be better, faster, and stronger, TI has released TI Connect CE 5.0. This software brings back some of the functionality of Graph Link with a program editor, but stops support for the 68k calcs and all non-USB z80 calcs. So while this is an update of sorts, TI Connect 4.0 is still available.

As far as performance, I have not yet been able to test the connectivity part of the software, but as stated on CodeWalrus, the software is much faster in both transfer speed and loading times than TI Connect 4.0. The device explorer and screen capture features also feature easy switching between multiple connected calculators. The programming editor interface reminds one of TokenIDE and SourceCoder with the tokens list and reference on the side, but with a more sleek and modern feel. The downsides are that Axe syntax and extended basic syntax are not currently supported due to this being TI's program, and not the community's.


EDIT: Full review now available here

Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: IoT Led Marquee
« on: February 22, 2015, 06:21:43 pm »
This is awesome! Any plans to use it at the Cemetech booth at Maker Faire?

Computer Programming / Re: How to make a IRC bot
« on: February 09, 2015, 06:33:15 am »
My little interjection is this: It is easier to program IRC bots with Java and Python than it is in C. Java has the awesome pircbotx library, which I use, and Python has more than a few libraries making it easy.

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