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Messages - pimathbrainiac

Pages: 1 ... 31 32 [33] 34 35 ... 125
« on: May 17, 2014, 06:11:01 pm »
New game mode: Insane mode! Every time it is possible to flip gravity, it is done automatically. No pressing 2nd here.
Note: This takes the same save file from normal mode, and will only create a new one if no save file exists.


Zip attached, enjoy!

« on: May 17, 2014, 03:03:01 pm »
Made a few optimizations, and it's much faster and harder >:D
More optimizations to follow (trying to reduce on size next, so I don't have to use Crabcake)!
Also: MOS and Ion versions available again!

Screenie proof:

Same. ._.

42: You take the 42nd reason for the obvious reason.

« on: May 15, 2014, 05:41:36 pm »
I went completely back, sadly. I will make most of those optimizations before the next release, though.

Announcement time!
I have set a deadline for finishing this project: August 1st. It will be done before then, I promise. Next week is my last week of the school year, and I will get it done before school starts next year :D
Thanks for the support so far. Update soon, I promise!

Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: SilverLink Clone - Wip Beta
« on: May 15, 2014, 11:22:37 am »
Oh right, it has I2C :P

I could get a usb controller shield, though.

Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: SilverLink Clone - Wip Beta
« on: May 15, 2014, 06:40:31 am »
Geek: I have an arduino and parts enough (I think) to test. Will you please post some schematics and code?

TI Z80 / Re: [Axe] Towers (or some other name)
« on: May 14, 2014, 07:41:07 pm »
I'm looking at you, pimath  >:D

Why would you do that?
* pimathbrainiac runs

Anyways, good job. I hope to see more in the future!

General Discussion / Re: Watcha Been Listening To?
« on: May 13, 2014, 06:58:14 am »

My general Spotify playlist. Lotsa stuff all over the place.

29. You're too much of a "friend" or a "bro" to them (true story (for almost every freaking girl...))
30. You're too scared to tell half the people you like you like them, for fear of breaking societal norms (true story).

TI Z80 / Re: [Axe] Hinawa Battle Engine
« on: May 10, 2014, 09:11:52 pm »
Thankfully in hybrid BASIC we have 1540 KB of executable code space compared to 40 KB in Axe *runs*

Anyway glad this is still coming along.

Well, you can run a compiled assembly program in an axe program if you know how, increasing the amount of executable code you can have. There's also crabcake :P

Site Feedback and Questions / Re: Omnimaga Rules of the Road
« on: May 09, 2014, 12:34:55 pm »
Adding right now, thanks!

Edit: added DJ's rules of the road as well as some more of my own.

Site Feedback and Questions / Omnimaga Rules of the Road
« on: May 09, 2014, 08:20:10 am »
    A recent Cemetech topic got me thinking about Omnimaga's specific netiquette, so I'm making a topic about how we like people to behave here (Mods feel free to edit and add stuff to this topic (please make sure you include who edited this in your edit), and users please suggest edits for me). Also, to make this more relate-able to the new members who might feel like they have broken or possibly will accidentally break these rules, I'm going to include weather or not I broke a rule in the past, so they can see how one can be a respectable member, even with mistakes in the past.

    0) Official Rules

    1) General Behavior
    • The very first rule of Omnimaga is to not be a troll or a mean person, even in jest ((DJ) not all trolling is disallowed, since some of it is not offensive, but if it's done just to make users angry it's not allowed. Non-offensive trolling (such as rickrolls) should be kept to a minimum to reduce spam.) (Guilty. I've trolled before and have gotten several -1s as well as some calls for me to change).
    • Jokes are allowed, but only to an extent. Acceptable jokes include: peanuts, over 9000, lobster, etc. Small things that have no effect on the actual topic. Unacceptable jokes include: necroposting for the sake of necroposting (guilty), quote pyramiding for the sake of quote pyramiding (guilty), etc.
    • Avoid derailing a topic. It makes things confusing for all of us (guilty).
    • No spam in "Humor and Jokes." (guilty)
    • (DJ) [...]we want our members to try to spell and punctuate properly. Of course, since we have a lot of foreign members, we can't ask the moon about grammar, but the more understandable your post is (including by Google Translate), the more likely it is to be paid attention to.
    • (DJ) Of course, searching before posting and ensuring you describe your problem clearly is highly recommended. You must also ask every help or pixel art request in their appropriate sub-forum to not get ignored.
    • (DJ) When showcasing your project, ensure you have gameplay screenshots or clear description of what your game is so that it gets more attention.
    • (Hayleia) Don't lock your topic as soon as you get an answer that solved your problem. Some people might have the same problem but problems with the solution too.
    • (DJ) When negatively criticizing somebody or his work, if you abuse smileys, colors, spelling mistakes and weird formating, people will not take you seriously.
    • (DJ) People on Omni tend to pay less attention to you and your projects if you are rude.
    • (DJ) It's generally recommended to keep a certain level of quality when posting programs. Although Omni members generally don't bash people's work, don't expect replies for a quad solver.
    • (DJ) People here absolutely despise the concept of charging money for a calculator game. Exceptions: Donations, merch, OST and unlockable extras such as bonus dungeons.
    • (DJ) People hate it a lot when someone asks help doing illegal (law or school-wise) stuff.
    [/list]2) IRC
    • Respect the other users in IRC.
    • No abuse of "THE GAME"s or rickrolls in #omnimaga (you can do so, but only occasionally)
    • If you really feel like that kind of spam, there's #omnimaga-spam
    • Spelling and grammar are a bit more lax, but please attempt to use proper grammar and spelling (exception: signing on and off)
    3) Issues/Complaints/Requests
    • Since a bit before the site upgrade, there have been a few forms added for issues/complaints/requests, use them. They are and
    • Please use the aforementioned links instead of PMing the mods, DJ, or Juju. It annoys them.
    • Don't create issue/complaint/request topics either. The mods won't always see them.
    4) Other
    • Don't pester members about viewing your projects in #omnimaga or in PMs. You can point it out to them once on IRC if you want them to see your project, but not immediately after Omnom announces your post.
    • Be nice.
    • Ask questions.
    • Give answers.
    • Have fun.
    And one last thing: Don't be discouraged by members trying to correct your behavior or something that you said. They're trying to help you not make those mistakes in the future, as well has helping you become a better member. Maybe you'll end up doing the same thing later.

    Personally, I'm excited for this. I fell out of the Pokemon from bad experiences in Gens V and VI. I'm also prepared to finally play in the games from Gen III.

    I actually liked V and VI more than Gen III/IV (with the exception of Platinum and Emerald). I want an Emerald remake more than anything, really.

    I actually predicted this back when X and Y first came out. Yeah, I'm excited.

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