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Messages - pimathbrainiac

Pages: 1 ... 33 34 [35] 36 37 ... 125
I still hold the record :P

Seriously, don't necro unless it is truly a productive necro. Thanks.

Because GitHub is programmer-oriented. This is about reaching to a broader audience. Also reasons previously mentioned in the topic.

Can't really help reliably bit it sounds like a good idea. ;)
You shouldn't put your email in clear mike that though (spam ::)).

You can still contribute :P
Edited to be put in a spoiler code thingymabob.

Sounds like a sweat idea! Too bad I can't help as i'm too busy currently >.<

Darn it, I was hoping you'd help me with the website and with the sql/server stuffs! :P

Oh by the way. Git is very versatile and I think it's not worth reinventing the wheel. A dedicated website separate from github would be a good idea though since that is for code while books are totally different.

Fair enough, but git is also very programmer-oriented and most authors are not as such. I want this to appeal and be easy to use for everyone :D
I wish to make both a dedicated web and computer interfaces. I'll need some help with GUI frontend stuff for the computer interface (yes, in Java).

You could use github for anything, though :P


True but Github is very programming oriented. Also Pimath's ideas require that a new site be made since it's probably not in Github's goals. ;)

Very true. Thanks for the help and feedback so far!

Do you think you can help with any of the programming/web design?

This is also a call for help post, you know :D

I just had the best idea ever, and I need some help to get it off the ground.

The idea is called "Open Book Ware." To put it in short: Github for authors. It will work like Github in that a project will start, people will contribute with branches, the project starter(s) will merge branches, etc.

Ideally, the best complete books/stories will go off to publishing and the money from those books will go to charity/charities of the author's/authors' choosing (This would be way off in the future).

That said: I need help. If some of you would like to help with the website front-end, server/database back-end, etc., that would be very helpful. In addition, I'm going to try to make a git-like client for Open Book Ware.

So whaddaya say? Willing to give me help? PM me or email me at
Spoiler For Spoiler:

Let's do this! :D

Miscellaneous / Re: So how did you get into calc programming?
« on: March 25, 2014, 11:27:18 pm »
I think Pimath made a topic about that already. ;)

Yes I did. No idea where or when, though.

News / Re: Project Section Updates
« on: March 24, 2014, 07:28:52 am »
Okay, so this is a necropost, but imagine some new member doing it to this topic instead of me because it was easy to find in and they were obsessed with nercoposting. I, personally, see this as a flaw in showing all of the topics in the recent posts section.
Long story short: will an admin kindly limit the number of posts seen in the recent posts section unless said member is a mod?

Thank you.

EDIT: Other than that, I love the new (read: updated) recent posts feature, but this should come first, imo.

News / Re: Smf Upgrade - The Dawn of a New Era
« on: March 13, 2014, 05:35:21 pm »
Hey - can we just cut it out? Am I the only one here who thinks it's pointless?

The site's a work in progress. We all know it. Let's just stop all the "requests" that are on the admins' agenda that is here:

Music Showcase / Re: Pimath's WIP Music Topic
« on: March 13, 2014, 05:22:40 am »
Though not WIP, it's too short to make its own topic:

It's an experiment with mixed meter and a pseudo-progressive style. I hope you guys enjoy!

Math and Science / Cosmos is Back!
« on: March 09, 2014, 09:26:48 pm »
I have seriously not been so excited about a TV thingymabob in my whole life.

Cosmos. Discuss.

Humour and Jokes / Re: If there was tech support in botswana...
« on: March 05, 2014, 07:47:25 pm »
Watch Runerbot Plays Pokemon instead.

Runerbot still hasn't done so well...

Humour and Jokes / Re: If there was tech support in botswana...
« on: March 05, 2014, 07:42:33 pm »
Learn 9001

I only have room for 4

« on: March 05, 2014, 05:42:41 pm »

Also: expect an update within a week.
Also also: I'm back! (If you didn't know that already :P)

Other / Re: Arduino Computer
« on: February 24, 2014, 08:04:32 pm »
This looks cool. Will you eventually release a how-to? :D

Web Programming and Design / Re: eZ8 programming website
« on: February 24, 2014, 07:48:53 pm »
If an Arduino can do it (and it does :P), an eZ80 should be able to do it, no problem :D

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