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Messages - pimathbrainiac

Pages: 1 ... 24 25 [26] 27 28 ... 125
ordelore has been added to the list of competitors! Good luck!

Well the rules said send me a PM, but a reply in this topic works as well, I guess :P

Hayleia and willrandship added. Signups end the second this starts, so there will be plenty of time to sign up (more than a month, at this point)

Notice that I am not Raylin, and that there is [Unofficial] in the title. Also as in the title, this will be in tournament format, instead of the old format. I thought these were a really good idea, and so I'm going to pick these up for the sake of distracting me from some particular things going on in my life atm.

Spoiler For Raylin's Original Post:

Have you the nerve to try?
Have you the need for speed?
Can you crank out quality code in no time at all?

Put your reputation on the line and step up to the plate.
This, good sirs, is the true test of coding.

Hello, Omnimagician. Welcome to the Cage Matches.
This is where your mettle will be pitted again another strong competitor whose wants to prove his worth as well.
The rules of this are simple: Make a game of said theme within the time limit.

For starters, you must send me a PM with your programming languages so I can add you to the roster.

Every (other) week, starting in October, two random people will be the contestants for that Cage Match.
A contestant has exactly 24 hours to reply. If a contestant does not reply, another contestant will be picked.
When both contestants have done so, the deadline is set a week or two from the top of the hour.
(Top of the hour means that if the PM is replied to at 8:23, the deadline is a week from now at 9. All times are in CDT (GMT -5.)).
The theme will be picked at random.
The language will be picked at random.
If the language is C or ASM, some code must be sent inside of the PM to assure that a contestant isn't over his head.
The result of the contest will be based a poll that the community votes on. (I will also be casting my vote.)
The winner gets fame, prestige, and a userbar.

That is all.

*Deep Thought

Hybrid BASIC

*Deep Thought
*Fast Crash


Projected Matches

Spoiler For October 24th, 2010:
nemo (accepted) vs. FinaleTI (accepted)
Axe - Tunnel (topdown)
Due October 24th, 2010 (finished)

Winner: nemo

Spoiler For November 11th, 2010:
Builderboy (accepted) vs. guy6020665 (accepted)
BASIC - Game using homescreen only
Due November 11th, 2010

Winner: Builderboy

Spoiler For CANCELED - November 20th, 2010:
SirCmpwn vs. FinaleTI
Hybrid BASIC - Use DCS (please). Fighting game.

Spoiler For POSTPONED - December 6th, 2010:
FinaleTI vs. Raylin
Hybrid BASIC - Use DCS (please). Role-playing game. Storyline not necessary but gives bonus points.
Due December 6th, 2010

Spoiler For December 21st, 2010:
ztrumpet vs. meishe91
Pure BASIC - One button game. Only one button.
Due December 21st, 2010

Winner: meishe91 (due to swing vote)

Spoiler For January 6th, 2011:
happybobjr vs. squidgetx vs. Michael_Lee
Axe - Puzzle game with a storyline (no point-and-click allowed)
Due January 6th, 2011

Winner: squidgetx

Next match:

Strike! The Storm Begins to Brew!

*Deep Thought
Make the very best game you can think of in exactly 30 days.


*This must be for the TI-83+.
*There cannot be a shred of Hybrid BASIC.
*No Axe subroutines.
*No ASM (unless it is on this page). Yes, I know that there is a loophole there.
*No late entries.
*No exceptions. At all.
*Submit to me ([email protected]) <- reverse the 'moc'.
*You cannot vote for your own entry.

*Try not to make clones of other games.

Same rules apply as well. This starts when over 50% of the people accept after the 20th.

So instead of the exact same rules and categories, I'm going to modify this a bit.
Here is my (slightly ripped off) post for this (unofficial) reboot.


Have you the nerve to try?
Have you the need for speed?
Can you crank out quality code in no time at all?

Put your reputation on the line and step up to the plate.
This, good sirs, is the true test of coding.

Hello, Omnimagician. Welcome to the Cage Matches.
This is where your mettle will be pitted again another strong competitor whose wants to prove his worth as well.
The rules of this are simple: Make a game of said theme within the time limit.

For starters, you must send me a PM with your programming languages (you can do more than 1) so I can add you to the roster.

Valid categories/languages are as follows:

8x grayscale calcs:
  • Axe
  • Pure Basic
  • Asm/C
  • Pure Basic
  • Hybrid Basic
  • Asm
Nspire calcs:
  • Ndless C/C++/Asm
  • Basic
  • Lua

In August (August 3rd, to be precise) (August 31st, so nothing conflicts with Cemetech Contest #12), a single-elimination bracket will be posted in this topic/post, along with which contestants will be competing that week (one pair per category). The bracket will be made by me, using a very subjective ranking system.
Each week a pair in each category from the bracket will be chosen to compete, along with a subject for the week.
The subject is for each week, not each week/category. All categories will have to program the same subject matter in their respective languages/platforms.
Contestants will be PM'd, and have 24 hours to reply, if a contestant does not reply, the one who replied moves on, as if there were a bye.
When both contestants in each category have replied, the deadline is set a week from the top of the hour.

The results each week will be based on a poll that the community votes on. (I will also be casting my vote.) Thou shalt not vote for thineself. I will also be competing in a few categories.
The winners get fame, prestige, and cookies, sent in bytes over the internet.

That is all.

Current Contestants:

8x grayscale calcs:

Pure Basic:


Pure Basic:

Hybrid Basic:


Nspire calcs:
Ndless C/C++/Asm:



Miscellaneous / Re: Birthday Posts
« on: July 09, 2014, 07:34:08 pm »
Flappy Birday, DJ! Have a muffin!

Music Showcase / Re: Pimath's WIP Music Topic
« on: July 08, 2014, 07:31:00 am »

General Discussion / Re: Watcha Been Listening To?
« on: July 07, 2014, 05:32:35 pm »
This album:

Calculator C / Re: [Ndless] Help with bottleneck on color calcs only
« on: June 27, 2014, 06:36:13 pm »
I have not OC'd. My calc came with a non-downgrade-able OS, so I updated to 3.6, then ndless'd

Calculator C / Re: [Ndless] Help with bottleneck on color calcs only
« on: June 27, 2014, 05:12:28 pm »
2.5 seconds on the GS CAS calc.


I can't see the text file here. Imma try to login with filezilla and download.

EDIT: darn it. I can't download anonymously and I can't find the file when I'm logged in to s

EDIT2: Wait a sec, that's unrelated :P I'm stuck on this one after:

"Cloudy days reveal open skies with great shifts in imagery."

Humour and Jokes / Re: 9001 signs you're addicted to calcs and Omni
« on: June 27, 2014, 12:16:10 am »
6478: You try constantly to get epic7 active again.

Zarmina / Re: Zarmina
« on: June 21, 2014, 11:46:53 pm »
EDIT: Yeah it's totally what I'm doing right now, I'm (re)writing a pitch bible for Zarmina with a few new ideas I just came up with.

YAY! I'd be glad to help with spriting, and I might be able to get XiiDraco to do the 3D, if he's interested.

F-Zero 83+ / Re: F-Zero Progress Thread
« on: June 21, 2014, 11:42:52 pm »
A lot of people stay for like 1-2 years max.

My time has come x.x
Not really, but that reminds me to update the VVVVVV thread as soon as I can get to my desktop.

Ash: Phoenix / Re: Ash: Phoenix- Reboot
« on: June 21, 2014, 03:20:28 pm »
* pimathbrainiac seconds the prod.

This looks amazing. I would really like to see this happen.

Zarmina / Re: Zarmina
« on: June 21, 2014, 03:07:49 pm »
Bumpity Bumpity Bump!

* pimathbrainiac prods Juju with a progress update request.

F-Zero 83+ / Re: F-Zero Progress Thread
« on: June 21, 2014, 02:48:14 pm »
* pimathbrainiac prods calc84 with a motivation, since it's summer, and I would rather see this than another GB/C/A emulator :P

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